Chapter 21: Simple Actions and Big Impacts

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Thursday was a fairly plain day. Classes were cancelled, but it was hard to relax. Everyone was still on edge over the previous day's events. You had called Shinsou Wednesday night while you were making dinner to tell him you were all right. Besides that, not much happened between visiting the infirmary and heading back to school on Friday.

Speaking of, Friday seemed to be just like any other ordinary day. The only difference being that you decided to head to school a little earlier than usual today. The air was fresh, and the birds were singing sweetly in the budding trees. Spring was coming, and it didn't seem to care about your near death experience just two days before.

As you walked, you heard soft crying coming from your left. There was a small park, and a little boy sat on the ground holding his knee. A girl who appeared to be his older sister was trying to calm him down. She spotted you and ran over.

"Excuse me miss! I know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, but my brother fell and got hurt, and I don't know what to do! He won't stop crying!"

"Here, let me see," you say to the girl.

You follow her over to him and he stops crying when he sees you.

"W-who are you?" He sniffles.

"My name's Y/n," you smile. "Do you mind if I take a look at your knee?" He nods and shifts so you can see it better. It was bleeding a little, but nothing too serious. You kneel down next to him, and set your bag on the ground. "Ouch, that looks like it hurt. Is it okay if I clean it up for you?" He nods again and wipes the tears from his eyes.

You open your bag and shuffle through it until you find the small first aid kit you carry on you. One of the good things about growing up in a hero family was learning to carry bandages and the sort with you. Heroes aren't just for defeating bad guys. They also have to take care of injured civilians until medics can arrive. After setting it down next to your bag, you search for your handkerchief.

The little boy looked nervous as you checked his knee. To distract him from the pain, you ask if either of them have their quirks yet. They both nod. "I can float!" The little girl exclaims.

"That's pretty cool!" You reply.

"I can only float a little right now though, and my mommies say I'm not allowed to do it outside."

"That makes sense. It's safer to practice using your quirks with your parents around. What about you?" You ask the boy.

"I can jump pretty high..."

"That's how he got hurt! Mommy said he couldn't do it when we walked to school, so we came into the park, but he fell."

"Well it's good that you moved away from the road, but you should listen to your moms." You finally find your handkerchief and pull it out.

"Yeah I know... What's your quirk, miss?" The little boy shifts the focus to you.

"Me? Well I can shoot water out of my hands and turn it into ice and steam. Do you want to see it?"


You chuckle and unfold your handkerchief on to your left hand. With your right, you gently let a small flow of water on to the cloth. "I know it's not that exciting right now, but it is pretty helpful," you smile. "Quirks aren't always that flashy and that's okay. Some people don't even have quirks and that's okay, too." You wring the cloth out a little and say, "This is going to sting a little," to the boy before wiping his cut.

"There's a girl in my class who doesn't have a quirk," the little girl says. "She gets laughed at by my classmates a lot."

"That's not very nice. It's a shame everyone laughs at her. Next time they do that, you should stand up for her and tell a teacher. I'm sure it would make her feel a lot better."

"You're right...! I'll tell them to stop being so mean!" You smile at her sudden enthusiasm, and finish bandaging her brother's cut.

"Now, when you get to school let your teacher know what happened, okay?" You say to the boy.

"I will..." He picks at the bandaid and frowns.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's embarrassing having a big bandaid... Everyone's going to laugh at me..."

"Hey don't worry about that. I have bandaids, too. See?" You push up the sleeves of your blazer to reveal the bandages covering your arms from the battle at USJ. "If your classmates try making fun of you, just tell them that even heroes need bandaids sometimes."

"Are you a hero, miss?" He asks.

"Well, not yet. I'm training to be one right now though!"

"At school?"

"Yep! I go to a special hero school," you tell him.

"Do you have a hero name?" His sister asks.

"Not yet." You reply as you pack your things up.

"I know what it should be!" The boy exclaims. He was suddenly very excited. "My favourite comic book has this water dragon in it, and you do water! It's pretty scary and cool looking, but it's actually really nice! It's also blue just like your backpack!"

"Oo that sounds pretty cool!" You say. "What's this hero name you're thinking of?"

"Hydra!" He jumps up, and flies up past your head.

"Woah!" You catch him before he can hurt himself again.

"Whoops, sorry, miss... But you should pick that name! It's super cool and it'll scare all the bad guys!"

"I'll have to keep it in mind! Thanks for such a cool idea!" You set him back down and check the time. School was going to start soon and you were still three blocks away. "Oh, I'd better get going, or I'm going to be late. You two should hurry on to school, too, but be careful, okay?" The two children nod and follow you out of the park before saying goodbye. You wave after them before heading the opposite direction.

I'd better hurry, or I'm going to be late...! You think as you begin to run.

A few minutes later you arrive at the school just in time to hear the warning bell go. You sprint up the stairs to the doors, and hurry to your classroom. Just as you make it inside the bell signalling the beginning of class sounds. Iida was yelling at everyone to sit down, but you and he were the only two out of your seats. Behind you, you hear the oh so familiar drawl of Aizawa.

"Morning. I see you slept in today, Y/n."

"Ah, no- I ran into some kids who needed some help on my way here," you begin to explain, but trail off when you see the state of his face. "Are you okay to teach today, sir?" He shrugs.

"I'm fine."

"Woah! You're back already?!" Someone yells.

You take your seat as Iida says, "I'm glad to see you're doing well, sensei!" and overhear Uraraka reply with "If you can call that 'doing well...!'" Aizawa's face was completely covered in bandages aside from two little slits open over his eyes. He wobbled his way over to the front of the classroom, and rested his cast covered arms on the podium. Man, what a pro...

"Are you sure you should be moving around yet, Aizawa-sensei?" Kirishima asks.

"My welfare isn't important. Afterall, your battle is far from over." He says.

"Our battle...?"

"Don't tell me...!"

"More villains?!" Voices begin to fill the classroom, however, the moment Aizawa begins to speak again, they go silent.

"You must all prepare for your next tribulation... The UA sports festival is fast approaching!"


Thanks so much for all of the votes for the hero name! I was surprised by all of the votes that came in so fast! Your hero name will be Hydra due to the overwhelming number of votes for it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it wasn't very content heavy. I wanted a sweeter chapter to get back into writing before jumping into the sports festival. I have everything sorted out for it and for most of the following arcs, so all I have to do is write them out :) Hopefully this means I can get them out sooner with it being summer vacation for me now. Thank you again for reading, and I hope you're all having a wonderful day!

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