Chapter 105: It's Time To Test Your Courage, Kids!

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Wonder what tonight will be like... You think to yourself as you shower and get changed into your casual clothes. The necklace Todoroki had given you catches your eye, and you put it on. The only times you take it off are when you're training and don't want to risk ruining it. Your bands from Engitech however, stay on pretty much permanently, even when showering most days. Thankfully they don't move around, or everyone would see the harsh tan lines you had already gotten from wearing them in the sun.

You throw on a pair of bike shorts and a tank top, and slip a button up on as a cover-up after debating between that and a hoodie. It's way too hot for that...

Leaving it undone, you step outside and find the boys already getting things set up. Kota is sitting off to the side, and stalks off towards the hill when he sees you come out. As you make your way over to your classmates, the girls start to trickle out and join in helping.

"Y/n, perfect timing! Water please!" Kaminari says.

"Yeah, yeah." You roll up your sleeves and fill the pots with water. Hmm... I used up a lot of water today without replenishing it... I'll have to make sure I drink extra before bed tonight... Don't want to be too dehydrated... I'm sure I'll be fine if I wait until after our test of courage though... Seems like it'll be more goofing off than anything...

"Can you heat it up, too?"

"She's not your damn water faucet or heater!" Bakugou tells Kaminari. "Just use the damn fire!"

"Sheesh, I was just asking." Kaminari says. "Why are you so protective of Y/n?"

"It's all good guys, I don't mind. What's one more time for the night?" You heat the water for Kaminari. "Anyways, it means we'll all get to eat sooner if I do. I'll have all night to replenish my water and rest up."

Bakugou chops the veggies with slightly more aggression after Kaminari's comment, but stays silent. Uraraka makes her way over to where you all are and stares at Bakugou's handiwork.

"Woah! Bakugou, I'm really surprised! You're like a pro with a kitchen knife!"

"Surprised?! How the hell can you be bad with a kitchen knife?!"

You laugh at Bakugou's reaction. "She's right though, you really are good with a knife. Way better than me. I'll have to get you to give me some tips."

Behind Bakugou, Mina makes faces at you, and although Hagekure is invisible, you just know she is, too. You give them a joking dirty look and stick your tongue out at the pair.

"Tch, whatever. Just watch what I'm doing."

"What's up with you, being all nice?" Kaminari says. "Must be in a good mood since it's been so long since you were actually complimented for anything." He snickers.

"Shaddup!!!" Bakugou slams his knife into the cutting board with so much force that you're surprised it hasn't split yet. Still, each piece is consistently sized.

"How do you do that...?" You step around to peer over his shoulder and try to copy him.

"How do you guys have so much energy...?" Kirishima grumbles.

"Not used to you being grumpy, too." Mina says. "Grumpyshima."

You chuckle at her nickname, and go back to watching Bakugou. "You're going so fast I can't even see what you're doing."

Bakugou grunts but slows down, so you can watch him. "You're holding them both wrong." The blond sets his knife and potato down and places his hands around yours. "Hold the potato like this, or you'll cut your fingers."

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