V2 - Chapter 80: Swimming and an Invite

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Hi everyone! Just a reminder that these next three chapters, titled with "V2," are not canon to the story. I wrote them initially planning for these to be how the story went, but came up with the idea of going with Todoroki instead after I had already written these, so these were scrapped. I had a few people say they were still interested in reading them though, so consider these as bonus alt universe peeks haha. The story will continue as normal after V2 of Chapter 82, and we'll be back to Chapter 93. 


"Thanks again for giving me your towel, Y/n."

"What and leave you to freeze?" You laugh. The two of you walk back to the rest of the group, and Midoriya grabs a drink from Momo's cooler. With the last heat finished, the boys agree on a ten minute break before the final race, and everyone disperses.

Midoriya cracks open his can and slips a straw in. "Oh, is that a new flavour?" You ask. As he drinks he nods. "Can I try a sip?"

Midoriya, having never shared a drink with a girl before, gets embarrassed as he often does when interacting with girls. Especially cute girls. Cute girls in swimsuits that happen to be wearing his special edition All Might towel. He manages to spit out a sure, and you step closer to him. Leaning over, you take a sip from his straw.

"Yum! That's good! I think I'm going to grab one!" With Midoriya still standing shell shocked over sharing his drink with you, you dig through Momo's cooler for another. Sadly, Mineta had taken the last one as he saw you trying Midoriya's.

"You can share with me-" Mineta begins to say with a smirk, but the disgust on your face makes him actually stop talking for once.

"Oh, are there none left?" Midoriya snaps out of it and asks you. "Do you want the rest of mine?"

"No no, it's okay, Midoriya! I'll have to try it again sometime in the future."

"I don't mind sharing the rest of it with you... Only if you want..."

"Really? Thank you!!"

The rest of the break goes by quickly as you and Midoriya sit next to each other. If anyone who didn't know better happened to see you, they'd think the two of you are dating. Between the towels and the shared drink, some of the boys are starting to get annoyed. Not to mention how close to each other you are sitting.

Soon, the time comes for the final race.

"It's time for the final race. Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, as winners of each heat you'll compete for first place. Understand?" Iida says.

"I guess that's my cue." Midoriya stands up and puts your towel down on his seat.

"Kick their butts, Midoriya! Win for me!" You say. You mean it as in win by actually swimming, not cheating like the other boys, but he only hears "win for me" as it would be said in a romantic setting. Either way, it motivates him.

After thanking you, Midoriya walks off like he's been possessed by a robot, and you laugh. 

"Listen up, Scar Face! Don't you dare hold back like you did at the Sports Festival! Bring everything you've got!"

"I will." Todoroki stares down Bakugou, and Midoriya awkwardly stands between them.

"You too, Deku! Fight to win! I don't care if Y/n is cheering for you, I'm still going to blow past you!"

Falling into the oh so serious life-or-death mood of a summer break swim race between classmates, Midoriya agrees and assures Bakugou he'll give it his all. The three boys all stare at each other, the intensity of a thousand burning suns in their eyes. Boys, am I right?

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