Chapter 39: Vs Bakugou

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"The winner of this match will be fighting Todorkoki for the top spot! Who will it be? Izumi Y/n or Bakugou Katsuki?!" You smile and mouth 'me' at Bakugou. He shakes his head in response.

"I can't wait to find out!! Begin!!!!"

Immediately, you freeze the entire stage. Bakugou, expecting this, blasts the ground, and flies towards you.

"Can't trick me with those second rate moves!!"

"Wouldn't expect anything less from you!"

You dodge Bakugou's blast, and throw up a wall of ice to block the second one. He explodes it, and rushes towards you.

You create a pillar of ice, much like the one you made when fighting Tokoyami, but this time under Bakugou. It shoots him up into the air, and you follow up with a blast of water.

The water hits his hands, and washes them clean. Bakugou falls to the ground, but lands on his feet.

"What's the matter? Did I wash away your explosions?" You ask.

"Tch, don't get your hopes up." Bakugou wipes his hand against his chest before launching another explosion at you.

Dammit! So it's going to take more than that...!

You send another blast of water towards him, and he dodges it. Around the stage, you raise more pillars of ice, and freeze some of the water in the air.

The temperature drops around you, and you see Bakugou shiver. He was covered in water, and that couldn't feel too good with all of the ice.

You send more ice towards him, but he explodes it all in one hit. The force sends you flying backward into one of the pillars. You reinforce it with more ice as you connect with it, so it doesn't break and fall on to you.

Coughing, you stand back up. Bakugou lunges at you with an explosion ready. Quickly, you create a wall between the two of you. He easily smashes through it. As his hand flies through the ice, you change it to water. The freezing water hits his hands and he only pauses for a split second.

It was enough, though. You send another blast of freezing water at him, and cover your fist in it. Slamming your fist into the side of his face, you land your first solid hit.

Bakugou loses his balance and falls back a few steps.


"Don't tell me you're already cold, Bakugou! This is nothing!" You laugh. You freeze the ice around you to an even colder temperature. Thanks to the insulation in your boots, your feet were only a little cold.

"Your hands are shaking! Using that much cold water can't feel good!"

"You want cold? I'll give you cold!" You shoot water in small bursts of high pressure towards him. As they near him, you freeze them into icicles.


A huge explosion easily counters your ice, and sends you flying again. This time, you had to create a block of ice to stop you from going out of bounds.

Not giving you any time to move, Bakugou flies over and stands over you.

"Not so tough now, huh?"

"That's what you think,"

At the same time that Bakugou sets off an explosion, you shoot a high pressure stream of water at him. The explosion sends water into both of your eyes which gives you time to jump up.

After a few blinks, the water clears just in time to see Bakugou swing at you. You freeze a shield on your arm, and stop him from getting your face.

You continue blocking his attacks as he pushes you backwards. As you near the line, you freeze a large piece of ice behind you.

Bakugou shoves you against it, and swings his right arm back. Quickly, you attempt to surround the two of you in ice.

Before you can, Bakugou grabs your hands and sets off an explosion.

"Ah!" You cry out in pain as you feel your hands tear. Bakugou clings to your hands as you fall to your knees.

"No more of that water now."

"I'm not finished, yet." Blood trickles down your arm, and you tackle Bakugou. He releases your hands and you knee his stomach as you land on top of him. Digging your knee in, you freeze the ice on the ground up around him. He knocks you off with an explosion, and you smash into the ice you had just been against.

You cry out in pain as your head hits the ice. You attempt to get up, but fall back to the ground. As your vision goes black, you see all but Bakugou's head frozen solid.

As your body slumps to the ground, Midnight steps into the ring. "Y/n is unconscious, Bakugou wi- Wait, Bakugou, can you move?"

"Tch... No..." The hothead grumbles.

"Well... I guess we have another draw for now!"

"What a match!! Their quirks are just way too strong!! Talk about impressive! Even as she blacked out, Y/n managed to finish freezing Bakugou in place!!! What willpower!" Present Mic says. "There'll be a quick break as we wait for Y/n to wake up! Once she does, well have another tie breaker to determine which one moves on! In the meantime, Todoroki, can you come help your classmate out?"

While Todoroki came down and melted Bakugou and the stage, med bots came and brought you to Recovery Girl. You were out for about ten minutes, and woke up to see Shinsou leaning over you.

"Ah!" You yell. Shinsou jumps back in surprise.

"What's going on?" You hear Recovery Girl ask. "Leave the girl alone!"

"S-sorry! I was just making sure she was okay!"

"Sorry, Hitoshi! You surprised me is all. How long was I out for? I guess I lost, huh..."

"Not yet!" Shinsou says.

"What do you mean?"

"Before you got knocked out, you froze that Bakagou guy solid. He couldn't move, so you tied!"

"Really?!" You sit up and try to stand.

"Hold on! Not so fast!" Recovery Girl stops you. "You just hit your head! I may be able to heal you, but that concussion along with your hands took up quite a bit of stamina."

"Oh... Will I still be able to do the tie breaker?"

Recovery Girl sighs. "First Midoriya with those messed up hands of his and now you. What is it with kids and ruining their hands these days? Fine. But either way, you're resting before your next match."

"What do you mean either way?"

"Even if you lose, you'll be battling that boy, Iida, to see who gets third place."

"Ah! I didn't realize. I guess that makes sense. Don't worry Recovery Girl! I'll be careful!"

"You'd better be. That Midoriya has already taken twenty years off of my lifespan in the few weeks I've known him."

You laugh and stand up.

"Here, eat this energy bar before you go."

"Thank you!"

"And you, have a chocolate bar for being a good kid." She says to Shinsou.

"Oh! Thank you...!" Shinsou takes the chocolate bar from her and the two of you leave her office.

"Hey, it's even your favourite!" You smile.

"Yeah..." He smiles. "Hey, do your best out there, okay? And even if you don't win, you still can get third place."

"Yeah, I know. But why settle for third when I can take first?"


hey guys! thank you so much for 120k reads! I hope you all had a great week! thanks for voting, commenting, and reading! see you next week!

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