Chapter 41: More Hugs

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After crying and hugging Shinsou for a few minutes, you felt much better.

"I'm sorry, Hitoshi... Here I am crying because I couldn't get into the top two when I made it further than you..." You clench the material of your pants in your hands.

"Don't worry about it. I know this meant a lot to you. But it'll be okay. Your brother will talk to you. You just need to give him some more time. I'm sure you'll reach him soon."

"My aunt sent me a picture earlier... He was watching my fight against Mina in my bedroom back home." You smile.

"See? That's progress!" Shinsou says. "I know it's really tough, but I'm sure he'll be talking to you in no time. He can't be feeling good keeping to himself for so long... And just think! When you are talking again, you'll both have so much to tell each other!"

You smile and wipe the tears from your face. "Right!"

"Your match is soon. If you hold some cool water over your eyes it'll help hide the redness." He tells you.


"And I'll fix your hair," he chuckles. It was all messy from your fights.

Gently, he took your hair in his hands, and combed through it with his fingers. You held some cold water around your finger tips and placed them over your eyes as he worked.

It was relaxing feeling his fingers remove the tangles. You could feel your heart rate slow down with each stroke. Being with Shinsou always calmed you down and made you happy.

When Shinsou finished, he asked for a hair tie.

"Is it that bad?" You ask.

"No, but this way it won't get so tangled again." He chuckles. "Plus, it looks pretty like this."

Both of your faces go red as you realize what he said.

"Pretty- pretty- pretty cool!! Cool! Cool! It looks pretty cool!"

"O-oh, thanks!" You smile at him and covers his nose and mouth with his hand. The tips of his ears were bright red against his purple hair.

You chuckle at his flustered attitude. "You don't have to be so flustered for stammering," you smile.

"That's not- uh, yeah, sorry, I'm just a bit flustered..."

"Sorry... I sure cried a lot..." You say.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm always here for you." Shinsou places his hands on your shoulders. "Plus, you're tough as fuck. And I'm not just talking about physically. The fact that you can fight so hard for what you believe in, and how you're able to work so hard after all that you've gone through... It's incredible. Being able to cry when you're sad is strong, too. Admitting you feel like crap, but still pushing through it is one of your best qualities, Y/n."

Tears begin to form in you eyes again, and you quickly brush them away.

"Oh crap! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry!"

"No, no, don't worry. They're happy tears. Thank you, Hitoshi. That means the world to me." You smile up at the purple haired boy once more.

"Y-yeah...! Of course!" Shinsou's face goes red again, and he waves his hand in front of it.

"Are you ready everyone?! The battle for third place will be starting in ten minutes, so if you have to go to the bathroom, hurry up!! It may not be the finals, but this is definitely a match you won't want to miss!!"

"Oh... I'd better get ready to head out there..."

"Sorry, you didn't get to prepare..."

"No! This was perfect! Thank you, Shinsou. I feel much better now." You give him one last smile before heading to the prep room. You open the door to find Bakugou.

"Ah! Bakugou!"

"Oh... Y/n..."

You awkwardly grab your water bottle from the shelf. He totally heard me crying like a little baby!! I'm so embarrassed!!!

You go to exit the room, but before he can, Bakugou pins you against the door.

You feel your face flush bright red as the boy stares at you.

"B-Bakugou...? Is something wrong?"

"That was a tough match. The first time I've ever struggled to win, hell I thought I might even lose. Don't think you're not good enough."

You look up at Bakugou, and his face is completely serious.


He nods. "So go out there and kick that four eyes' ass and show those pros you won't let one loss get you down. Show them how tough I know you are."

"Thank you, Bakugou." You smile. "But did you really have to pin me to the wall to say that?"

You laugh as Bakugou goes red and begins to stammer. He takes a step back and looks to the left.

"I- I just-"

You halt his flustered stammering with another quick hug.

"I really appreciate it, Bakugou. And thank you for not going easy on me."

"Whatever... It's what anyone would do..."

"Yeah, but you're not just anyone."

Bakugou's face goes even more red as he hears your words.

"Huh- What-"

"You're going to be number one, aren't you? That's what you kept saying earlier." You chuckle. "So you'd better beat Todoroki after I beat Iida so we can stand next to each other on the podium. I won't be happy if you lose."

"Tch, you bet!"

You give him one last smile and open the door. Before it closes behind you, you say, "And Bakugou, if you do lose, I'll tell everyone just how sweet you really are!"

Bakugou's mood flips in an instant. He slams the door open and yells, "Don't you fucking dare!!!" as you sprint down the hall laughing.

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