170: VS Mirio

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“I just barely managed to keep my privates covered for the sake of you ladies!” Mirio laughs. Everyone has gotten up and is standing near the wall where Aizawa is, and almost all of them are bent over clutching their stomachs.

“It feels like all you did was punch us in the guts!!!”

“Think my quirk is strong, huh?” Mirio chuckles.

“Way too strong!!” Sero shouts.

“Totally unfair!!” Toru agrees.

“You can phase and warp? What’re you?! Some kind of hybrid like Todoroki?!” Mina exclaims.

“Hey...!!” Todoroki looks mildly offended.

“Oh, oh!! Can I say your quirk? Can I? Can I?” Hado jumps and raises her hand in the air.

“Hado, this is Mirio’s time to shine... Besides, Y/n still hasn’t faced him, yet.” Amajiki tells her.

“Yeah! I already got to watch him fight! Don’t give me any other advantages.” You laugh and stretch your arms. “I’m ready to go!!”

“Awesome!!” Mirio grins.

“How is Y/n feeling so confident after watching us all get tossed around...?” Ojiro asks.

“That’s just how she is...!” Kaminari tells him.

“Yeah, Y/n is totally on another level...!!” Kirishima groans. “Kick his ass!!”

“Language.” Aizawa sighs.

“Sorry, sir!”

“I want you all to pay close attention. I made Y/n wait because I want you to see what a difference even a few days of working alongside pros can do. Especially one as talented as Hawks. You’ve all been watching her fights on the news, so take advantage of seeing the skills she’s been working on in person.” Aizawa tells the class. “Togata, I trust you won’t go easy on her.”

Mirio nods and gives Aizawa a thumbs up. “You got it, Eraserhead!”

With one last stretch, you and Mirio walk into the empty training space, away from everyone else. “Thanks for giving me this chance to test my new skills out on you, senpai!” You grin. “Your warping doesn’t scare me though. You’re just falling, aren’t you?”


“How’d she guess that?”

“Ha!! I knew you would be interesting!” Mirio gives you a wide grin. “The whole school is talking about the first year that got practically nabbed by Hawks, after all! Heard he was waiting for the moment you got your license, huh?”

“It’s no big deal.” You smile back at him. “I’m glad I got to work with him before fighting you! He makes you look slow!!”

“We’ll see about that, Hydra!”

“If you two are ready, let’s get a move on.” Aizawa tells you.

“Yessir!!” You grin. “Even with a handicap, I’m not going to go down easily!” As Aizawa counts you down, you get ready. The second he says start, you fly into the air, straight for the windows. Using your hands and Serpent’s Bites, you yank three open, and the rain begins to blow inside. “This is the perfect weather for me to fight in!!!” You grin as Mirio stares at you from the ground, looking unbothered. “You gonna be able to get me from up here, senpai?!”

“Woah! She’s really flying!” Mina exclaims.

“It looks like she’s surfing or snowboarding...!” Kaminari smiles.

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