154: Semester Two Starts

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“Finally ready!” You announce to your classmates as you exit the elevator.

“Phew, thought we were going to have to leave you behind.” Sero laughs as you run down the hall towards the rest of the class at the front doors.

“I totally slept in!! I was up way too late...” You groan as you reach them.

“I can't believe you caught Bakugou and Midoriya fighting and didn't even get a video of it.” Kaminari laughs. “Surprised you didn't get grounded, too, for going out there in the first place.”

“Oh it was close...” You sigh. “Aizawa was reaching Mic levels. Thought I was going to die.”

“Yeah, glad I wasn't there for that.” Kaminari laughs.

“Everyone! Let us go! We don't need to be late for the opening ceremony!” Iida says. Everyone agrees and heads out together.

“Was the fight bad?” Kirishima asks.

“Well... It was definitely honest. That's why I didn't stop them. They were actually communicating for the first time ever.”

“Man... Those two really get each other riled up, huh?” Kirishima sighs.

“I think it's hilarious that they're on maid duty.” Kaminari laughs.

“Yeah, it's like a reward for us.” Sero jokes.

“I feel kind of bad honestly...” You admit. “I feel like I should have gotten some kind of punishment. I let them keep fighting after all.”

“Don't question a blessing. Now you get to go to the opening ceremony with us!” Sero smiles.

“How long do you think the principal will talk this time?” You laugh.

“I dunno, the more time the better.” Kaminari replies. The four of you walk into the building with the rest of your classmates and change your shoes at your lockers.

“Listen up!! Everyone will need to get back in line quickly to not screw things up! Time to head for the grounds!!” Iida shouts.

“You're the only screwy one around here.” Sero chuckles.

“As class president, such is my burden!!”

“So Aizawa isn't coming to the opening ceremony?” Uraraka asks behind you. “Must be busy.”

You think back to the night before and nod. “Yeah, I think he is...”

“Well, things are a little bit different compared to last April.” Ojiro says.

“Hey, Class A! I heard the news!” Leaning against one of the lockers is none other than Class 1A’s biggest hater (lover): Monoma. “Two of you!! I heard that two of you failed the licensing exam!!”

“Ah, Monoma. You're just as charming as ever.” Kaminari rolls his eyes.

“Wait... Don't tell me... Were you the only one in your class to fail again?” Kirishima snides, causing Monoma to laugh and turn around. “What? Not gonna answer??”

“Every single one of us passed. The tables are turning, Class A.” Monoma dramatically spins around, striking a pose. Kendo looks irritated on one side of him, and Tetsutetsu enthusiastically waves at you.

“Sorry you guys...” Todoroki grits his teeth.

“It's really not that serious, Shoto.” You say and wave back to Tetsutetsu.

“Yeah, he's the one making a contest out of this. Don't sweat it, man!” Kirishima tells him.

“Our teacher Vlad says we will have classes together this term. It will be much fun!” Pony says. Monoma leans over towards her and whispers something in her ear.

“Ooh!! I'm ready and raring to go!” Kirishima smiles. “Tetsutetsu, we'll get a rematch!”

“I'll kick your butt!!”

“We are going to... Grind you into dust...?” Pony says, checking for Monoma's approval. As he hollers laughing, Kendo smacks him.

“Quit teaching her rude sayings.”

“Hey! The line’s backing up here.”

“Hitoshi!!” You smile. You give him a wave from your spot as you adjust the covering on your arm. His cool guy attitude is ruined for a second as he reluctantly waves back at your cute smile.

“So very sorry!!!” Iida shouts. “Enough idle chatter, everyone! We're holding up the precession!”

“Right away, Prez.” Sero lazily salutes and Kaminari laughs.

“Gotcha, Bossman.”

“Good to see how lame you guys really are.” Shinso says, living up to his cold guy ideals. You chuckle at Sero and Kaminari's faces as he says it, making Shinso have to fight a grin.

Once you turn back around, his classmates elbow him and go, “Hitoshiiii~!” as they pretend to faint on him. Embarrassed and not wanting any of your classmates to see, he shoves them off. Sero, however, notices it. As your class goes to leave, Sero catches up with you, and slings his arm over your shoulders. He gives you a big grin as he leans in, and makes eye contact with Shinso as he does. Shinso watches, agitated, and his classmates stop bugging him. You don't notice Sero's gaze, and smile while you talk to him as you leave. While he wanted to annoy Shinso, all he said to you was that your best friend looked tougher than he did back at the sports festival. Sero didn't know, however, that Shinso can read lips, so his agitation lowers a little bit.

Soon, everyone is lined up outside for the opening ceremony. You wave at Kendo and try to see past Iida in front of you. After failing, you turn back again to search for Shinso. You finally spot him and stare at him, waiting for him to notice. His classmates notice before him, and struggle to hold back laughter. Eventually, one of them nudges him, and his face goes red when he realizes. He gives you a small and embarrassed wave, and you give him a huge grin back. You turn back around to try seeing past Iida again, and Shinso's classmates snicker at him as the principal begins.

“Hello! It's everyone's favourite small mammalian principal!” Nezu goes on about this and that for a few minutes, talking about fur quality, eating zinc, and sleeping among other things. Finally, he gets to the point. “The biggest recent disruption to our lifestyles, as you all know, was the incident that took place over the summer. The loss of our pillar. We're seeing the effects of that emerging at a rate beyond expectations. Our society needs to prepare for unparalleled hardships in the near future. This applies even more so to those of you in the hero course, especially you second and third years on work studies. Going forward we must be more aware than ever of the threats out there. Such gloomy talk makes us all heavy-hearted, I know, which is why we adults are doing our best to keep things from getting too dreary. We hope to inspire an industrious ethic in you young students so that you may go on to become capable members of society. The business course, the general studies course, the support course, and the hero course: do not forget that it's all of you who will inherit this society.” The principal says. He thanks everyone and steps off of the stage next to Vlad. “I kept it nice and short huh? That'll prove them all wrong about me.”

“Very good, sir.” Vlad says, and you can't help but chuckle. There are a few more speeches and announcements, but nothing interesting until it's Hound Dog’s turn.

He adjusts the mic when he walks on stage. “Grrrrrr... Yesterrrrr... Grrrr...” He manages to say the odd words, like unaccustomed and dorm life between growls and barks before howling furiously. His outburst seems to have tired him out, because Vlad comes over to check on him as he catches his breath.

“Um... What he was trying to say was, ‘We had a fight between students who snuck out of their dorms last night. We understand that some of you are unaccustomed to dorm life, but we ask you to please control yourselves and make this easier for everyone.” Vlad explains.

“They're treating Midoriya and Bakugou like a couple of naughty children...” Momo says.

You can't hold back a laugh. “Well, they kind of are.”

“Everyone get to class, starting with the third years.” Vlad instructs. You watch them leave, dejected that you'll be the last to leave.

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