Chapter 95: Welcome to Summer Camp Hell!

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"...Wild Pussycats!"

You awake from your deep sleep, imagining your aunt and Pixiebob's voices, and finding yourself reciting their chant. No one is on the bus with you. Not even Sero, who had been sitting right next to you when you fell asleep.

Confused and still half asleep, you stumble off of the bus to search for your class and teacher. As you step down, you squint and block the bright sunlight from your eyes. Not too far away from you, you see your aunt, little brother, and Pixiebob standing with your classmates. Still dazed from your slumber, you give them a small wave.

"Oh... Hi Auntie... Hi Kota..." You yawn. "Hi Pixie..."

"Y/n, move!!!" Your classmates begin to rush at you.

"Huh?" You blink a few times and look back at your aunt.

"Hi, dear," she says.

"Auntie? What are you doing here...?"

"See you later, Y/n." Your aunt and Pixiebob give you cheeky waves as the ground below you crumbles.

Shrieking, you reach to grab ahold of something, anything, and find yourself clinging to Bakugou's chest.

As you fall, he wraps one arm around your waist and scoffs. "Took you long enough to piece it together." As you fall, he pulls you closer to him, so you're pressed right against him. "You have to stop making me catch you like this."

Right before you hit the ground, Bakugou blasts the area below you, quite literally single-handedly breaking your impact. He lets go of you as soon as your feet touch the ground, but you wobble and clutch on to him again.

"Betrayed by my own family...! No wonder my aunt didn't care when I told her the location got switched! Hell, she was probably the first one to suggest it! I bet she called Aizawa right after she hung up with me!"

"Which one was your aunt?" Sero groans as he straightens himself up. "I don't think I like either of them much so far, that's for sure...!"

"The one with the brown hair... And they brought my brother, too! He probably thinks I'm even more of an idiot after that fall!" You groan and stand upright. "My legs are still half asleep...! Ah! I just bought these nylons so I'd look presentable for the trip! Now they're all torn!"

Quietly, Bakugou says, "They look better that way."

Thinking he is being sarcastic, you give him a slow "ha ha" and shove away from him.

From above, you hear your aunt yell. "This is our private property, so feel free to use your quirks! You've got three hours to reach the facility on foot if you want lunch!!"

You groan. "I hate this part."

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asks you as he tries scraping dirt off of his tongue.

"They have this stupid difficult training thing they do-"

"Let's see if you can survive the Beast's Forest!!!!!"

You groan even louder this time. "There it is."

"The Beast's Forest...?! You've done this before, Y/n?" Midoriya asks and you nod.

"Seriously? That name is straight out of Dragon Quest..." Kaminari shakes dirt out of his pant leg.

"Why does UA always pick the weirdest places?" Jiro sighs.

All of your classmates are covered in dirt and are busy trying to clean it off.

"I can't believe they're making us do this whole thing in our school uniforms..." You sigh.

"There's no use in complaining, everyone! Stick together, and let's start moving!" Iida tells everyone.

"Just so you guys know, we're going to have to f-"

Mineta rushes off to find a secluded spot to go to the bathroom before you can finish.

A thundering boom comes from the direction he ran in, followed by the cracking of branches.

"An actual beast?!!" Your classmates yell in fear, and Koda tries to instruct it to stop, but you are already ahead of them.

"It's no use, Koda! They're not alive! We'll be fighting to destroy from here on out!!!" You race towards the beast with Bakugou hot on your tail. The two of you easily break it to pieces, and Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are quick to stop the second that appears.

"They're just dirt??" Hagekure yells.

"It's Pixie's quirk! She controls the dirt to create monsters that we have to fight. Don't let your guard down! I'm sure they're watching our every step!"

Bakugou runs alongside you as you lead the way. "Just because you have the home advantage doesn't mean I won't win!"

"Whatever you say, Mr. Kacchan! I grew up playing in this forest! I know it like the back of my hand!"

"Don't call me that!!"

You lead your classmates through the forest, battling Pixiebob's monsters at every turn. The hours roll by, and lunch is a dream of the past. Everyone is just hoping to beat the sun.

With your knowledge of the area, and Jiro and Shoji's recon abilities, you're able to spot most of the monsters before they reach you.

Everyone does well working together to take down the monsters. Mineta and Kaminari defeat one by trapping and zapping it; Uraraka floats another and has Tsuyu toss it up high so she can let gravity finish it off. Koda and Mina immobilize two more while Hagekure lures in a third so Yaoyorozu can finish them off with a cannon. Sero makes easy work of a flying monster by himself, swinging through the branches like the classic American comic book hero, Spiderman. After he tapes its wings together and it crashes down, Kirishima and Sato smash through the next without issue. Even Aoyama has no issues destroying one with his naval laser.

It would almost be fun, if it hadn't been going on for almost the entire day. Especially if you had a nice lunch break, or your hero costumes to protect you from all of the scrapes and bruises you are getting. Hours had passed, though, and you are already feeling the limits of your quirk.

Midoriya and Iida are quite the pair to watch as they effortlessly work together to smash the monsters. The two move surprisingly well in the cramped terrain, with Midoriya bouncing off of the trees like some kind of cartoon rabbit.

The only two who aren't doing so well with the teamwork are your class's heat experts. It was a bit surprising after how well they worked together during the events of I-Island.

"Outta my way, Half and Half!!!"

"I'm not in your way!"

"Guys! Just shut up, and beat the monsters! We get it; you hate each other!!" You yell. Exhaustion and hunger do not look good on you. Your classmates seem caught off guard by your sour mood, and can't wait for you to get some food in your stomach.

"I thought the dirt beasts were the monsters, turns out it's just Y/n!" Mineta says. "I bet she's on her per-" Before he can finish saying one of the worst possible things to say to a girl who's upset, one of Pixiebob's monsters slips past the two hotheads and smokes Mineta into a tree.

I need to thank Pixie when we finally get there... After I tell her off for making this so damn hard!! You freeze it solid, and it shatters as you twist the ice in on itself.

"Brutal!!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Y/n, I thought you said you've done this before?!" Kaminari groans at you, failing to realize the danger in his words. "This is taking way too long!! Are we even close now?!"

Everyone is exhausted and grumpy from fighting for several hours straight. The first day of summer camp is practically over, and you have yet to even reach your destination.

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