132: TKL

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“As I mentioned yesterday, our primary goal right now is to get you your provisional licenses.” Aizawa tells you during class the next morning. “Hero licenses are inextricably tied to the saving of lives, so one must be properly qualified for such a heavy responsibility. Naturally, the test is incredibly difficult. Even for the provisional licenses, approximately only 50% succeed.”

“Even the provisional one’s that hard to get?” Mineta asks.

“That is why, starting today, each of you needs to come up with at least two...” Aizawa waves a finger at the door, and it slams open to reveal Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss.

“Ultimate moves!!!!” Midnight shouts.

Everyone cheers and a few of your classmates jump from their seats in excitement. “This is going to be awesome!!!”

“This is totally hero-like!!!”

“Ultimate moves: your finishers and your most unique techniques.” Ectoplasm says.

“Internalize these moves. Practise them and make them your own until they become unparalleled.” Cementoss continues. “Combat is all about finding and making use of your particular traits.”

“Ultimate moves symbolize who you are! Nowadays, heroes without ultimate moves are a dying breed!” Midnight’s enthusiasm is rubbing off on your class, adding to the excitement.

“Let's move forward with a more detailed explanation and a practical demonstration. Change into your costumes and meet us at Gym Gamma.” Aizawa says. “Y/n, you too.”

“Really? Sweet!!” You cheer. Recovery Girl had healed most of your hands that morning, leaving you mitten free. They're not as scarred as you expected, but you still have quirk physio to do.

“Don't you dare use your hands or feet to generate water, though.”

“Yes, sir!!” You leap from your desk and hurry to grab your costume from the back. Aizawa sighs at your enthusiasm as you chase down the hall after your classmates with it.

Everyone changes and meets up at Gym Gamma, AKA...

“TKL: Training Kitchen Lab.” Cementoss says. “This facility was my idea. Here I cook up the perfect terrain and objects to suit each student's needs. Hence, ‘Kitchen.’” Cementoss explains as he creates various large cement platforms.

He and Aizawa explain the importance of ultimate moves to your class, with Midnight jumping in to add a bit of flair and excitement to their lesson. Ectoplasm points out that even moves such as Iida’s Recipro Burst make excellent ultimate moves, even though they're not attacks.

“Your summer training camp was cut short, but the quirk training we began there was part of the process of creating ultimate moves. In other words, you have ten days remaining until the start of the second semester. You'll be using the rest of your summer vacation to enhance your quirks and hone your ultimate moves through extensive training.” As Aizawa speaks, Cementoss finishes building the terrains, and Ectoplasm creates enough clones for each student. “Also... As your quirks grow and you start to formulate your ultimate moves, think about whether or not you need to alter your costumes. Y/n here has already done so.” Aizawa gestures towards you. “Now... Use that Plus Ultra mentality to go beyond your limits.”

Everyone cheers in excitement, and rushes off to claim a training spot. You hang back to talk to Aizawa. “Sir... Most of my attacks center around blasting some form of water from my hands and feet. If I can't do that...”

“That's not the only way you can use your quirk. You will have to adapt your fighting style until we know for sure how your hands and feet are doing. In the meantime... You'll have to work even harder than your peers if you want to get your provisional license.”

You nod. “I can still control water. It tingles a little, but since I'm not pushing water out, it doesn't hurt. Actually... I've been thinking up a move based on your scarf, sir.”

Aizawa raises and eyebrow and Midnight’s eyes gleam. “Let's see it!!”

“Well, since my hero name is Hydra, I thought it would make sense to have a move that kind of mimics it. Your scarf helped me decide how I want it to work, and now that I can't use my palms or soles I think it's the perfect time to try it. It's just getting the hang of generating water fast enough from other parts of my skin...” You slowly generate water from your back, and it flows out from the neck of your suit in two snaking tendrils of water. They grow to the size of your arms and you move them in rhythm with your arms. “I haven't come up with a name for it yet, and it's still pretty shakey...”

“I love it!!” Midnight exclaims.

“Hmm... There's potential. Though, it looks more like octopus tentacles than dragon or serpent heads.” Aizawa says. “Are you going to be able to keep them up in a busy situation?”

“I guess I'll find out today.” You say.

Midnight ponders for a moment. “What if you fill it up just a little more... Like this...” She holds her hands up and gestures for you to add more water to the ends. “Perfect... And then if you freeze them, you can make them spiked like teeth!”

Your eyes light up, and you quickly do as she suggests. “Like this?”

“Exactly! Can't call her an octopus now, huh, Eraser?”

Aizawa nods. “It's a good start. Go get a clone from Ectoplasm and try it out.”

You nod and rush over to your other teacher, excited to practice. Ectoplasm nods approvingly as he sees your move, and points you to the last free clone. Holding the water is one thing, actually fighting with it is another issue.

“Since you can't generate water as quickly right now, let's focus on using it for defense rather than offence.” Ectoplasm suggests. “When you're able to create water faster, then you can use it for ranged attacks, but while you're handicapped, let's try close combat. It will give you extra strength that your body is lacking.”

“It wasn't that long, but I feel like I've lost a ton of muscle already...” You sigh. “At least I can work out again.”

Ectoplasm continues giving you tips as you fight, and it's getting easier to control the water dragon heads. “Any names coming to you?”

“Not really... I want to do something that ties into the whole heads thing, but I can't come up with anything cool and easy to say...!” You successfully land a punch on the clone with the ice head. “Finally!!”

“Don't get carried away.” Ectoplasm’s clone kicks at you, and you manage to catch it with the other head.

“Ha! Offense and defense!!” You smile. A giant explosion crashes above you, and in your surprise, you drop the water.

Ectoplasm quickly knocks you to the ground. “I said not to get carried away.”

Sighing, you sit up. “Man...” Above you on one of the tallest platforms Bakugou grins wickedly.

“It's been a while since I've really been able to let loose...! Hey Ectoplasm!! I killed you! Give me another!”

You laugh at his antics, and yelp as Ectoplasm's prosthetic foot cracks down on the ground next to you, just barely rolling away in time. “Don't get distracted when there's an opponent in front of you.”


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