143: Cutting It Close

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“Let's go!!” Midoriya jumps out from your hiding spot, drawing the attention of the group. As he dodges, leaping through the air, the three of you get to work. Uraraka and Sero begin taping boulders, and you gather as much water from the air as you can.

“I've got enough! How about you two?”

“We're good!” Sero and Uraraka give you a thumbs up.

“Right! It's our turn then!! Follow my lead!” You jump out from behind the rocks, using your water to wrap around the group, pulling them together as you switch it to ice. Sero and Uraraka follow a moment after you, and Uraraka releases her quirk once you have them all gathered.

Sero yanks Midoriya out of the way, and the taped boulders crash around the group, pinning them down with the attached tape. A couple manage to avoid the tape, but you quickly move your ice to freeze them down as well. “Nice!!! We got them all!” You cheer.

“I know I said to capture as many as possible, but that was amazing you guys...!” Midoriya says, making a shocked face. “Good job!!”

“Time's almost up! We're up to 75 now that have passed. Almost at our quota!” Mera’s voice echoes across the stadium.

“We're almost out of time, and there’s probably even more students on the way to come get us... We should secure our spots now.” Sero says.

You nod. “I can see more students heading in our direction. Let's do it.” Sero hands you a ball, and you graciously accept it. The four of you walk down towards the group and pick people to eliminate.

“Come on!! I'm a second year! Cut me some slack! I need this more than you!” A girl says to you as you crouch to hit her targets.

“Sorry... But I need it, too. Besides, would you sacrifice all of your hard work just so someone else could pass? I mean, you guys lost against four first years.” You say, and quickly tap all of her targets. “Would you really stand a chance against real villains?” You're thinking back to Dabi, and know he would have easily killed all of your opponents in an instant.

“What does that mean?!” She glares up at you.

You pull off your gloves and show her the scarring. “True villains aren't as kind. Everyone here would be dead if this were real life.” Her eyes widen as she sees your palms, and the blood covering one of them, still seeping from the tears in the scarring and rolling down your wrist. “If you guys can't beat a handful of first years in such a big group... It's not safe for yourselves to be facing villains.”

The other students don't say anything, and the four of you quickly finish securing your spots. As soon as you do, Mera announces it. “Four more make 79 now. Keep up the pace, everyone.”

“They sure have a quick response rate...!” Sero says.

“Yeah... Talk about live updates.” Uraraka agrees.

“We should head to the station now.” Midoriya says.

“Right.” The four of you wander through the field, watching the other students fight. Some turn to attack, but notice your glowing targets and leave you alone. As you almost reach the waiting station, you hear a voice call out.

“Yo, Sero! Y/n!! Is that you guys?! And Midoriya and Uraraka, too?!” You turn around to see Kaminari waving, and Bakugou and Kirishima are next to him.

“Woohoo!! You guys made it, too!!” You cheer.

Uraraka, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and you do a celebration dance, cheering and raising your fists in the air. “We did it!!”

After a minute, you follow Bakugou and Midoriya inside with smiles on your faces. Momo, Todoroki, Shoji, Tsuyu, and Jiro are all already waiting in the building. “I'm so glad to see you all! I was beginning to worry!” Momo says.

“Aww, you were worried about us??” You run forward and give her a hug. She laughs as you pull off your helmet, revealing your messy hair.

“Good to see you guys are all here!!” Kaminari races up to everyone after you.

“We only just arrived. Todoroki was the first in our class to pass.” Shoji explains.

“I'm not surprised!! I bet you froze everyone instantly!” You smile. “Was that you who passed before anyone else?”

Todoroki shakes his head. “No. That was the loud guy from Shiketsu. The one who interrupted.”

You turn around and spot him laughing while talking to another student. With his hero costume on, he's even taller. “Holy crap... Just how strong is he...?”

“I was sure Bakugou would beat us,” Jiro says, “But it all adds up now! You had Kaminari tagging along!”

“Huh?! Take that back!!” Kaminari begins to detail how he had actually saved Kirishima and Bakugou, and Momo turns towards your group.

“The keys to unlock the targets are at the back over there.” She gestures. “We're supposed to return them to the shelves along with the ball bags. There are plenty of refreshments as well.”

“There are twelve of us here, huh...?” You say.

“That leaves only nine...” Momo sighs. “If the seven of you brought it to 82, then there are only 18 spots left... I just hope Iida and the others are okay...”

“Wow!! Eight more examinees have passed all at once! There's only ten spots remaining!!”

“Crap... That's not good... I hope they can make it...!”

The doors open, and you turn to see who passed. Your eyes widen as Shindo walks in with his classmates, and he catches you staring at him. With a devious smile on his face, he waves at you. “So you passed after all. Glad to see it. Cute hair, by the way.” He winks at you, and your classmates stare in shock. Before anyone can see your face going red, you slam your helmet over your head and whip away from him.

“Hey, Y/n... What the hell was that?!” Kaminari shrieks.

“He's still hitting on you?!” Sero looks pissed off.

“Oh, he was complimenting Y/n earlier, wasn't he?” Tsuyu asks. Bakugou looks furious, and Todoroki narrows his eyes as Shindo walks away.

“That too... I wanna know, just what was going on with him during the exam?!!” Sero points a finger at you. “That guy was totally all over you!!”

“What?!!” Your classmates stare between you and Sero.

“Shh!!! I swear, it wasn't what it looked like!! He can hear you!!” You groan, noticing Shindo chuckling with a few of his classmates. It's a good thing I put on my helmet...!

“What did it look like?!” Kaminari asks you.


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