Chapter 123: Finally Out

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"You ready to fly, little penguin?" Hawks asks.

Peeking out from his coat, you nod up at him. "Yes..."

"Good. Hold on tight, but don't worry, I promise I won't drop you. You can trust me." Hawks grins down at you, and water droplets roll down his face and golden hair. You stare up at him mesmerized for a moment, and he looks ahead. "Let's go then."

Hawks flaps his wings, and the two of you rise into the air. You clutch his coat around you and instinctively reach your hand out from inside it to hold on to his shirt. You can feel the steady beating of his heart against your hand, and it helps calm yours as well. His wings beat against the air, and he holds you closer to his chest. As he soars through the sky, the rain and wind hit your legs and toes, cooling your burns while also sending a shiver throughout your body. He squeezes you, and you curl further into his chest.

The minutes go by, and Hawks finally speaks again. "We're almost there... I'll be landing in a few minutes, okay, little penguin?"

You nod up at him, and he gives you another grin. His hair is soaked, and his face is flushed from the wind. Taking another peek from his coat, you look out at the scenery around you. Although it's after dark and raining, you can see the lush green underneath you. The clouds don't seem too far away, and as you sense all of the water surrounding you, it feels like you're mentally blanketed by it in a big comforting cocoon.

"Nice, isn't it?" Hawks catches your expression. "I can tell you like the rain, but it really is gorgeous when you can see the stars. Maybe I'll be able to show you some time." He says. "Oh, there it is."

You follow his gaze and see an inconspicuous building nestled amongst a few others. As the two of you descend, you clutch his shirt tighter and pull further into his coat. He lands carefully, and the door swings open as he lands.

"Thank god you two are here. We were worried something happened!" The man says.

"What do you mean? It hasn't been that long since I told them I was leaving." Hawks says as he carries you inside.

"It's the rescue mission for the other one!! A bunch of the villains were warped away from the first location, along with the boy, and now All Might is fighting a major villain! We were worried they warped her away, too!" The man explains in a rush.

"Are you talking about Bakugou?" You ask.

"Yes, there were two teams sent out to rescue him and take down the League of Villains. After All Might got there and was about to rescue him, Bakugou and the villains were warped away. All Might caught up to them, and now half of Kamimo is missing!"

"Woah, woah, woah! What do you mean missing? And is the kid okay?" Hawks asks as he hurries after the man.

"That villain destroyed it!! The kids is doing fine as far as I know, but Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, Mt. Lady, and Tiger have all been taken out!"

"No!" You gasp, hearing Tiger's involvement.

"He's not dead, thankfully, they actually recovered Ragdoll as well. Best Jeanist pulled them all out of the fight, but they're still stuck there with their injuries while All Might and the villain fight."

"What do you mean 'recovered?'" You ask. "What happened to her?!"

"Right, you don't know. She was kidnapped the same night as you and Bakugou. She was at the second location where the Nomu were being stored. That's where they're fighting currently." The man opens a door and Hawks follows him into a bright room that looks like a doctor's office. "Here, lay her on the bed here."

Hawks sets you down and runs his hand through his wet hair. "Crap... That rescue mission really went south, huh... I'm glad All Might was able to get there."

"Quit stressing my patient out!" A woman walks into the room. "Hasn't she been through enough?"

"Sorry, but-" The man tries to speak.

"I don't want to hear it! You and Hawks can go talk outside! Go!" The woman ushers the two men out of the room, and Hawks gives you a small wave before closing the door. The woman sighs and introduces herself to you as a doctor. "Let's get you cleaned up, dear."

"What's happening with All Might and my friend?" You ask.

"Your friend is fine. We got a report just now saying that he was safe with the police. Now, we're going to bring you to get washed up." She brings a wheelchair over, and helps you into it after taking off Hawks' coat. Her eyes widen when she sees the extent of your injuries. Pushing you to a door, she brings you into a washroom. There's a shower on the far wall, and she sets a bench down under it, then helps bring you to it. Once you're sitting down on it, she helps you undress.

"You poor thing..." She murmers as she sees all of your wounds. "You must be in a lot of pain."

You nod. "I hurt everywhere..."

"Give me one minute, and I'll be right back." She says. She leaves you alone in the bathroom for a moment, before coming back. "Take these. They'll help with the pain."

You graciously accept the pills and water from her, and down them immediately. "Thank you."

She nods and takes your empty cup from you. "Let's wash you up, so I can help some of those wounds. A helicopter will be here in about an hour to pick you up and bring you to a hospital. Hawks will be going with you, okay?"

Nodding, you clutch your broken arm. "Thank you."

"Of course, dear." The doctor turns the water on, and she waits for it to heat up before carefully rinsing your body off. The water turns reddish brown under you as the dried blood mixes with it and swirls down the drain. She gets some soap on to a cloth and gently wipes the rest of the blood, sweat, and dirt from your skin.

The soap and water wash away some of the feelings from the past two days, and you feel at ease there in the bathroom. The smell of the soap and the gentle tickle of the steam remind you of being a child when you were bathed by your mother and of how exhausted you are. It's difficult to keep your eyes open, and the doctor chuckles when she notices.

"Let's finish up, and we'll get you back to the bed, so you can close your eyes, dear." She says as she massages your head with shampoo. You nod slowly in response and can't keep a yawn from escaping your lips. The doctor finishes washing you, and tenderly dries you off. With you wrapped up in a soft warm towel, she pops out of the bathroom for a moment and comes back with a hospital gown for you. "Let's get you covered up."

She gently dresses you, and guides you into the wheelchair to bring you back into the main room. The bed beckons to you, and the doctor lifts you into it. "So comfy..." You murmer.

"Just close your eyes, my dear. I'm going to try to help some of your injuries in the meantime." She gently brushes your wet hair from your face, and you close your eyes. Within a minute you're asleep, and the doctor sighs once more at the extent of your injuries.

"This poor girl... I'd better get to work."

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