Chapter 76: Midoriya's Handsy Blind Date

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They all step out at the same time, and you pose in the chair like you're observing a high class fashion show.

"Yes, very nice! The definition of elegance and grace! Beautiful!" You clap for the four of them, and Sero and Kaminari jokingly bow back at you.

"Looks like they fit perfectly! Say, Y/n, if you ever decide being a pro isn't for you, you can always come work for me!"

You laugh at Tsumugi's suggestion and politely decline. "Like I'd ever want to be anything else!"

She laughs at your reaction and at the boys flexing at each other. Ojiro stands off to the side looking a bit awkward.

"Ojiro, that blue looks great on you!" You say.

He blushes a little and thanks you. "I think I'm just going to go with this one."

"Aw, but what about the rest?"

"We'll be here all day if I try all of them on..."

"Yeah, Y/n kind of went crazy with picking them out for you." Kirishima laughs.

The boys all return to their fitting rooms and change back into their own clothes.

Tsumugi turns to you. "You know, your parents would be so proud to see how well you're doing."

"Thank you..." You smile.

"But your dad would totally be going gray if he saw how popular you are with the guys!" She laughs at you.

"I'm not! They're my friends!"

"Sure, sure, whatever you say. Don't forget I watched you grow up! I know you better than you think, Y/n!"

"Don't you have a store to run?" You jokingly huff and cross your arms over your chest.

She laughs at your reaction. "Part of my job is helping customers! Besides, I had a meeting get cancelled, so I'm not even scheduled for the floor right now."

The boys all emerge from the fitting rooms, and you follow her to the cash register. She logs into a closed one and cashes everyone out herself.

"Now, since you're all good friends with Y/n and hopefully keeping her out of trouble, I'll give you a friends and family discount today. Don't go telling everyone!"

"Thank you!!"

Once everyone pays, you wave goodbye and brave the crowded mall once more. You spot a display down the hall and head towards it.

"Let's see, the camping store that sells the sleeping bags should be on the next floor..." Kaminari taps away at the interactive map.

Before it finishes loading, a warning covers the screen. At the same time, an announcement comes over the speakers.

"Attention all customers and staff! The mall is now on lockdown due to villain activity! Please remain calm while we work with the authorities and heroes to ensure everyone's safety. Follow the instructions of mall staff to your nearest shelter."

"A villain?!" You look around as everyone begins to move more wildly. Shops begin to close their doors likely to avoid shoplifters taking advantage of the panic.

Your phone chimes, and you check it to find a text from Uraraka. The boys receive an identical one.

"No way... Shigaraki was here?! And he threatened Midoriya?!"

The five of you rush to the fountain where you had originally separated from the rest of the group. The police had set up a barrier and are speaking to Midoriya behind it.

"Midoriya! Are you okay?" You call out to him.

He looks like he had been brushed by death, and after your interaction with the leader of the League at USJ, you weren't surprised.

"Over here!" Uraraka calls you over.

"What happened??" Ojiro asks her.

"I don't really know for sure, I went off on my own to shop and came back because I realized Midoriya was alone... When I got there this hooded guy was sitting next to him. I thought he might have been a friend, but the look on Midoriya's face...!" She shudders. "When I asked him to get away from Midoriya, he got up and waved it off. It was totally unsettling! Then Midoriya called him Shigaraki as he was walking away, and that's when I realized... I called the emergency line and for heroes, but he disappeared instantly...!"

"Crap! We can't even go shopping without these guys popping up!" Kirishima clenches his fist.

"Is Midoriya okay?" Ojiro asks.

"As far as I know... They're going to take him in to talk to a detective, but Shigaraki was choking him. All he needed to do was touch one more finger to his neck and he'd..." She trails off. You all knew what she meant, anyways.

Sero pushes his hair away from his face and sighs. "I can't believe Midoriya was here getting choked out by a villain while we were laughing about swim trunks... It seems a bit pathetic now..."

"Yeah..." The rest of you agree.

"Uraraka! There you are! Where is Midoriya?!" Iida comes running up, followed by Mina, Hagekure, and a few others.

"He's okay!" Uraraka gives the run down to the rest of the group as the others join you.

"I can't believe he just disappeared..." Kaminari says.

"I guess you have to be good at hiding in public when you're as big of a villain as him..." You say. "I just hope they catch him..."

The police led everyone away from Midoriya to keep the scene untouched and get him checked out for any injuries, so none of you were allowed to stay near him.

Your phone rings, and you see your aunt's caller ID.

"Hey Auntie-"

"Are you okay?!"

"I'm okay, I promise!"

"Jeez, why is UA such a magnet for villains this year... I'm glad you're okay."

"How'd you even hear about what happened already?"

"We're heroes, Y/n. We have access to the right channels, not to mention I've been keeping a close eye on the news near you since Hosu. You and your classmates need to be careful in public and with who has access to your whereabouts."

"I will, Auntie. Only one of my classmates had a run in with him, and he's okay. The police are taking statements from him right now."

"Good, now be safe getting home. I want you to let me know as soon as you walk in the door. If I don't hear from you, I'm calling your teacher to check on you!"

"Yeah, yeah, I will! I promise! I'll even share my location with you so you can watch my every step!" You chuckle.

Mandalay sighs. "I worry about you, Y/n."

"I know-"

"I already lost two family members to villains. I don't want to lose the daughter they entrusted to me, too. Not to mention what that would do to your brother..."

"I'm sorry, Auntie..."

"It's not your fault, I just want you to understand where my crazy worries come from. I wish you weren't so far away... Then I'd feel better knowing I could protect you myself."

"I promise I'll be careful! I'll become so strong you and Kota and the others won't have to worry at all!"

You talk with your aunt for a few minutes longer, before you and your classmates head home.

A new seed of worry is beginning to form in your stomachs. The path to becoming a hero is filled with more hurdles than any of you had expected. How many more encounters will you have to go through before even the end of your first year?

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