139: The Provisional License Exam Begins

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“Those who can't keep up... Are doomed to fail.” Mera says. 

You share a look with your classmates. “He's right... Heroes who don't solve issues quickly often get torn apart by the media...” You say. 

“That's why Hawks is so popular.” Tokoyami says. “His speed is unmatched; even his sidekicks can't keep up with him. He doesn't even need to stop walking or speaking for most captures.”

“He's really something else...” You say. “It would be really beneficial to get trained by him...”

Tokoyami grumbles. “When he's actually around... Most days during our internships I wasn't even with him. I got stuck with his sidekicks because I couldn't keep up with him. It's going to be different when I'm with him next time.”

“I'll have to work on my speed, too, then if I want to learn from him, huh...” You sigh. “It'll be hard with my quirk messed up...”

“Given that, today we'll be testing you examinees on speed. Only the first hundred to meet the requirements will pass.” Mera continues. 

The auditorium erupts into confused shouting, with several students pointing out that it's not even close to a 25% pass rate, let alone 50%. “Only a hundred out of 1540... That's less than 10%...!” You say. “Of course he says we're being tested on speed right after I say that. Me and my big mouth...!”

Midoriya seems to be doing the math in his head as he counts on his fingers. “That's about 6% of us!!”

“Society is rarely so kind...” Mera continues, and the crowd goes quiet once more. “Now, the passing requirements involve these.” He lifts a ball and target up in each hand, and the display behind him lights up with an infographic. “Each examinee will have three targets and six balls. Each target must be placed on your body. They can be wherever you like, so long as they are accessible. That means no armpits or soles of your feet. These targets will only light up once hit by one of these balls. You're disqualified the instant all three of your targets are lit, so no trying to take anyone down with you. Those with their third target illuminated will then be considered defeated. To pass, you must defeat two other examinees. That's it for the rules.”

“This is going to be even tougher than one entrance exam, huh...” You say to Midoriya. He nods. 

“Not only are we facing people instead of robots, but we can't waste a single ball if we want to pass.” He says. “If we mess up, maybe we can use other students' balls...”

“We'll be handing out balls and targets once this place opens up and we have more space. The exam will commence one minute after all examinees are fully equipped.” Mera says. Men with matching suits on begin stepping forward with large boxes. 

“Opens up...?” You and Uraraka look at each other in confusion. A loud rumble fills the room, and sunlight pours in as the roof unfolds. 

“With every type of terrain available, you should all be able to find areas suited to yourselves and quirks.” Mera says as the walls unfold as well. “Make the best use of your talents. We've carefully thought about all factors as we came up with these environments. What a drag. So much sleep lost.”

You gape as the dust cloud settles, and you find yourself in the center of the stadium. There are urban areas, factories, rocky terrains, waterfalls, pretty much everything. “Holy crap... It's like USJ on steroids...!”

Uraraka nods, and everyone lines up to get their targets. Your classmates start placing theirs, and you struggle to decide where to put yours. Finally, you decide to put two on your upper chest, just below your collarbone on either side, and one on your stomach. 

“The early bird gets the worm, here...” Midoriya says. “People won't be fighting their own schoolmates... Teaming up with friends whose quirks you know best seems like the best strategy to win.”

“We should try to stay together as a group then.” You say. 

“As if. This isn't some class picnic.” Bakugou grunts and rushes off in another direction. 

“Get back here, you dummy!!” Kirishima chases after him, and Kaminari follows them. 

“I'm out too. I can't make good use of my quirk if we're all packed in together.”

“Ah, Bakugou–Shoto!! Guys!!!” You call out after them, but they keep running away. Midoriya groans alongside you, and you both look between them. 

“No time! Let them go! We have to get ready!” Mineta says. 

The rest of your class nods and rushes off into the rocky center terrain, as the countdown begins. “I just don't think they're better off all on their own!” Midoriya says. 

“Why not?” Mineta asks. 

“Well, because our moves are already known. They way to win... What I mentioned before, I bet the other schools are thinking the exact same thing. This is for sure going to turn into a battle between all of the schools here today, I'm certain of it. Which means only one thing: picking which school to target.”

You understand exactly what Midoriya is saying as you run forward and fiddle with your helmet. The sun is warm and the sky is clear, but it's decently humid out. According to your helmet, there should be enough water in the air for you to pull it out. “You think it's going to be us, right Midoriya?”

He nods. “Out of all of the schools competing here today, there's only one that doesn't have the advantage of having unknown quirks. One top school whose students had their quirks, styles, weaknesses, and patterns exposed to the world. Thanks to our sports festival, I'm sure every single student here knows and practiced to counter our moves.”

As Midoriya is talking while your class runs through the terrain, you've been keeping a close eye on the readings from your helmet. “I hate to say it, but you're exactly right, Midoriya. Everyone!! Get ready, as soon as that counter hits zero, we're getting slammed!! We've got company!!!!” Dozens upon dozens of dots flash on your screen, each indicating an individual student. All of them are following your class and surrounding you from all directions. It's hard to see them behind all of the rocks, but your helmet is beeping with a frantic rhythm as each zeroes in on your classmates. 


“Crap, really?!” Mina asks. 


“They're really there!!” Mineta cries. 


“Get ready!!!” You shout.


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