Chapter 112: Swallowed By The Flames

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"Just who the hell... Are you?!" Aizawa wraps his scarf around you, and flips you over on to your stomach, pinning you to the ground.

You cry out in pain as your ribs hit the ground. "I'm me!! I swear, sir!! It's me! I don't know what's going on!!" You cry.

"You said there were two villains here with you. What happened? Spit it out, now!"

"There were! Their names were Dabi and Twice! The first had a fire quirk, and the other was making clones of him or something!! Dabi caught me in the stream over there and knocked me out! Then I woke up to you!"

Aizawa looks over at the stream, and his eyes narrow as he sees a splatter of blood on the edge. He looks back down at you and whips his phone out to dial someone.

"Wait–sir!! You don't actually think I'm one of them, do you?" You cry. "I swear I'm me! They must have copied me and took her away!"

Aizawa doesn't say anything and waits for his phone to connect. "Mandalay, I need you by the stream. I've found Y/n, but there's a problem."

"Come on! Sir, I promise it's me!! Look at all of my injuries!" You yell.

Your aunt says something back, but you can't hear it. Aizawa hangs up his phone, and lifts you up with his scarf wrapped tight around you, preventing you from moving.

"Don't try anything. If you are the real Y/n, we'll figure that out soon enough."

The minutes go by in silence as Aizawa keeps a close eye on you. You don't even have to try using your quirk to know he's erased it.

Finally, you hear voices, and you aunt and Vlad appear in the clearing. "Y/n!!" She yells. "Eraser, just what the hell is going on?!"

"Tell them." Aizawa says.

"I–I swear! I swear I'm me!" You cry. "I have to be!"

"What is she talking about?!"

"Back at the building when you first sent the message, I left Vlad in charge of the remedial group and ran outside. I was ambushed by a villain with a fire quirk. However... After a few hits, he dissolved into a puddle of goo."

"So what? What does that have to do with having my niece tied up like a villain?!"

"Y/n here says she ran into him and another villain. One that was creating clones of the fire villain."

"What's your point, Aizawa?" Vlad asks. "The girl is burned and there're scorch marks everywhere. I'd say it's more than likely she's telling the truth."

"I was running in the direction the villain came from and ran into Midoriya and Kota. He told me Y/n was going to put out fires, but she wasn't there when we were searching for the students. I found this on the ground in the burned tree line before I found her here." Aizawa tosses the broken bat band at Mandalay and holds up your wrist. "Problem is, Y/n is still wearing hers. So, where did the second one come from?"

Mandalay and Vlad's eyes widen in shock as they look at your wrist. "This is... But I thought they were one of a kind... You only have one of each, and the blue one is on Kota's wrist..."

"Exactly. I noticed that, too. So, Y/n... Tell us. Where did the second band come from?"

You stare at the band on your wrist, and at the glare on your teacher's face. "I... I don't know...!"

"Is it possible they cloned her and left the real one here? If they have a clone of her, they don't have to worry about kidnapping the real deal like they did with-"

Aizawa silences Vlad with a glare, but it's too late.

"Like they did with...? No...! No, no, no! Did they take Bakugou?!" You yell. "Aizawa! Did they get him?!" You fight against your restraints, and tears fill your eyes. "Did they kidnap Bakugou?!"

Aizawa sighs and stands up. "...Yes."

"No...!" The tears spill out, and the pain from your injuries finally becomes too much to handle. Your vision slowly fades to black, and you hear the adults shouting for you.


Sometime later, you wake up cold and alone in an empty cell. Your hands feel bandaged, but they're covered in metal mitts and chained to the wall.

"Auntie? Aizawa?" You call out. "Where am I?" Your injuries are wrapped up, and you've been put in warmer clothes.

"Ah, you're awake." A voice calls from the hall. You can't see anyone on the other side of the bars until a man walks up.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm a detective with the police. You're in a holding cell until we figure out what to do with you."

"What are you talking about? Where's my aunt? Where's Eraser?"

"They're the ones who handed you over. Now, I need you to cooperate if you want to get this sorted out." He sighs. "Listen, clearly there are two of you right now. We talked to the last people who saw you, your friend Midoriya and your little brother. They said the same thing: they watched you sustain serious injuries in the fight against Muscular, but hadn't seen you since. You were the first to suggest splitting up, and then went missing for the rest of the time the villains attacked. You also separated from everyone else originally, just a few minutes before the villains attacked, and conveniently ran right to your parents' murderer instead of going back to the building where you said you were going."

"I saw the fires on my way and knew my little brother hides up there... What are you implying...?"

"Midoriya said you did some pretty nasty damage, too. You stabbed Muscular through the eye... Well, where his eye used to be. He was bleeding quite heavily when we detained him."

"But he was trying to kill us!!"

"Then there's the fact that you didn't put out a single fire. Now, Midoriya mentioned you were out of water and went to the stream to get more, but why did you stay there?"

"Why did I...?! I was attacked by the two villains! Dabi and Twice!! There's even a big blood stain to prove it!!"

"Eraser was right... You do know their names..." The detective writes something down.

"That's what they called each other! I swear, I didn't do anything wrong!!" You fight against the cuffs and try to step closer. "I swear, I got ambushed!!"

"That's close enough, Y/n. Tell me the full story. What happened after Midoriya left with your brother?"

"I... Am I seriously under suspicion?" You ask.

"You're our main suspect."

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