Chapter 113: Interrogation Time

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"I... Am I seriously under suspicion?" You ask.

"You're our main suspect. Now, tell me exactly what happened. There is a student missing. We don't have time to play around."

Shit...! I forgot about Bakugou... Do they seriously think I helped them kidnap him?!

"I swear, I didn't lie! Once they left, I headed down the cliff to the stream. I needed to replenish my water, especially if I wanted to put out any fires, so I headed there first. We did so much training the past few days plus fighting that villain... I hardly had any left. I got there and was drinking from the stream in the clearing, and that's when the two villains, Dabi and Twice showed up. My head is killing me, so the specifics are a little fuzzy, but Twice made a clone of Dabi. He hung back while they attacked me, and I ended up standing in the stream. I couldn't run because they lit fires behind me, and I was blocking them from burning me with the water from the stream. I tried attacking them too, but with my arm... I managed to freeze the two Dabi's when they got close enough to the water, but then a third appeared. I think the real one was hiding the entire time, and both of the others were clones because they dissolved in the ice..."

"Then what happened?" The detective looks up from his notebook as he details your testimony.

"I'm not sure... He burned my hands... And then he knocked me out. He hit the back of my head. Next thing I knew, Aizawa had found me and was shaking me awake."

"Then what about these?" He holds up two evidence bags, and two bat bracelets are inside. One is snapped and charred, while the other only has minimal damage to it. It was the one you were wearing.

"I have no idea...!"

"When you saw the various 'Dabi's' as you call him, what did they look like?"

"Well... He had black hair, lots of purple burn scars, blue eyes... And his skin was stapled or something where the burns and regular skin met. It was like he was falling apart almost..."

"Not quite what I meant... But useful nonetheless. What I meant was... Were they identical?"

"Well... Yeah I think so. I mean, I only got a good look at the first two really. I didn't get to look at the last one because he was holding fire up to my face. Twice touched the first Dabi's shoulder, and then the other Dabi appeared from him." Pain flares up in your chest, and you hunch forward, trying not to vomit from the sensation. "Oww...!"

"You broke several ribs. It's best to be careful."

As you lean forward, you notice something strange. "Wait... My hair...?"

"Ah yes, it looks like it got burned shorter. You didn't realize?"

"But my hair wasn't burned when he knocked me out..." You say. "He had only burned my hands..."

The detective gives you a long stare before sighing. "I don't know what to tell you, kid. Eraser, Mandalay. You're good to come over."


"Thanks, Tsukauchi." Aizawa says as he steps into view.

"Wait... Tsukauchi...? I know you!" You recognize the man as the detective All Might is friends with. "I gave you the USB after USJ!"

"Yes, that's me."

"Was this all just a test then?" You ask.

"Not quite. We still needed to make sure we could trust you." Aizawa says.*

"How are you feeling, dear?" Your aunt asks.

"Well... I'd feel a whole lot better if I knew what was going on and wasn't being treated like a criminal...!"

"I'm sorry, but you need to stay in there a bit longer while we sort everything out..."

"Give us a few hours to fill out the paperwork, and then we'll bring you into the hospital for some testing." Aizawa sighs. "As if Bakugou wasn't enough..."

"Hang in there, dear."

"How is Kota? Are the others okay? Is Midoriya alright?" You ask.

"They're all fine. Thank you for protecting him, Y/n... But you need to take better care of yourself."

"Midoriya and several of the other students got severely injured. Many of the students in Class B were knocked out by the gas, as well as some of ours. It's a miracle Midoriya made it out alive considering the extent of his injuries."

You breathe a sigh of relief. "But... How'd they get Bakugou...?"

"They wanted him alive. We're sure of that. Midoriya, Todoroki, and a few of the others were there when he was taken and the villains escaped."

You feel your heart break for Midoriya. You know how much it must have killed him to have Bakugou taken away in front of him.

"There is good news to come from that, though." Detective Tsukauchi says.

"What could possibly be good about that?" You ask.

"None of your classmates saw any traces of you with the villain you described. In fact, no one had seen you between Midoriya leaving you and Aizawa finding you."

"So you think... I really am me?" You ask. "I would know, wouldn't I?"

"We haven't ruled it out yet, but there is a possibility. However..."

Mandalay shares a sad look with the two men. "It's Ragdoll..."


Your aunt nods, holding back tears. "We don't know what happened to her. None of the students saw her with the villains as they warped away, but the last time she was seen was at the checkpoint before the villains attacked. We scoured the entire forest, but all we could find was a giant bloodstain at the table..."

"That's just like me...!" You whisper.

The adults look up in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"There was a big blood stain on the ground where Dabi had knocked me out... Wait... Was there blood leading from it to where I woke up?!"

Aizawa's eyes widen. "No... There wasn't. It trailed off in another direction...!"

Cold seeps through your body, and you stare down at yourself, reeling over your realization. "That means I was moved from somewhere other than the stream."

"What are you suggesting...?"

"I'm still wearing my necklace."

"So? Why would they take it?"

"Dabi made a comment about it. Something about it... Crap, I can't remember what he said...! But... He said I was on the kill list."

"But you were left alive..."

"Exactly! He said he didn't care about it though, and that he had a different plan for me...!"

"Y/n..." Your aunt's eyes widen as she and the two men stare at you.

"...I'm the clone."


*Aizawa (and me) after accusing you of being a villain:

*Aizawa (and me) after accusing you of being a villain:

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