Chapter 15: The First Hurdle

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"We've got this!" You cheer. You turn towards the edge of the ship and look over all of the villains. "We just all need to work together- and not stare at my ass!!" When you turn your head back towards the other three, you notice Mineta almost drooling over how your costume fits over your rear. You smack him on the head and knock him forward.

When you go to take your hand away however, it sticks to his weird grape looking hair. "What the hell?" You try to pull it away again, but it doesn't budge.

"It's my quirk." You look at Mineta with confusion. Ever since the first day, you've been pretending he doesn't exist because he's been such a pervert. Naturally, this meant you had no clue what he was talking about. He reaches up and seperates your hand from his hair.

"It can stick to stuff. If I'm feeling good they can last all day. They don't stick to me though. I just bounce right off. I can pull them off and another will grow right back, but if I pull too many off my head will bleed."

The three of you stare blankly at the short boy. "Oh... Okay..."

"Like I just said, we just gotta wait to be rescued!! My quirk is terrible at fighting multiple opponents!!"

"N-not at all! It's a great quirk. We just have to think if a way to use it with the rest of ours...!" Midoriya tells him.

Tsuyu speaks up. "I can jump really high... And I can stick to walls to climb them... My tongue can extend about 20 meters... Also I can spit up my stomach to clean it, and I can secrete a poisonous liquid that really only stings a little. The last two aren't very useful right now, though."

"I... have super strength... but it really messes me up when I use it. It's like a double edged sword..." Midoriya says.

"I can control and generate water. I can also change the state of it. I'm best at using ice like Todoroki, but I've been working on using normal water and steam. I-"

Suddenly a hand made of water smashes down on the ship next to your group. The ship splits in two pieces due to the power, and the four of you get thrown to the floor. "I'm getting bored down here. Let's finish this thing already." One of the villains says.

The ship rumbles as it begins to sink. "He's so strong he split the ship in half!!" Mineta screeches.

"Y'know I can do that, too, right?" You roll your eyes at Mineta. "We're strong enough to beat them."

"Yeah but they're not on a ship!! What good is it if you can split a ship in half too if they don't have one?!?!??! This isn't Battleship!!!" Mineta yells back at you.

"Ha, as if that little girl could be as strong as me!" The villain laughs. One of the ones near him glares at him and you debate dropping an iceberg on him.

"Shigaraki said not to underestimate them. They may have powerful quirks."

"Tch, whatever... Ew! What the hell is this?!" In a panic, Mineta had begun throwing the balls from his head into the water. A few landed near the first villain, and he was careful to not touch one.

"What are you doing?!" You ask Mineta.

"Why'd you panic?! Now the enemy knows your quirk!" Midoriya scolds Mineta.

You sigh. "This ship won't last much longer... I can try to keep the water out, but they'll figure out it's one of our quirks keeping it up pretty fast."

You turn to Midoriya as Tsuyu says something to Mineta, and he begins screeching about how there's no way you'll win again.

"Midoriya, do you have any plans?" You ask.

"I just thought of one... It's risky, but it's the best plan I can come up with aside from you freezing the whole lake."

"Sorry, no can do. That's way too much water to freeze for me. What's the other plan?"

Once you go over the plan and tell the other two, Midoriya gets ready. He climbs up onto the railing of the ship and screams, "DIIIEEE!!!" like he's Bakugou.

The villain who attacked the ship goes to hit Midoriya with another giant water hand, but before he can you stop him. You force the water back into the lake and he looks shocked.

A split second later, Midoriya smashes the surface of the water with a flick. The water caves in, and a huge boom fills the air as the pressure forces the water down. "Tsu, Y/n, Mineta!" He screams.

Tsuyu grabs you and Mineta as she jumps off of the boat. She quickly snatches Midoriya with her tongue before he can hit the water. With the water goes the villains. Mineta begins throwing a huge amount of the balls from his head into the water with them. It results in all of the villains getting stuck to one another as they are caught by the water movement.

A few of the villains manage to avoid getting pulled towards the center of the blast, but you force them in. Thanks to physics, the water crashes back into the impact point and blasts upwards with a bit of help from you.

You quickly grab onto Midoriya to help release some of the weight from Tsuyu's tongue. "They're all washed up." She says. "It looks like we beat our first challenge. Good job you three."

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