141: Black Haired Boys

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“Just sit still already!!” Shindo glares at you and pins you down on your back again. You notice he's being careful of your injured hand as he clasps both of your wrists in his left on the ground above your head.

Struggling and squirming underneath him, you regret putting all of your targets on your chest and stomach, making them easy for him to hit. “I'm not going to let you beat me that easily!” Using the water that soaked you before, you freeze over your targets and try to get your hands free. Shindo has to use both hands to hold yours down, and once he does, you freeze his to yours in a block of ice attached to the ground.

He chuckles and leans in again, ready to use his quirk. “Freezing my hands in place while I pin you down like this... You're liking this, aren't you, Y/n? I can call you that, right?” His breath tickles your face, and his hair brushes against your forehead. “Oh, but this is an exam, and we're on a time crunch. You can confess to me once I've gotten my license.” Your face must match your gloves at this point as you blush and struggle against his strength.

Why the hell does he have to be so freaking hot?!! As you try to reach for a ball with your Serpent's Bite, Shindo easily ruins your control by activating his quirk. You grimace against the shaking, and try to kick him. “Quit being such a flirt!” He easily places his shins on yours, pinning your legs against the ground as well.

“But you're so cute when you blush!” He laughs. “Another thing... Just a suggestion, really... But with a face that cute, it just doesn't make sense to have the opaque helmet cover. You really should switch it to a transparent visor or at least a transparent cover. Villains will be sure to surrender the second they see those gorgeous eyes of yours.” He winks. His face is still mere inches away from yours, and his proximity along with his sweet talk are making your brain malfunction.

Oh my god... This is the first time I've even been so close to a boy, and he won't stop hitting on me...!! As your emotions run rampant and your heart slams against your chest, steam begins pouring out of your face.

“Ow!! What the hell?!” He winces away from the steam, squinting his eyes as he's stuck against you thanks to the ice. “Hah! You really are flustered! What a cute side effect of your quirk!” He laughs.

Before you can think of a response, you can hear voices from above. “I think he's down here!! I saw him and the ice girl land somewhere over here!”

“Uh oh, looks like my class cares more about me than yours does.” Shindo chuckles. “I've got her pinned down! Someone come hold her in place for me! I'm the one taking her down!” He yells up before turning back down to you, breaking the ice with his quirk. “Sorry, gorgeous, but it looks like you're failing today. Maybe next year.”

“Fat chance!!!” A familiar voice yells from above. “Quit flirting with her!! She's not into you!” You can hear a scuffle, and Shindo is suddenly yanked off of you and slammed into the wall. Before you can even react, you're pulled quickly up into the air out of the hole yourself, and the sunlight causes you to close your eyes. You land in someone's arms, and you squint open your eyes to see who saved you. “You okay, Y/n?”

“Sero!!! How'd you find me?!” You ask.

“I heard these guys mention it. Now, let's hurry and get out of here! Hold on! My tape won't hold them for long, and we can't face them all at once!!”

You look behind you, and Shindo’s classmates are freeing themselves from Sero's tape. You wrap your arms around his neck, and Sero wraps an arm around your waist. He quickly launches tape at a rock further away, and you both go flying after it once it connects. “Woah!!”

“Jeez, that guy!! He acted so nice earlier, but he's even worse than Bakugou! What a flirt!!” Sero grumbles. He swings between the rocks as you hang on to him.

“Oh! You got my helmet, too?!” You notice your helmet taped to his waist and he nods.

“Don't want you getting a concussion or anything after all. Plus, it helps you find people, right? I still haven't found anyone else from our class.”

“I hope they're okay...” You say. Sero finds a hidden spot and lands. When you do, he keeps his arm around your waist and takes his helmet off, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm.

“I can't believe that guy was hitting on you...! Did he try anything? Did he say anything that made you uncomfortable? He didn't touch you, did he...?!” You've never seen Sero look so pissed off. It's kind of hot.

You blush at his words, and realize how close your faces are with your arms still wrapped around his neck. Sero spots the cut on your cheek and his eyes narrow even more. Dropping his helmet on the ground, he gently cradles your cheek in his hand, carefully wiping the blood away with his thumb.

“Did he do that to you?”

“No, no! It's okay, really! I used my quirk to stop a big piece of rock from landing on him after he tried to protect me from it, and one of the shards cut my cheek!”

“Wait... Did you generate the water from your hand?” Sero pulls your arms off of him and holds your hands in front of him. He notices the blood on your sleeve and his eyes widen. “You're not supposed to be doing that!”

“I know, I did it without thinking!” You pull your hand back, but Sero holds on to it.

“We need to wash it and wrap it.”

“We don't have time! We need to hurry and finish the exam. I already put some gauze in my glove, so it should be fine until then.” You give Sero a reassuring smile.

Finally realizing just how close the two of you are, Sero's face goes red, and he turns his head away from you. “Fine. But don't even try to use it again, okay? Promise me.”

“I promise, Sero.” You tilt your head, trying to catch his eyes. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

Sero looks out of the corner of his eye at you smiling up at him, and he struggles to keep his cool. “It's nothing...! You would have done the same...” He avoids your eyes again.

“I really mean it, though. A minute longer and I would have failed.” You continue smiling up at him and give him a hug. “So thank you!”

It's Sero's turn to match the shade of your gloves, and he clears his throat as he awkwardly hugs you, patting your back as he does. “R-Right...!! We should go look for the others...!” Sero pulls away from you and bends down to pick up his helmet. In his embarrassment, he drops it twice before standing up. He pulls yours off of his waist and hands it to you.

“Thank you, Sero.” You give him another grin as you take your helmet from him and put it on. “Don't worry, we'll be fine! Now, let's go find our class!” You grab his hand in your good one, and pull him towards the closest small grouping of examinees marked on your helmet.

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