172: Grass and Garbage Dates

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Once your classes have finished for the day, you meet up with Shinso. You were able to tell him about your exam over the phone at Hawks' agency, but didn't get much time the other two nights. For some reason, he insisted on meeting up away from either of your dorms, and you find him sitting under a tree waiting for you.

"Hey, Toshi!!!" You grin as you jog over.

"Y/n, hey!" Shinso smiles up at you.

"Why'd you insist on meeting here? We could have walked here together from the dorms." You tell him.

Shinso thinks back to the other night when his classmates were making kissy faces and the next morning when they were bugging him before orientation. "No reason..." He scratches the back of his neck. "So, pretty sick seeing you all over the news." He smiles.

"It was so nerve-wracking!!" You grin and plop down on the ground right next to him. "We couldn't go anywhere without people recognizing Hawks." As you talk, Shinso has trouble focusing on your words. You're sitting right next to him and leaning against his side as you talk to him. His eyes are focused on your face, and he can't help but admire how cute you look when you're telling him about your work study so far. You catch him staring, and tilt your head at him as you pause. "Something up...?" You chuckle.

Shinso jumps a little and looks away as he feels his cheeks go pink. "No...! Nothing... Just... Listening to you..."

You tilt your head even more and lean in closer to him, your side completely against him now. "You sure...?" You smile up at him.

Shinso looks down at you out of the corner of his eye, and he looks back away. "Y-Yeah..." He can't look at you like this. Not when you're looking at him with those cute sparkling eyes and soft lips curled in such a sweet smile. He's so close to you that all he can smell is your shampoo, and he wants to feel how soft he knows your hair is. If he makes eye contact with you again, he may do something he'll regret.

You laugh at his expression, but don't push him on the matter. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you continue your story. Shinso's heart nearly hammers out of his chest because of it, and he silently prays you won't notice. The two of you sit like that for a while, and Shinso picks at the grass to distract himself from all of the contact. Eventually, it's time for you to both go back to the dorms.

The two of you walk back together, and as he waves goodbye to you in front of your building, Bakugou bursts through the doors holding several garbage bags. He makes eye contact with Shinso, who raises an eyebrow at him. Bakugou seems embarrassed to be seen on trash duty.

"Y/n!! Hurry up and get your damn bag out of the common area!!" He tells you. "I've been tripping over it all day!"

"Oh! Sorry, Bakugou! I forgot about it!" You apologize. "Here, let me help you with the garbage to make it up to you!"

"I don't need your damn pity!!! Just clean your shit up!"

Shinso narrows his eyes at Bakugou as the blond glares at you. "Don't yell at her."

"Huh?! I'll do whatever the hell I want!!"

"Don't worry about it, Toshi. It's when he's quiet that you gotta worry." You chuckle and jokingly wink up at Shinso as you tease Bakugou. "He's always yelling at everyone. You get used to it."

"I don't care. Don't yell at her." Shinso glares at Bakugou.

"What do I care what you say, you extra?!" Bakugou stomps down the steps. You can tell Shinso is fighting the urge to use his quirk on Bakugou and rub his shoulder to try to calm him down.

"Bakugou. Quit calling him an extra. He's my best friend. Now, quit being so stubborn and give me one of those bags! You're going to drop them and spill garbage everywhere!" You put your hands on your hips, and Bakugou grumbles.

"Fine, whatever! Only because you didn't get in shit for the other night and got to go off and act like a pro while I was stuck here!" Bakugou huffs and shoves one of the bags at you.

You roll your eyes as Bakugou stomps off, and grin at Shinso. "Don't mind him. He's really not as mean as he pretends to be."

"I call bullshit on that. Why are you so insistent on helping him?" Shinso gives you an annoyed look.

"Because he helps me all the time. He's saved my butt more times than I can count, plus he's had it really rough recently..." You sigh. "I know you two don't like each other, but honestly, once you get to know him he's not that bad. I mean, you even pointed out how it was nice that he was saying he'd kill Dabi for me."

"Yeah, but... I'll believe that when I see it." Shinso sighs and rolls his eyes. "Want me to come with you?"

"No, no! It's all good, Toshi." You smile up at him, and his annoyance drains from his body as he stares down at your sweet face.

"...If you say so, Y/n." He pats you on the head and turns away. He waves, and heads down the path to his building. "I'll see you later."

"See you, Toshi!!" You wave back at him, and turn to walk towards the garbage disposal where Bakugou stomped off to.

"Sure took your sweet ass time." Bakugou grunts as you get there. He's waiting and leaning against the wall.

"Hey, I was trying to convince Hitoshi that you're not as nasty as he thinks you are, thank you. For someone who wants to be number one, you really should put more effort into getting people to like you. There's more to it than just raw strength and power."

"Tch, you think I give a shit about any of that?!" Bakugou frowns. "I don't care about what people think of me. I don't need to be fake to get to the top."

"I'm not saying be fake. Just... Cool down on the anger. Not everyone is out to get you, you know. I bet a lot more people would look up to you like I do if you gave them a chance to see what's underneath that cranky exterior." You toss the bag into the garbage and turn back to Bakugou.

"Ha! Did you just admit you look up to me, Ice Pop?" Bakugou steps away from the wall towards you.

"Well, yeah. You've got crazy determination, not to mention how much effort you put into improving yourself." You smile. "You make me want to push myself even farther!"

Bakugou seems caught off guard by your admission. Normally when people compliment him, they just comment on how strong and cool his quirk is. But you mentioned something different, something he has control over and does himself. He doesn't know how to respond for a minute. "Well... Obviously!! Tch, you're so lame..." He grunts and turns away from you, trying to hide the soft blush creeping across his face. "Let's just head back, I have more shit to clean..."

You laugh and roll your eyes as you follow Bakugou back to the dorms. "Whatever you say, you softie."

"Don't call me that!!!"

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