Chapter 124: An Overdue Hospital Visit

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The doctor gets to work tending to your various injuries now that all of the dirt and blood has been cleaned from your body. The plenitude of burns covering your body bother her the most, especially the handprint burned into your flesh on your upper dominant arm. She can see just how tightly Dabi had gripped your arm when he burned you, and the burn is worse than the others. Thankfully, the burns on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet aren't as bad, and should heal without major scarring.

"Even with Recovery Girl's help, she's going to be pretty scarred from this..." She sighs. "Thank God Hawks found her when he did... It's a miracle she's not infected..." The doctor pulls hospital pants over you, and fixes your gown.

Pulling the blanket over you, she sighs and throws out her gloves. A knock at the door makes her jump, and Hawks calls in from the other side. "Can I come in?"

"Yes. Be quiet though, she's asleep." The doctor says.

Hawks walks in, and looks at you sleeping peacefully on the bed. "Thanks, doc. She looks better already."

"That girl went through hell... Did she tell them anything?"

"She told me she didn't when I first found her. She's a tough kid." Hawks says. "There's something you should see, though."

"Is it about All Might? Did he defeat the villain?"

"Yeah... But..." Hawks sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He tells the doctor about the battle, and how All Might barely managed to win. "It looks like the Symbol of Peace is officially retired after tonight."

The two talk in hushed voices, and Hawks shows her the live updates from the fight. "All of those poor people..."

"There's another thing. Looks like her clone fell down some stairs at the hospital while everyone was panicking and dissolved. It's kind of a relief, honestly. Boss wanted me to take care of her. Glad I don't have to now..."

"Did anyone see?"

Hawks shakes his head. "Just the doctor who was taking care of her. Everyone else was too focused on the TVs to see it. It'll make it easier to get her in without suspicion now that it's only the real one left. We just have to make sure no one sees her before we get her to her room." Hawks sighs and looks over at you. "Still... I feel bad for her clone."

"That poor girl has been through a lot... It's best if she hears what happened in Kamimo before someone else tells her. Regarding her clone... Don't tell her what you were supposed to do. Just tell her what did happen."

Hawks nods as he watches you sleep peacefully on the bed. The loud sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air interrupts them, and stirs you from your slumber.

"Huh...?" You groan.

"Good morning, little penguin." Hawks smiles. "It sounds like our ride is here."

"Let's get you ready to go." The doctor gets your dirty clothes, and she places them into a bag for you. "Hawks, are you carrying her up, or should we get her into the wheelchair?"

"No point, I'll just carry her. Sorry we don't get to fly Air Hawks this time." He chuckles at you. "They got ahold of your aunt and teacher and let them know the real you is on the way."

"What about my clone?" You ask as you sit up.

Hawks looks at the doctor and sighs. "You don't have to worry about that. We got word from the hospital that she fell, and I guess it was enough damage that she... Well..."

"So it's just me now?" You ask, unsure how to feel about your clone's death.

"...Yeah. Just you now, Y/n. Only the doctor saw, thankfully."

You stare at your lap for a minute and sigh. "I guess we'd better hurry and get to the hospital before anyone notices I'm missing then."

Hawks and your doctor raise an eyebrow at each other due to your reaction, or lack thereof, but don't comment on it. "Her clothes are in here." Your doctor says as she hands the bag to Hawks. He slings it over his shoulder and walks over to you.

"You okay?"

"Yeah..." You sigh. "I'll be okay."

"Here, put my coat on again. Don't want you getting cold out there." Hawks removes his jacket from where the doctor set it and hands it to you. You gratefully slip your good arm into the sleeve, and Hawks pulls the other side over your other shoulder. "Ready?"

You nod, and Hawks picks you up with ease once more. The doctor leads you up to the roof again, and the wind hits you as the door opens. After waving goodbye, she turns back inside, and Hawks carries you into the helicopter. A paramedic waits for you and gives you headphones to wear to block out the noise while Hawks lays you down in the stretcher. The flight to the hospital where your clone and classmates were staying is calm, and you doze off not too long after taking off.

Upon arriving at the hospital, your aunt and teacher are waiting eagerly on the roof top. When the blades finally stop spinning, and Hawks helps the paramedics remove your stretcher, the duo hurry over.

"Oh, Y/n!!! What did they do to you?!" Your aunt asks in horror. Aizawa has a similar expression on his face. You can't help but get distracted by his outfit though.

"What the heck happened while I was gone??" You ask, gesturing towards his suit, clean shave, and combed back hair.

The two sigh and seem relieved by your reaction, and your aunt chuckles. "He just got back from a press conference about the training camp."

"Oh... Weird." You make a face, not used to your teacher looking so put together. Hawks and Mandalay laugh, and Aizawa looks slightly annoyed.

"You're definitely feeling better, huh?" He asks.

"I'm happy to be out..." You sigh, and your aunt pulls you into a hug.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that my dear. I'm so glad you're safe now." She turns to Hawks. "Thank you, Hawks. Thank you for saving my niece."

"Oh no, honestly! I hardly did a thing! She took care of all the hard work. I just happened to be flying by and noticed hail. Y/n here is the one who beat up a clone of the villain while completely restrained! I just undid the restraints and brought her to get checked out."

"Those clones may not have been super strong, but they were still tough. That makes three you've beat. Good job." Aizawa nods.

"She did it all with just a metal bottle, too!" Hawks smiles.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow and you explain as the four of you are taken into a private elevator. "They let me have some water and didn't take the bottle with them when they left. The real Dabi and Twice, that is. That warp guy from USJ brought them in and out from somewhere. There was a small earthquake, and I managed to control the last few drops in the bottle just enough to hit him with it. I almost got barbequed, though... The first hit wasn't strong enough to defeat him."

"I'm proud of you, love." Your aunt ruffles your hair. "Let's cover your face up." She pulls the blanket over your head, and you can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I feel like a corpse."

"Don't joke about that!"

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