Chapter 97: Welcome Back

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Due to your sour mood, you end up spending most of the evening holed up in your bedroom. When Mandalay took over as your guardian, she made sure every office and building of the Pussycats' had a bedroom for you and Kota each. After your aunt helps you bring your things to your room, she heads to the mess hall to grab you dinner. Kota's words had ruined your appetite, but you know you need the food, so you accept it.

"Your classmates were asking about you."

"I guess it's not really fair that I'm not with them..." You mumble and shove a bite of rice into your mouth.

Your aunt shakes her head. "They understand. They'll be heading to the hot springs once everyone is done eating. You should join them. The frog girl and the brunette seemed really worried."

"I might go after everyone else... I think I want a shower before I soak..." You say.

"I'll get Kota to stand guard then. I heard one of the boys in your class is the 'embodiment of lust' from Aizawa." You must have made a face because your aunt laughs. "I'll take that as a yes. Hopefully Aizawa whips him into shape soon."

"Oh if he doesn't, I will." You grumble.

"Make sure you hurry up and eat it before it gets cold. You guys are cooking your own food starting tomorrow."

"By the way, were you the one who told them to switch the camp to here?"

Mandalay chuckles and shrugs. "Does it really matter? I get my favourite niece back home for the week!"

You smile and give her a hug. "I missed being home..."

"We all missed having you here. Especially your brother."

"Yeah he really showed it today..."

"It'll take time. Maybe all of this hero training will let him see wannabe heroes in a different light. Get an up close look at what makes you tick, huh?"

"Yeah, maybe... Just remind me to be doing hero work out of the country when he hits his teens."

Your aunt shudders. "Don't remind me. I'll grow greys just thinking about it." You laugh at her response, and she ruffles up your hair. "Now, hurry and finish eating so you can shower. You stink!"

"Yeah, yeah! I wouldn't smell so bad if Pixie had gone easier on us!"

Your aunt laughs and waves as she leaves your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.

Not wanting to feel any more sorry for yourself, you gobble up the rest of your food, and get ready for your shower. Your bedroom has an ensuite bathroom, so you don't have to worry about running into any of the others.

After a nice, relaxing shower, you throw on some pjs and leave your room to say goodnight to your classmates and family.

When you walk past your aunt's office, you notice Midoriya's voice coming from within. You push the door open, and Midoriya is standing there wearing nothing but one of the small towels from the hot spring.

"Midoriya?! Why are you naked???" You lift your hands to cover your eyes, but spot your little brother unconscious on the couch. "What happened?!"

"Ah...! Mineta tried scaling the wall and Kota was up top... He ended up falling after he pushed Mineta down. I caught him and brought him here."

"Oh! Y/n, don't worry, he's okay-" Your aunt comes around the corner when she hears your voice, but you've already whipped around. "Oh no..."

"Y/n!" Pixiebob shouts after you with a tea tray in hand, but you ignore her. "Oh dear... Midoriya, will you stop her before she kills that kid?"

You storm down the hallway towards the hot springs, and slam your fist into the door, punching it repeatedly.

"You guys have twenty seconds to hand that little pervert over before I come in and get him myself!!!" You shout.

A chorus of the boy's voices can be heard from the other side, some laughing. Behind you, Midoriya has finally caught up and is trying to stop you from breaking the door down.

"Y/n! You can't go in! They're all naked!"

"I'm going to kill him! Time's up!!" You grab the handle and as you turn it, a piece of cloth wraps around your arm stopping you.

"What is going on here?" Your teacher asks.

"Let go of me. I'm teaching that little pervert a lesson."

"Teach it to him when you're not going to be walking in on all of the guys undressed. Midoriya, go get Mineta dressed, and send him out. Y/n, go to bed."

"That little creep almost caused my brother's head to splatter everywhere!"

Aizawa sighs. "I should have made everyone bathe at different times. Don't worry, I'll punish him."

Midoriya enters, and Aizawa forcibly holds you back from storming the place with his scarf.

You can hear Mineta yelling at Midoriya that there's no way he's going out into the hall with you there. You hear him splashing around in the water and insist that he's fine where he is.

An idea pops into your head. With your back towards Aizawa, you begin dropping the temperature of the water in the hot springs on the boys side to near freezing temperatures.

As the boys begin shouting and clamouring, Aizawa smacks you on the back of the head and erases your quirk.

"Knock it off. I said I'd deal with him."

The temperature change is clearly enough to make up the minds of your male classmates, and soon Mineta is shoved out into the hallway.

If looks were enough to kill, Mineta would be dead a hundred times over. You try to strangle him, but Aizawa pulls you away.

"Mineta. There are two options for you. One: I let go of Y/n, and let you face her wrath, or two: you go apologize to Mandalay for endangering her nephew due to your own foolishness, and you do one hundred laps around the outside of the building before bed." Aizawa says, not taking his eyes off of you.

"I choose life." Mineta scurries down the hall towards the office, and Aizawa releases you when he's gone from your sight.

"Now that that's settled, fix the hot springs and apologize to the boys." Aizawa tells you.


"Does it look like I care?"

You sigh and shuffle your feet. "Fine."

Aizawa rolls his eyes and mutters something about how this is exactly why he never had kids of his own. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Aizawa stalks down the hall without waiting for a reply.


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