Chapter 75: Swim Suit Shopping

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"Wow, this store has more bathing suits than some stores have clothes!" Kaminari says as the five of you walk in.

"Yup! They have stuff for everyone here!" You smile. "I've been coming here since I was a kid. Actually, my parents costumes were made from the same fabrics their suppliers use! The owners used to be good friends with them, so I get a discount!"

"Wow... Must be nice to have popular parents." Kaminari says. Sero nudges him. "Ah, sorry! What I meant-"

"It's okay, don't worry about it." You say. "I'd be lying if I said people didn't treat me better because of it. I don't want to be a downer though! We're here to have some fun!"

Kirishima rests his hand on your shoulder and gives you a warm smile. He had noticed the small bits of frost growing there, and hoped to help it go away.

"So where do we start?" Sero asks.

"Let's find something for Ojiro first!"

"We don't have to..."

"It'll be fun! I never have an excuse to look at all of the modified swimwear, today's the perfect chance!"

You lead the group to the right wall of the store where they have all of the men's modified swimwear on display. After getting Ojiro's size, you begin throwing different trunks into his arms.

"Oh these you have to try on!!" You take a pair off of the wall and drop them into the pile. They are light blue with yellow details that perfectly match the colour of the fur on his tail.

"These are really nice...! But, I feel like this might be too many..." Ojiro tells you.

"Nonsense! You can never have too many swimsuits!" You laugh and strike a pose like Iida.

"How many do you have, Y/n?"

"Uh... Let's see... Not including the ones that I grew out of this year... I only have six."

"Only six?!"

"What do you need six different bathing suits for??" Kaminari asks.

"Well, why do you have more than six outfits? Besides, what am I supposed to do when one is dirty?"

"Wash it?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't go through enough clothes to do a load everyday. Besides, some days I do morning and night swims. If I had it my way I'd have way more! But I'll have to wait until I'm done growing to start a big collection."

"I guess that's fair." Kirishima says.

"Maybe when you go pro they'll have you model for them." Sero says.

Feeling embarrassed by the idea of being a swimsuit model, you shake your head. "No way! That's not for me!"

"You'd be perfect for it," Kirishima says.

"That'd be way too embarrassing! It was embarassing enough having a tight costume."

"You'd get more fans, that's for sure." Kaminari says.

"I don't know if those are the kind of fans Y/n would want..." Ojiro says.

"Exactly! I'm going to be the number one hero after all! I don't need swimsuit ads to cheat my way to the top!" You laugh and wrap an arm around Ojiro. "Oji gets it!"

'Oji?!' The boys all catch the casual nickname you slip in, and give Ojiro a dirty look.

"Now, if Ojiro has enough, let's move on to you guys!"

"Oh, is that Y/n?" A voice says from behind you.

You turn around and see the owners' daughter changing a mannequin.

"Tsumugi! It's been a while!" You run up to her and give her a hug. Although she is in her twenties, you had grown up knowing her. With both of your parents being so close, she had babysat you a few times when your parents were out working.

"You look well! How did your exams go?"

"Nevermind that! Got any cool new swimsuits?" You ask, trying to avoid the sore subject for a few of your friends.

"Actually, my parents have one waiting here for you! It's a one of a kind! They were so proud of you for your hard work in the Sports Festival that they had to make it."

"Wow, they really like you here, Y/n!" Sero says.

"Oh, let me take those for your friend!" Tsumugi takes the pile of swimsuits from Ojiro and hands them off to another staff member. "He's going to start a room for you, okay dear? Now you all keep looking while I run to the back to get Y/n's gift."

Ojiro thanks her, and you continue to browse.

"What about this one?" You show Kaminari a pair of black and yellow swim trunks with small lightning bolts strewn about them.

"I love them! Oh! Do they have Pikachu on them?"

Hidden in the pattern are a few Pikachu faces. Kaminari looks a bit like a kid as he digs through the stack to find his size.

"Don't make a mess," Kirishima says.

You laugh and continue to look around. Kirishima was able to find a pair of retro style Crimson Riot trunks and practically refused to let go of them when the sales associate tried starting him a room.

"All that's left is Sero now..." You scan the store for something that screams Sero to you, but realize you don't actually know what he would like. "Have any jumped out at you?"

"Well... There was a pair near the front that looked nice." Sero leads the group towards the front and picks up a pair from the table.

They are deep red with a cute orange pattern over it.

"Cute! I didn't know you liked oranges so much, Sero." You say.

"They're tasty."

"Fair enough!" You continue looking around at the swim suits, and fawn over all of the new styles.

"Sorry about that, Y/n! I finally found it for you!" Tsumugi comes walking up to you.

"I'm so excited!" You all follow her back to the fitting rooms.

She hands you a blue box tied with a red ribbon. "I hope you like it!"

"Thank you! I already know I will!" You carefully open up the box and unwrap the tissue paper. Inside is a swimsuit in your favourite style and colours.

"Ooo cute!" Kaminari leans over the box to check it out.

"It's perfect!!" You exclaim and give her a hug. "I love it!!"

She laughs. "I knew you would. My parents will be very happy to hear you like it."

"Tell them I say thank you a million times!!"

She laughs and takes the garbage from you. "Now, let your friends try theirs on!"

"You aren't trying it on?" Ojiro asks.

"Oh no, I already know it will fit perfectly. I already bought six this year, remember?"

"Wait, those were all new?" Kirishima asks.

"Well yeah, I grew out of the other ones I had."

"Jeez, that's a lot." Sero says.

"Hurry and try them on! I still need to get a sleeping bag!"

"Alright, alright," The boys all shuffle into their rooms and try on the trunks they picked out. Ojiro starts with the last pair you had picked out.

You excitedly sit in a chair outside waiting for the fashion show.

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