Chapter 85: Barbie Girls

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"There! I'm all finished getting ready now, Shoto!" You open your door and step into the main room.

Todoroki is sitting on the couch, and he does a double take when you walk out. While you had looked pretty for your shopping date and trying the dress on, you look downright gorgeous tonight.

You had spent almost every minute you had available making sure your hair and makeup look immaculate, and had brought a brand new perfume to wear.

Todoroki stands up from the couch after a moment and walks towards you, his eyes never leaving you. You feel yourself getting nervous by his silence and the intensity of his gaze.

"Is something the matter...? Did I mess up my makeup?" You ask nervously, and you fiddle with your hair.

Todoroki shakes his head. "You... You look beautiful, Y/n."

Your face immediately puffs out a cloud of steam, and you hurriedly grab a tissue to make sure you didn't just ruin your makeup. Thankfully, you splurged on a great waterproof primer and setting spray, specifically curated for quirks like yours, so it wasn't affected.

"T-thank you, Shoto...! You look very handsome yourself..." You peek a look into his eyes, and see his face dusted in pink.

"Thank you..." Like two young kids at their first middle school dance, you both awkwardly stare at the ground, avoiding eye contact. "I have something for you."

You look up. "Something else? What is it?" Not wanting to accept anymore gifts, you hope it's nothing serious.

Todoroki guides you to face one of the full length mirrors that decorate the walls. He procures a small box from his pocket and removes something from it.

Reaching in front of you, he places a necklace around your neck, and you gasp when you see it. "Shoto...! It's gorgeous!!"

The snowflake shaped necklace glimmers on your skin, the clear and light blue gems sparkling in the light.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Shoto... This wasn't expensive, was it?"

He pauses, but shrugs. "I didn't look at the price. I used my father's card." He notices the uncomfortable look on your face and he fixes his jacket. "Don't worry, my father was pleased when he saw it. There's no need to stress over him being upset. Not that I'd let him..." Todoroki mutters the last part under his breath.

"Thank you, Shoto... It's gorgeous... I feel bad that you've given me so much, and I don't have anything in return for you..."

Todoroki looks at you like you have a second head for a moment. "Why would that bother me? I have you here with me. That's more than enough."

Your face begins to go red again, and you step away from the mirror so he can't see. "W-we should get going! It's almost time for us to meet the others!" You stammer.

The two of you grab what you need and head over to the central tower to meet the others.

Surprisingly, only Iida is waiting for you.

"Ah, Todoroki and Y/n! You're early! I'd expect nothing less from two of our top students!"

"No one else is here yet?" You ask him.

Iida shakes his head. "You two look very nice and put together! Your outfits are the perfect match."

The two of you thank Iida and the three of you chat. A door opens, and you're surprised to see Kaminari and Mineta walk in. They are too, and scream when they see you.

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