Chapter 84: Villain Attack Event

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The two of you chat while walking in the direction Kai pointed you in. Ahead of you is a giant rocky zone in the center of a grassy park. When you get inside through a tunnel, there is a red path to a large green circular platform. Surrounding it is water. On the platform is a young woman who seems to be leading the event.

"I wonder if there are any scouts in the stands." You say to Todoroki.

"Some heroes, maybe. Most are probably too busy to be watching this, though."

"Hm, you're right..."

A staff member comes up to you as you chat.  

"Would you two like to participate?" She asks.

"Yes please!" You say. 

After giving her your information, she sends you out first. You give Todoroki a grin as you head to the platform to begin.  

"Now, Villain Attack! Ready... Go!!"

As soon as she says go, you use water to blast yourself towards the first robot. Activating your new bat, you slam it down into the top of it, and your helmet immediately pings the next. They're easier to beat than the ones at school, so you have no issues handling them. Thanks to the giant waterfall and pool of water you easily create a wave to wash all but one of them away. With the last robot in sight, you send a barrage of icicles its way, and it explodes with a cloud of dust and ice shards.

"Wow!! What a show! Izumi Y/n washed the rest of the competition away and takes third place with seventeen seconds!"

"Wait, Y/n?!" You hear familiar voices shout.

Up in the stands are a few of your friends, and they begin waving at you. You wave back and head over to where they're watching.

"Good job scoring third place!!" Kirishima tells you.

"Did you guys already do it?" You ask.

"Ha! I got first place, didn't you see?" Bakugou flaunts.

"I'm not surprised, Bakugou." You smile.

Bakugou seems caught off guard by your compliment, and mutters a quick, "Obviously," in response.

"Midoriya came in a close second!" Iida tells you. "His quirk has improved a lot."

"Awesome!! I wish I was as quick-"

A chill fills the air as a large blast of ice covers the hill and arena.

"Wow, wow, wow! What the heck?! Fourteen seconds!!"

Everyone else turns towards the arena again and recognizes the blast of ice without even seeing who created it. You smile, already knowing it was Todoroki.

"Todoroki?!" Midoriya yells.

Todoroki looks up, and you give him a huge smile and a thumbs up as he makes eye contact with you. 

"He's jumped to the top!!"

"He's in your class, too?" A blonde girl asks. 

"Yes." Momo tells her.

"You're all amazing! As expected of future heroes!" The blonde girl adjusts her glasses.

Momo, Uraraka, and Jirou begin to blush from her compliment.

"Oh you don't have to say that!"

"Great job, Shoto!!!!" You yell. "Jeez, how do you make so much ice so fast?!"

"S-Shoto?!" Your classmates gape at what you just referred to Todoroki as.

"Wait, Y/n... Did you two come together?!" Kirishima asks you.

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