Chapter 104: Boot Camp Part Two

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The next morning, your class gets to sleep in a little, waking up at seven instead. The training isn't any easier, though.

Normally, the warm summer air and sun beams on your skin make you feel rejuvenated and alive, but today, when trying to extend your temperature limits, they're anything but. Especially now that you're focusing on the heat side of things.

With the shirt portion of your jumpsuit tied around your waist, you stand off by your little watering hole wearing your sports bra. You rolled up your pants as high as they could go, but still want to change into shorts. The pit resembles more of a pond now today. Some of the water had absorbed into the ground overnight, but most of it remained due to the sheer quantity of water in it.

In the early morning, you practiced outputting water while controlling the water from the barrels to drink again. Around eleven, you switched to focusing strictly on raising and lowering your temperatures, similar to Todoroki's training.

Creating steam and ice at the same time is tricky enough with having to control both output temperatures, but pushing those temperatures to further extremes adds a whole new layer of difficulty. In order to keep your body somewhat regulated, you had been switching every few minutes.

After an hour of swapping between the two, you focus solely on the steam. It's what you struggle the most with, and although your steam is hot, it's difficult to maintain a temperature that can actually burn someone. Not that it's something you want to use on others, but in a life or death scenario, you have to do what you have to do.

Not far away from you, Aizawa begins scolding the remedial group. "Remedial group. Why have you stopped moving?"

"Sorry... Just a little sleepy..." Mina yawns.

"Those extra lessons yesterday..." Kaminari groans.

"I told you all this would be rough." Aizawa continues on, listing their needed areas of improvement, and you turn back to what you're doing.

"It needs to be hotter...!" You clench your teeth in annoyance as you try your best to raise the temperature even further. Sweat drips down from your forehead and stings your eyes.

"Most importantly, you all have to make up for your piss poor performances during your practical exams! Think about that when the others are doing fine, and you lot are dead on your feet!!"

Your friends in the remedial group let out a collective sigh and "Yes sir..." as Aizawa lectures them. Stopping for a moment, you spray your face with cool water to wash the sweat out of your eyes.

"Y/n! Uraraka! Aoyama!" You jump as Aizawa shouts your name. "You three barely passed your exams! Just because you didn't fail, doesn't mean you did well. It was a close call for all of you. Don't let up. You're all looking sluggish today! Stand up straight, and look firm."

"Yes, sir...!" You and Uraraka say. You grab your towel from the edge of one of the many empty barrels and dry your face and hair off with it.

"Always be conscious of who you are. That's the key to improvement. That's why you're out here sweating. It's why I'm riding you so hard. Keep it in mind, always."

Who am I, huh...? That's a good question...

You stare down at the pond you've created and look into your reflection's eyes. A bird's reflection crosses the water, and you look up into the air to watch it soar above.

Sure would be nice to fly like that... Able to go wherever, whenever...

"By the way, sir, this is our third day." Midoriya staggers towards Aizawa, and draws your attention away from the receeding bird.

"Don't look so limp. I just told you to stay firm."

Midoriya straightens up, but still wobbles a little. "I was just wondering, is All Might... Are the other teachers going to be coming, too?"

Vlad shakes his head next to Aizawa, and Aizawa answers. "As I said before when we switched the location, we're keeping the staff here to a minimum. It'll make it harder for the villains to track us and pin us down."

"That's why you're lodging with us!" Ragdoll pops up from behind you, scaring you half to death.

"Don't sneak up on me like that..." You say.

"As for All Might... It's safe to say he's more than likely one of the villains' targets, especially after the incident at USJ with the League of Villains. Of course it doesn't make sense safety wise to have him come here. For better or for worse... He's a guy who tends to stand out no matter what. That's why."

Emphasis on the worse part by the sounds of it... You chuckle to yourself.

"I see..." Midoriya looks down at his fist, and you guess he's wondering about his quirk. It must be difficult to train a quirk your body still hasn't fully adapted to...

"Hey, hey! Listen up kittens!" Pixiebob shouts. "Tonight, we're doing something fun! Both classes are going up against each other head-to-head in a scary test of courage! Your reward for some intense training is some intense fun! It's the carrot and stick approach!"

"Test of courage?" You ask.

"Ah, I almost forgot about that..." Kendo says.

"You heard about it?" You ask her.

"Yeah, Vlad mentioned it to me yesterday. Perks of being class president I guess." She laughs.

"My aunt didn't mention a thing to me...!"

"Man, I hate scary things..." Jiro groans.

"A banquet of darkness..." Tokoyami murmers, and Dark Shadow bobs his head as you laugh.

"Some special event they've got planned for us?" Rin from Class B turns to Kendo.

"Our classes going head-to-head, huh?" Monoma grins. "I like it."

"With that said, work your butts off in the meantime!!!" Pixiebob shouts.

"Yes, ma'am!!"

The hours pass by as you train, and soon it's time to wash up then make dinner again. Before you do, you lift a decent amount of water from your new pond, and drop it on yourself.

Uraraka laughs as she watches you. "That sweaty, huh?"

"You don't even want to know." You laugh back. Shaking off, you dry your clothes and shoes with your quirk, and grab your towel to dry your hair again.

"Why don't you just use your quirk on your hair?" Kaminari asks.

"I only do that sometimes, otherwise I dry it out too much. Besides, it helps keep me cool in this heat. It's way too dry and hot out right now!" You sling your towel around your shoulders and follow the others inside.

The idea of sitting in the hot springs to wash off makes you want to pass out, so you opt to use your own shower.

Wonder what tonight will be like...


happy baku birthday today <3

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