177: Oink Oink

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"The rain has finally let up..." Tokoyami says. The two of you stand drenched and covered in mud.

"Yeah..." You let out a sigh of relief as you look around at the scene in front of you. As you turn your head, the tree blazing with fire enters your vision once more, and you instinctively jerk away from it. Tokoyami tightens his grip on you, pulling you closer against him.

"It's okay, Y/n. It won't hurt you." He says calmly. "Are you able to put the fires out? We don't want them to spread."

"R-Right... Thank you, Tokoyami." You give him a nervous smile. "I'm just a little flinchy from it still, I guess..."

Concern fills Tokoyami's eyes as he stares down at you. He nods and rubs your back gently. "I'll be right beside you while you put them out."

"I'm fine, really! You should keep an eye on him, I'll be fine." You gesture towards the unconscious villain, trying to sound reassuring as you talk to Tokoyami.

"You don't sound confident, Y/n. Dark Shadow can keep guard over this criminal while you extinguish the fires. I'll stay next to you." Tokoyami says, his hand still gripping your waist as he holds you in place next to him.

"Are you sure?" You ask hesitantly, and Tokoyami nods. "Thank you, Tokoyami." A small smile graces your lips, and Tokoyami feels his mouth go dry and his palms grow sweaty. He becomes hyper aware of his arm around your waist and no longer knows what to do with it.

"O-Of course..." He mumbles, looking away from you. His fingers twitch against your waist as his hand stiffens, and his hand placement suddenly feels forbidden and dirty.

Sensing his discomfort, you laugh a little and gently remove his hand from your waist. "I'm okay, Tokoyami, you don't have to hold me like I'm going to fall again. But... If you don't mind..." You trail off as you hesitantly link your arm around his, holding on to his bicep. "Is this okay...?"

Tokoyami can feel his heart hammering against his chest as you look up at him so nervously, still scared to go close to the flames by yourself. He glances down at your arm wrapped around and holding his, and he swallows as he meets your eyes once more. He awkwardly nods, and you give him a small smile back, just as awkward as his body language. "We should hurry and put them out before Hawks and the police arrive..." Tokoyami says, scratching the back of his neck.

"R-Right!" Letting out a deep breath, you turn to the flaming tree. Gathering the water from the ground, you step a little closer to it with Tokoyami. Giving his arm a tight squeeze, you step close enough to extinguish the towering flames. With all of the water from the storm, there's more than enough.

"I've got you." Tokoyami catches your eyes and nods in encouragement.

"Thank you..." You give him a nervous smile and turn back to the flames. The heat radiating off of them makes your skin crawl, but you force yourself to stay where you are. The water you're holding is getting heavy, and there are several other small fires to put out, so you raise your hand higher. With the water aimed at the tree, you blast the fire, quickly dousing the flames.

"There you go. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Tokoyami nods.

"Yeah... Thanks, Tokoyami." You smile. "Let's get the other trees before my nerves get worse."

Tokoyami follows you to the other trees, and by the time the police arrive, you're putting out the last fire. They quickly hurry towards the captured villain, and the two of you walk over to meet them.

"Talk about a mess..." One of the officers says to you. "Hawks told us you saw him inject himself with something, huh?"

"Yes... He pulled it out of his pocket and injected himself before we could stop him." Tokoyami explains.

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