Chapter 125: Finally Safe

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The next few days passed by in a blur, with you fading in and out of dissociation due to the torturous experience you endured. Between surgeries, healing sessions, learning of the Symbol of Peace's fall, talks with the police, and meetings with a psychiatrist, everything blended into one long neverending event. The doctor who had been taking care of your clone had nearly burst into tears when you first arrived, and he apologized profusely for not being able to stop her from, well, going kersplat. Mandalay showed you the new phone she bought for you as well as the messages your clone left for you. It was weird seeing how identical she looked, not to mention hearing your voice speak from her lips. She had even set up your phone exactly as you would have. It was a little weirdly therapeutic in a way.

Everyone unanimously decided it would be best for Kota to wait until your injuries had been healed a bit before seeing you, but you were still able to video chat with him. As far as he knew, you had never been kidnapped. That's all anyone knew, aside from the police and a handful of heroes and doctors. Watching a recording of Aizawa and Vlad's conference with the principal over the attack and Bakugou's kidnapping made you agree quickly that it was best if the world didn't know. A small seed of doubt had begun to form inside your head, however. Was this part of what Dabi was referring to when he said heroes aren't as honest as they claim to be?

Poor Recovery Girl had nearly collapsed when she saw the state you were in. You almost apologized to her for getting tortured. She was able to heal most of your injuries while you were still hospitalized, however, your hands and feet were another story. Something good did come out of it at least. Thanks to Dabi burning them, the doctors were able to determine more of the specifics of your quirk. The water you generate is expelled through your body via your sweat glands. It explains why you have a habit of freezing over or steaming up, as well as why it's easiest for you to generate it from your hands and feet. Surgeries were performed to help fix your sweat glands that were burned away, but only time would tell how much your quirk would be impacted. Sweat glands don't exactly regrow, and if you had been burned only a little deeper, you would have been unable to expel water from your palms and soles ever again.

In order to get you back on your feet (quite literally) as soon as possible, Recovery Girl was able to heal the skin on your feet enough for limited walking. Your hands, however, would remain bandaged and in mitts for a while longer until she was confident the other more serious injuries were fine. Until then, your hands are healing the old fashioned way, aside from a very basic wound closing.

Before leaving the hospital, Aizawa and your aunt had sat down and told you of UA's plans to convert to a dormitory system, much to your aunt's relief. Mandalay organized for everything to be packed up, and Aizawa was entrusted along with Shinso to oversee everything as you still needed to wait before being discharged. It was odd not being there to say goodbye to your little apartment, but Shinso made sure to send you updates and a little goodbye video of it empty.

Eventually, it was time to be discharged. Thankfully, at this point your feet had been mostly healed, and standing wasn't too difficult. No one was quite sure where the League Villains had disappeared off to, so there were still concerns over your safety. Due to that, a certain feathered hero had been put in charge of escorting you to campus. The Hero Commission had sent a team of heroes and police to the building Dabi was keeping you captive in and collected evidence of your capture while they waited for them to come back for you, but they never did. It really was for the best that you defeated Dabi's clone, because who knows what would have happened otherwise.

Back to the present, Hawks is insisting on stopping for lunch as you arrive back in town.

"Come on, it'll be my treat! After all that flying, I'm starved!" He says.

"Should I really be out?" You ask.

"I'm here to make sure you don't get hurt or nabbed again. You'll be fine. I'm not the number three for nothing!"

"Aren't you the number two hero now that All Might is retired?"

"Well, technically, yeah. But it's not official yet. We'll have to wait for the next billboard for that. But after that flattery, I'm definitely getting us some good lunch!" He laughs.

You can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm, and he gets you to pull up a map on your phone. Surprisingly, the mitts you are wearing are touch screen compatible. "Is this the place?" You ask.

"That's it! I've heard they have great fried chicken there! I can't wait to try it!" He drools.

"Isn't that... Like... Cannibalism or something?"

Hawks lets out a hearty laugh as he follows the directions. "Not at all! I may have wings, but I'm still human! Besides, hawks eat chickens all the time."

Thankfully the restaurant is empty aside from the staff when you arrive. They fawn over Hawks, and recognize you from the sports festival. They get photos with Hawks of him enjoying the food, and you make sure you're as far out of the frame as possible.

Once you've eaten and leave the restaurant, Hawks turns to you. "You know, you're going to have to get used to the popularity soon. I can already tell you're going to be a big deal once you've gone pro. Maybe even before that."

"You really think so?" You ask. "I mean I'd love to be as strong as you one day, but I don't know if I could handle all of the attention."

"Being the strongest comes with a lot of responsibility that isn't much fun. Just look at what happened to All Might and all of the pressure that's on Endeavor now. If it were up to me, heroes would spend more time relaxing than fighting." He sighs.

"So what you're saying is you wanna lounge around all day, hmm?" You laugh. "Not great to hear from the number two hero."

"That's the ideal life. A world where heroes have time to kill.

You pause and look over at him. Hawks has a big goofy grin on his face, but his eyes are full of longing and hope for the future he envisions. “Yeah...” You think of your parents and all of the hardships the heroes you know have undergone. “That would be nice...”

Hawks checks the time on his phone. “Oh, looks like we’d better hurry. Your classmates should be arriving on campus any minute now.” He scoops you up his arms and takes off into the air. The two of you fly towards the school, and you gape at the giant dormitory buildings.

“Holy crap... Is that entire building really just for my class?”

“UA never fails to show off, huh? That principal of yours really knows how to spend his money.” Hawks says.

“Oh, there’s my class! Looks like Aizawa’s already giving them a lecture.”

“Right, I don’t think you heard. Some of your friends snuck in and were the ones who actually rescued that Bakugou kid.”

“Why am I not surprised...” You sigh. “I bet Midoriya and Kirishima were in on it, weren’t they?”

“Endeavor’s son and two others, too. Glasses and ponytail I think.”

“You mean Momo? With the black hair?”

“Yeah, that’s the one! She stuck a tracker on the Nomu that was there with you guys.”

“Wait, there was a Nomu?!”

Hawks laughs. “Yeah, I don’t think it really did much though.”

“Hm, it looks like he’s really going hard on them...” You say, and Hawks gives you a mischievous grin from above you as he flaps his wings.

“Wanna surprise them?”

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