Chapter 89: Stairs? No. Flying? Yes.

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"Stand behind me!" You shout.

"Right!" The three boys jump behind you as the robots approach. On either side of the path between you and them are two giant waterfalls crashing down. Using your quirk, you grab hold of them and slam the water into the robots between.

A giant wave crashes back from the impact, and you force it away from the four of you. It takes all of your strength to push it back towards where the robots dropped down from.

Gritting your teeth, you freeze the water in place, blocking more robots from coming down.

"Holy crap, Y/n!!!! That was insane!!!" Kirishima yells. "Where the hell did that come from?!!"

Feeling a bit weak, you stumble forwards. Todoroki catches you, and wraps your arm over his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I feel like I just threw two semi trucks with my bare arms!" You groan and slump against Todoroki. "I've never moved that much water like that before!"

"Do you actually feel it when you move water?" Kirishima asks.

"Well, normally not really, but I can't even count how many tons of water that was... Not to mention having to lift it all so fast. My arms are killing me...! I feel like I nearly tore them off... Not to mention freezing it all, but I didn't want to flood the tower."

"I guess it's different when you're creating it or moving it then..." Kirishima says.

"That wasn't all of them." Todoroki says. Robots begin coming towards you from another doorway above.

"Leave this to us, Y/n!" Kirishima says.

The three boys rush towards the robots and attack them while you catch your breath. Damn, these heels are killing me!

You look down at yourself, and mentally cry when you see the condition you're in. Thankfully your dress is mostly just dirty, but your heels are scratched and ruined. They were so cute though! They hurt, but I can't take them off, or I won't be able to skate across ice...

The boys easily smash through the second wave of robots, and you jog over to them. "We need to get up to the others before any more get here."

"Bakugou, hold on to Y/n." Todoroki says.

"Huh?! Don't tell me what to do!"

Todoroki kneels to the ground and prepares ice to lift the four of you up. Kirishima grabs on to you. "Don't worry, I've got her."

"Guys, I'm fine!" Your feet and arms throb, but otherwise you're in one piece.

"Hold on." Todoroki blasts you upwards with ice, and you cling to Kirishima.

When you reach the bridge, you spot the ladder that the others climbed up. Kirishima heads up first, and Todoroki gestures for you to go ahead.

"Idiot, she has to go last!"

Todoroki gives Bakugou an annoyed look. "Why would she go up last?"

"She's wearing a dress, you moron!"

It clicks in Todoroki's head, and you laugh awkwardly. "I'm fine, I'll go last." You rub your arms as you say it, praying they'll be fine.

Bakugou notices your look. "Hold on to me. I'll carry you up." He grumbles.

"Bakugou, I'm sure I'll be-"

"He's right. The last thing we need is your arm giving out and you falling." Todoroki says. He turns around and begins climbing the ladder.

You get the feeling you're not going to win this argument and wrap your arms around Bakugou's neck. He quickly climbs up with you on his back, barely reacting to the extra weight at all.

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