137: The Other Schools

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“I'm so nervous...!” Jiro says from in front of you.

“You'll do great, Jiro!!” You assure her. “We're all going to kick some serious ass!!!”

Your classmates grin back at you from their seats on the bus and agree. Sero rests his hands behind his head beside you and nods. “We're not going to let it be a repeat of the practical exam.”

“Everyone, gather your things. We'll be there any minute.” Aizawa says as the bus pulls off of the highway. Iida repeats his instructions, and you all tidy up your seats and gather your belongings. Soon, the bus pulls up in front of a large stadium. There are several other buses along the road. “Everyone out. We're here.”

Aizawa steps off of the bus, and everyone follows. “Woah! This place is huge! It's just like USJ!” You say.

“Even bigger.” Sero corrects you.

“This is our testing site, the National Takoba Arena.” Aizawa says.

“I'm getting really nervous now.” Jiro groans.

“Takoba Arena, huh...” Midoriya looks as nervous as Jiro. “It's a lot bigger in person. That makes sense considering how many students take the exam at a time...”

“We still have no clue what the test is about. Can we really earn our licenses?” Mineta asks.

Aizawa leans down towards him. “Mineta. It's not a matter of can. You will.”

“R-Right!! Of course!!” He doesn't look convinced.

“When you earn your provisional licenses by passing this test today, you won't be mere eggs anymore, but fully fledged hatchlings... Reborn as semi-pros. Show them your best.”

Excited, everyone cheers in your little huddle. “Yeah!! We're going to hatch from those eggs for sure today!!!”

“Everyone, it is time for our cheer!” Iida says. “All together now!”

“Plus...!” You and Sero swing an arm around each other and get ready to raise your fists in the air.

“Ultra!!!!!!!” A booming voice hollers from behind Kirishima on the other side of Sero, and you jump in surprise.

“What the–?!” Everyone turns to look, and there's a student from another school standing there. He's extremely tall, and wearing a hat. His classmates walk up.

“It's bad manners to intrude on another group's huddle, Inasa.” A boy with purple hair and a matching hat says.

“Ah, you're right!! I am so... Very... Sorry!!!!!”

You gasp as he bows so far forward that his head slams into the ground. Everyone jumps even further back, and you drop your briefcase in shock. “Are you okay??? You're bleeding!!”

The boy, you now know as Inasa, looks up, still bent over as you step towards him. “Woah!!” In the blink of an eye, he's in front of you clasping your hands. “You're the one with the ice quirk!! You're even prettier in person!”

Heat rushes to your face as he says that, and you struggle to respond. “H-Huh...?!”

Kaminari grabs your arm, and yanks you away from Inasa. “Who are you, you whacked out, big ball of excitement?!”

Sero looks at him with a frown. “He's like Iida plus Kirishima squared... But I still don't like him...” He mutters the last part.

Inasa laughs at Kaminari's question, and students from other schools walk by. “Look!! It's UA! And the other group...”

“Oh, you're right!”

“It's them! From the West! That other famous school!!”

Bakugou finishes for them. “UA’s in the East, and Shiketsu’s in the West.”

“Theirs is one of the few elite hero courses that can rival UA.” Aizawa explains.

“Oh, I've heard of them.” You say as you look away from Inasa. Kaminari keeps his arm around you, glaring at him.

“Sorry, guys!! I've just always wanted to try saying it!! Plus Ultra!!!! I freaking love UA high!!! It is truly an honor to compete alongside the fine students of UA!!!!” Inasa shouts with a giant grin on his face. The girl from their school gives him an odd look as the blood drips down his forehead into his eyes.

“Do you need to see a doctor...?” You ask. “You really should stop the bleeding...”

“Let's go.” The purple haired boy sighs, and drags Inasa away. A boy covered in hair apologizes to your class and Aizawa, and leads the other students after the two boys.

“Inasa Yoarashi...” Aizawa sighs.

“Do you know him, sir?” Toru asks.

“He's really enthusiastic, but from what he's saying, he actually seems like a really nice dude.” Kirishima says.

“I hope he didn't seriously injure himself...” You frown. “Especially right before the exam...”

“Why do you care, Y/n? Is it because he called you pretty?” Kaminari asks. “Because we all think you're pretty. You don't need to get all flustered because of him.”

You blush at his compliment, and turn away as Aizawa responds to Toru's question. “He's... Very strong. Yoarashi, this year he was placed into your grade at UA under special recommendations. His top grades were enough to open the doors for him, but... For some reason, he decided to reject his offer of admission.”

“Huh?! So he's a first year?! With special recommendations and top grades??” Midoriya asks.

“He said he's a big fan of UA and even got in no problem, so why did he turn down his offer? I don't get it.” Sero says.

“Hey, if he didn't we may not have Yaomomo or Shoto, or even the two in Class B. I'm happy with who we have.” You smile.

“It's weird...” Mina agrees with Sero.

“Weird or not, he's the real deal. Keep an eye on him and watch out.” Aizawa tells your class.

“Eraser?! Is that really you?? Ah, it is!!” A woman's voice calls out happily. Everyone turns to see a green haired woman walking up. Aizawa does not look impressed to see her. “I saw you on TV at the sports festival and during the press conference!! You looked great in a suit! It's been way too long since I got to see you face to face!”

Aizawa looks like he's ready to crawl into a hole to die somewhere. “Oh, great...”

“Let's get married!!!”

“Ahh!!!” You, Mina, and Toru all gasp at her proposal.


“No?! Just do it!!” She laughs.

“You're the same pain in the neck as always, Joke.” Aizawa frowns. Not even All Might or the media make him look this uncomfortable.

“She’s the smile hero, Ms. Joke!! Her quirk is Outburst! She can force those around her to start laughing, effectively slowing their thoughts and movements! The methods she uses to take down villains are insane!” Midoriya rambles, and Ms. Joke appears to appreciate the introduction.

“Marry me, Eraser, and we could build a happy household where the laughs never end!”

“Nothing about that sounds happy to me.”

“So you two are friends?” Tsuyu asks.

“Our agencies were close by, way back when! I'd save him a few times, and he'd save me. We fell in love, and you know how it goes...!”

“It went absolutely nowhere.”

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