Chapter 62: Aftermath of The Hero Killer

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While the three boys had been left in the care of Hosu General Hospital, you were taken to one of the major hospitals in Tokyo due to the severity of your injuries. UA even arranged for Recovery Girl to be flown in to help assist in your healing after surgery.

It was a few days before you woke up, and when you do, your aunt is asleep with her head on your bed. Her hair drapes over her face, but you can recognize her anywhere.

"Auntie...?" You groan as you struggle to open your eyes.

Mandalay shoots her head up in shock and tackles you into a hug. "You are in so much trouble!!"

"What are you doing here??" You ask.

"What am I doing here?! Are you kidding me?! What are you doing in the hospital?!! We've been worried sick!! I had to talk to the Hosu police chief and Firetamer thanks to your antics!!"

"I'm sorry..."

She sighs. "I'm just glad you made it out alive," she pushes your hair out of your face as her eyes fill with tears.

You hadn't noticed when you had woken up, but her eyes were already puffy and red, and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"I'm sorry, Auntie..."

"Don't ever scare me like that again! I can't lose you, too...!"

"I won't..."

Mandalay sighs again. "Don't worry about explaining, I got the full report on what actually happened, not the one they published."

"What do you mean?"

"You and your friends broke some serious laws, kiddo. Your friends agreed to keep their mouths shut and let Endeavor take credit for taking down the Hero Killer to avoid punishment. Since you were still unconscious, you were kept out of the discussion. Everyone else involved had to sign some paperwork saying they wouldn't tell either. The only reason they told me what really happened is because I was about to break a few laws myself if they weren't honest with me." She rubs her fist against her leg.

"How'd you know they were lying? Wait, how long was I out for?"

"It's been a few days, and I mean, look at you. It was obvious when I got here and saw your medical report. That many knife wounds with frostbite around them... Not to mention how dehydrated you were... I could tell you had put up a fight. I recognized the signs."

"Does that mean my friends are okay?"

"Yeah they're alright from what I heard. You owe them a big thank you, as well as that guy from Firetamer's agency. He and Endeavor's son saved your life. I think your classmates have already been released by now. You sit tight, I'm going to go grab your doctor. They'll want to do some more tests and see how you're holding up."

You nod as your aunt gets up and leaves the room. Lifting your top, you feel bandages around your abdomen and wince in pain. You can feel bandages around your thigh where the blade had gone into it. It didn't hurt as much as the one on your abdomen.

The door slides open and a woman wearing scrubs leads your aunt back into the room. She flips through papers on her clipboard and sighs as she reads it.

"You're one lucky kid, you know that? Getting stabbed in the abdomen is often fatal. It was smart to keep the blades in, but giving yourself frostbite? Not so much. Thankfully Firetamer's sidekick was there to do first aid while he brought you here, or it would have been a much darker report. Not to mention Recovery Girl managed to heal most of the affected skin."

"We owe a lot to them..." Mandalay says.

The doctor continues, "I've already spoken to Recovery Girl about your aftercare; you'll be staying on campus for a few days upon getting back and visiting her for daily healing sessions. You're not to be doing any sort of strenuous activity until your wounds are fully healed, got it?"

You nod and the doctor continues to go over everything with you and your Aunt. The next day, you're discharged from the hospital and Mandalay takes you back to campus.

When the two of you arrive, Aizawa greets you. "Mandalay, good to see you again."

"You look as cheerful as ever, Eraser."

"Yes, well, it's hard to be in a good mood when almost a fifth of my students are coming back from their placements fresh from the hospital." He sighs.

"I'm sorry, sir..."

He rubs the side of his head with one hand and takes a deep breath. "...Let's get you to Recovery Girl. I'll be helping her keep an eye on you for the next few days while you're on campus."

You and your aunt follow Aizawa through the gate and towards the building.

"Oh right, there's someone here waiting to see you." Aizawa says.

"Y/n?! Oh my god!!!"

You look past Aizawa and spot a familiar purple haired boy running towards you. As he reaches you, he pulls you into a tight hug, knocking the air out of you.

"Hitoshi!" You gasp.

"I've been worried sick! I saw you on the news!! I can't believe Endeavor saved you and those kids in your class from the Hero Killer!!"

Aizawa pushes Shinsou off of you. "Relax, she's still injured."

"Sorry! Shit, I've been up all week waiting to hear from you!"

"Oh right, I'm sorry! I guess my phone shattered during the fight, I still haven't gotten a new one." You tell him.

"Don't worry about that," Mandalay says. "I already bought you a new one. I was going to give it to you once we got you settled inside."

"Really?? Thank you so much, Auntie!!"

"Yeah, don't think of it as a reward! I want you updating me every single day on how you're doing! If you don't, I'm coming back down myself to check on you!"

You shudder at the thought of how scary your aunt can be and assure her you won't forget.

"Enough chatter, Recovery Girl is waiting. Shinsou, grab Y/n's things for her." Aizawa says.

"My things?"

"Firetamer's agency already sent all of your belongings back to the school. Do you need anything else from your apartment?"

"I could use some more clothes..."

"I'll get them before I head out." Mandalay tells you.

With that, Shinsou reluctantly heads off and Aizawa leads you and your aunt to Recovery Girl's office for your first checkup.


Hey guys! To celebrate making it number one in both #bakugoukatsuki and #bnhaxreader (even if it was only briefly for each) I'm going to be publishing two chapters for this week! I'd like to start making it a regular thing if I can, depending on how quickly I can write the chapters for the movie since I totally forgot about it! I am still in school and have midterms coming up already, but I'm hoping it won't take me too long! I already have everything written until the second day of summer camp, so once I get the movie done there will be no issues there.

Thank you so much to everyone who votes and comments! I appreciate it so so much! I know the my hero fandom is only a fraction of what it was when I was first writing this, so I appreciate every one of you!!

Thank you so much for reading, and I'll post again in a few days! I'll try to get most of the movie written by then!

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