168: The Big Three

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The rest of the evening passes by without incident. After dinner, Hawks teaches you more about vital points and weak spots and spars with you to test you. It's difficult to remember, especially when he's also going over your English homework at the same time. After a little bit, he's satisfied, and he sits down to go through the rest of your homework with you. He's a surprisingly knowledgeable and quick teacher, and you're caught up in no time.

In the morning, you wake up bright and early to catch your flight, and Hawks goes with you after the Nomu stunt the League pulled. He drops you off on campus, and thanks to his fans at the airport, you're running late. You have time to quickly drop your bag off in your dorm building, and Bakugou jumps in surprise as you burst through the front doors.

“Jesus Christ!” He drops the dustpan he's holding and stares at you.

“Hi Bakugou!!” You grin and toss your bag on the ground near the couches.

“Hey!! Don't dump that there!! I'm cleaning!”

“Sorry!! I gotta run! I'm gonna be late for class!” You give him an apologetic smile and wave. You can hear him cursing at you as you spin around and run back out the doors.

Homeroom has already started by the time you get into the main school building. Thanks to the rain, your hair is soaking, but you dry your uniform off. Iida would tell you off if he saw you running down the halls, but you're more scared of Aizawa than him right now.

Finally reaching the classroom door, you open it in a hurry, expecting to see everyone quietly listening to Aizawa. Instead, everyone is chatting, there's an older black haired boy muttering with his forehead against the blackboard, a blue haired girl grabbing Ojiro’s tail, and a blond boy who looks like Tin Tin bent over trying to hype the class up. Aizawa is standing off to the side, unbothered.

“Ah, good of you to finally join us, Y/n.” He says.

“Uhh... What's going on...?” You look around the room at the older students.

“Oh! You're Hydra! The girl who's working with Hawks! What was it like fighting the Nomu? Can you create water, or just pull it from the air? Is it salty or fresh? How do you fly?” The blue haired girl runs over to you, tilting her head and poking at you all over.

“Uh...?! Well... It was–”

“Hado, that's enough.” Aizawa says.

“Good to meet you!” The blond shakes your hand. “I'm Mirio Togata! Good work out there! I was just about to suggest something, but even more so now that you're here! Class 1A, how about... You all take me on?!!” He shouts, pumping his fist in the air.

“Huh?!” Everyone seems just as shocked as you are. Whatever information they know that you don't, isn't helpful for discerning your upperclassmen’s unusual attitudes.

“Seems rational to have them feel the full weight of our experiences first hand!! Don’tcha think so, Eraserhead?” Mirio says. “Besides, Hydra here can see if her work study has really put her ahead of the class or not.”

Aizawa thinks for a moment and shrugs. “Do as you please.”

“Aw yeah!!” Mirio cheers. “Let’s go to Gym Gamma!!”

He and the other two head out of the classroom first, and you turn to Aizawa. “What did I miss...?!”

“The others can fill you in on the way. Everyone, go get changed into your PE uniforms.”

“Right!” Everyone hurries out of the classroom and down towards the locker rooms.

“Y/n!! You were crazy! I saw you on the news so many times, and it’s only been three days!” Kaminari jogs over to you.

“Thanks, Kami!!” You smile.

“Ha, so are you going to be telling villains to drink water, too?” Sero chuckles. “You gonna defeat them by making them have to pee?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me!” You groan.

Tokoyami walks over to join you. “I see you, too, were swarmed by the public... You handled it much better than me.”

“Haha, thanks, Tokoyami! It was so nerve wracking! Everywhere we went, people were calling out to him and trying to talk to him...!”

“Yes... Such is the burden of being a hero...” Tokoyami sighs and clenches his fist. “He owes me a new bag of chips...!!”

“Oh, right!” You fish around in your pocket as you walk down the hall and pull out a bill. “He said to give you this to replace them.”

“Woah!! He can buy a dozen bags with that!” Kaminari exclaims. “Tokoyami! Buy me some chips, too!”

You laugh as you reach the locker rooms and wave to the boys as you head in with the girls.

“Y/n!! What was it like working with Hawks?! I can’t believe you got to spend so much one on one time with him! I’m so jealous!!” Toru says.

“Yeah!! It must have been so cool being on the news!” Mina nods.

Momo chuckles at their enthusiasm. “You acted very admirably when helping that young girl with her quirk activating for the first time. Especially given everything that happened to you recently...”

“Thanks!! Hawks was definitely interesting to work with, that’s for sure... The news was totally anxiety inducing, but not too bad thanks to Hawks being there, too. And honestly, I acted without thinking for that little girl. She was such a sweetie! Her fire wasn’t actually burning anything other than the oxygen, so it was warm, but it didn’t hurt.” You tell them about your time with Hawks, and soon everyone is changed and inside Gym Gamma. When you get inside, you dry everyone off with your quirk.

“Um, are we seriously doing this...? Like, for real?” Sero asks as Mirio stretches.

“Yup!! Sure are!”

“Mirio... Don’t do this...” The boy with black hair says, far away from the class. He’s got his head against the wall again. “It’d be enough to just follow the manual and go ‘We experienced this and that, and it was all super meaningful.’ It’s not like all of them are raring to go and ready to aim for the top. We wouldn’t want any to be broken beyond fixing.”

“Hey, listen to this!” Hado flicks Mina’s horns. “There was once a kid who got discouraged, quit trying to be a hero, and caused all sorts of trouble. Didja know?!”

“Is she talking about the Hero Killer...?” You turn to Todoroki who shrugs.

“It was real bad, so you better think hard about this, Togata, or there’s gonna be pain. True blue pain!”

“Just wait a minute... We’ve fought against pro heroes, albeit with handicaps.” Tokoyami says.

“And we’ve got experience battling real villains!” Kirishima says. “Do you really think that we’re such wimps that you gotta worry about our safety or whatever...?!”

Mirio chuckles in response. “Whenever you’re ready, then. Come at me. Who’s gonna be first?”


“I’ll go first.” Midoriya speaks over Kirishima, much to his disappointment.

“Didn’t expect that from you, Midoriya!!” He whines.

“The problem child!! Right, of course you’d step up. You’ve got spirit!!” Mirio smiles.

“I have spirit, too...!!” Kirishima groans. “Close combat squad! We’ll hit him all at once! Got that, senpai? Give us your best shot!! Don’t you dare... Take it easy on us!!!”

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