164: The Return of the Black Haired Boy

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The next day, you wake up bright and early to study before going on patrol. You had stayed up late on your phone talking to your friends. After telling your classmates what happened, you had called Shinso, and before you knew it, you had been on the phone with him for hours and had fallen asleep while still on call together.

As you eat your breakfast in the cafeteria and read your workbooks, a text message pops up on your phone from none other than Shindo.

‘Hey, saw you were on the news last night. Great job dealing with that Nomu.’

You smile and type back a response. ‘Thanks!! I just wish I was in costume for it...’

He responds quickly. ‘Nah, you looked good in what you were wearing.’

A little embarrassed, you try to decide how to reply. ‘Thank you :) I haven’t actually seen any of the videos of it yet, I’m a little nervous to watch them.’

‘Oh really? But you reposted one of them online? Guess someone else is managing it, huh?’

‘Wait, really? I’ll have to check it out. I didn’t get a chance to look at the account last night. Hawks’ manager is the one running it.’

‘Shit, talk about cool. Maybe he can set you up with getting some photos and stuff in costume for your account. I still think you should change the design of your helmet, though. Can’t be hiding that cute face ;)’ Your face heats up at his compliment, and you struggle to come up with a reply. As you type and retype for a minute, he sends you another message. ‘It’s a shame I can’t see that sweet blushing face of yours right now. I know you’re all red.’

“Ha!! Who’s the loverboy?” You jump and look up to see Hawks leaning over you, reading your conversation. “He’s got a good idea, though... Let me call around, we’ll set up photos for you and Tsukuyomi once he joins us. That way you have some nice professional hero photos. I'll make sure they get a bunch of you two together, too. And the helmet idea isn’t a bad one either...” He taps his fingers on his chin. “What about switching to a visor or goggles that can extend into a helmet? I know Firetamer’s sidekick took over handling your costume. The costumes and inventions he makes are all top class. I’ll send him a message asking if he can make you something.”

“Huh...?! No, no! You don’t have to do all that!” You say. “And what do you mean ‘loverboy,’ he’s just a friend I made during the exam...!” Your face flushes with embarrassment.

“Yeah, definitely just a friend!” He laughs. “He’s the one who was biting the heads off of anyone who came near you when Gang Orca attacked, isn’t he?”

“He was just worried...” You avoid Hawks’ eyes as he takes a seat next to you. “He’s just teasing me, that's all.”

“Well, you better respond to him. He’s going to start worrying that he offended you soon.” Hawks grabs a piece of fruit from your plate and pops it in his mouth.

“I don’t know what to say...” You read over his messages.

“Do you like him?” Hawks asks nonchalantly.

“I don’t really know him well enough for that... Besides, I need to focus on my studying...” You sigh, still red from embarrassment. I can’t tell Hawks that I think Shindo is hot...!

“Let’s see,” he reaches for your phone and takes it from you. “What about... Something like this, then...?” Hawks types then flips your phone back over for you to read.

‘Sorry, Hawks sat down next to me and saw your messages then immediately started making plans for a photoshoot. One of my friends is going to be working here with me, so he's going to get photos of us together. Thanks for the suggestion! :)’

“That looks good...” You say as you read it. “But he already knows about Tokoyami.”

“I’ll fix it then.” He types and shows you his fix.

‘Sorry, Hawks sat down next to me and saw your messages then immediately started making plans for a photoshoot. We’ll do it once my friend Tokoyami is here, so we can get photos together :) Thanks for the suggestion!’

Hawks sees you nod and hits send. “Good! There we go.”

Shindo must have been waiting for your reply, because he answers as Hawks is handing your phone back. ‘Ah, together, huh? Make sure they get some of just you. I know you’ll look great.’ Followed by, ‘Hope I didn’t embarrass you too much in front of the number two.’

You smile at his reply, and Hawks leans over to read it. “Yeah, he’s definitely into you. Too bad for him; you live too far apart. It's best for you to stick to someone you can see regularly when you're young and in school. Like Tsukuyomi.”

You stop typing out a reply to Shindo and choke on the food you were chewing on. “W-What...?!”

Hawks laughs at your expression. “Kidding, kidding!”

Managing to swallow your food, you cough and chug some of your water. “Do you tease Tokoyami like that?”

Hawks laughs and shrugs. “Relax, I was just using him as an example. Not like I know anymore of your classmates.” He waves it off. “But I'm interested to see if you can help convince him to spread his wings and become more confident...”

“I mean... Tokoyami is fine the way he is, I think. He's kind of the opposite of you. You're like a bright sunny morning, and he's like a calm quiet night.”

Hawks grins when he hears you. “I guess you're right about that... Then, you'll have to be the stars that light up his dark sky, okay? I'll need your help warming him up to publicity, too.”

Nodding, you look back down at your phone and quickly send Shindo a reply. ‘Haha, you're all good. Shouldn't you be focusing in class?’

He replies quickly, ‘Nah, Joke said I could be on my phone when she heard I was texting you. I'll let you get to work now. Looking forward to seeing more of you on the news, Hydra ;)’

“Alright, enough texting! Finish your food and go get changed into your costume. I'll meet you on the roof in twenty, okay?” Hawks smiles at you and stands up from his seat. “We've got a long day of patrol, Penguin.”

“Sounds good.” You smile back at Hawks and say goodbye to Shindo. Then, you pack up your books and finish eating quickly before you hurry up to your room to change.


Hey guys!! Exciting news! That thing I was muttering about concocting before is finally here! I started a Hawks x Reader x Dabi called The Art of Deception! I was sad I couldn't write x them for this story, so I ended up making another story for them! I'm not sure how often updates will be, it depends on interest and how much I have done for this story first.

You can find it on my profile, or here:


I hope you enjoy it!!!

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