Chapter 103: The Calm Before the Storm

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Soon enough, all of the food is finished cooking, and everyone starts to dig in.

"It's probably not good enough to serve at a restaurant, but given our circumstances, this is beyond delicious!!!" Kirishima says as he shovels the food into his mouth.

"Speak for yourself, jerk!" Kaminari shoots back. "This is great!"

Sero looks over at Momo eating at the same pace as him, Kirishima, and Kaminari. "You sure can pack it in, Momoyao!"

"Yes, my quirk converts my body fat into a variety of atoms, so the more I store up, the more I can produce."

"Just like poop!"

Jirou immediately smacks Sero in the face in second hand embarrassment for Momo, and you can't help but laugh and agree with her reaction.

Turning back towards the food you've all prepared, you're the last one to fill your plate. You notice Kota slinking off without any food, and follow him with two plates of the rice and curry.

"Hey, Kota... Want to eat with me?" You ask hesitantly. "I'm not all that hungry either, but we both need to eat... I made up a plate for you."

Kota grunts and continues walking.

"I even made sure the seasoning was just like how dad used to make it..."

"Shut up." Kota stiffens as you mention your father. "I don't need any help from you."

Midoriya had noticed your interaction and was watching from not too far away.

"Right... I'm sorry..."

Kota doesn't say anything, and he continues walking up to the hill where you used to sit when you wanted alone time. You can't help but wonder if he remembers when the two of you would sit up there together, back before everything happened, when everything was normal and happy.

A sigh escapes your lips, and Midoriya rests a hand on your shoulder. "Want me to try?"

"Thank you, Midoriya... I doubt he'd accept help from me even if his life depended on it..."

Midoriya gives you a sad smile and takes Kota's plate from you. "Don't worry, I'll see if I can convince him to eat."

Midoriya wanders off after Kota, and you feel your shoulders slump, hoping he doesn't get sacked again.

"You're going to be useless tomorrow if you don't eat your damn dinner."

You turn around and Bakugou is standing behind you, angrily eating from his plate.

"...Right." You smile at him, and his funny way of expressing his concern.

"Don't smile at me like that!"

Laughing, you take a bite of your own food and stand next to him as the two of you eat.

"So..." Bakugou says quietly, just loud enough for you to hear. "Did you get in shit last night?"

Your face flushes as you remember the events of the night before and shake your head. "No... I totally got called out though... Ragdoll already knew before she talked to me, but she said she'd keep it a secret from my aunt if I don't get into anymore trouble..."

Bakugou smirks. "Heh, like that'll happen. You're a magnet for it."

"Hey, I could say the same for you!" You tease him.

"Shaddup! Anyways, I was totally right as always. You're such a bad liar."

"...Shut up."

Not long after, everyone finishes eating up. Once everything is tidied and cleaned, partially thanks to your quirk again, everyone heads inside to wash themselves up and get ready for bed.

This time, Aizawa makes sure everyone bathes at different times, and you join the rest of the girls in your class in the hot springs.

"I'm glad the boys aren't washing up at the same time today..." Mina stretches as she sinks deeper into the water.

"We can thank Y/n for that." Tsuyu says.

"I'm still surprised Mineta walked away from that alive." Hagekure laughs. "We all thought for sure you'd kill him!"

"I wanted to."

"Say, what were you up to with Bakugou last night, hmm? The boys said you two snuck off to go for a walk after we left." Mina gives you a sly grin. "I thought you were into that boy from the general department, Y/n!"

"Hitoshi is just a friend!" You feel your face go pink.

"Oh? And Bakugou's not?" Mina leans in, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Come on, this is Bakugou we're talking about." Jirou rolls her eyes. "That guy doesn't feel anything but rage and annoyance."

"Don't forget pride." Uraraka chuckles.

Hagekure laughs. "Yeah, but Y/n is super popular with the guys! Even Todoroki's almost a real boy around her!"

"That's true, the two of you did make quite the couple at I-Expo." Momo says.

You blush, remembering your matching outfits. "That's because his father insisted I come along, not because Shoto has feelings for me or anything!"

"Oh I don't know about that!" Hagekure laughs. "Did you know he has a photo of you two as his homescreen on his phone?"

Your face flushes bright red, and the water on your skin begins to steam. "What are you talking about?!"

"It's true!" Mina chimes in. "I saw it, too! It's of you two looking all fancy from the party!" 

"That doesn't mean anything...!" You cross your arms over your chest as steam continues to swirl off of you.

"She's totally embarrassed! Look at all that steam!" Mina laughs.

"I'm not!" You splash her with water, and a few of the other girls laugh along with her at your reaction.

"Save some guys for the rest of us!" Hagekure teases you. "Even some of the boys in 1B give you heart eyes!"

"No way!!"

"Not to mention, you and Bakugou seemed to be enjoying eating together earlier! What were you two talking about that had your face so red?" Mina splashes you back.

"Nothing! We were just talking!"

"Yeah, about what??"

You struggle to come up with a lie, and even Jiro joins in the laughter.

"There's no way Bakugou is your type, Y/n." She laughs. "That guy is anger issues personified!"

"He's not always so bad," Uraraka says, trying to defend you. "Just... Usually."

"Both Todoroki and Bakugou were very protective of you at I-Expo." Momo smiles.

"Bakugou did try pretty hard to impress you at the pool when we all went..." Tsuyu places her index finger on her chin. "But Sero is also always leaning on you."

"Yeah, that's true. Back when we were at the mall, he had his arm around you, didn't he?" Jiro asks.

"Not to mention he requested to sit next to you on our bus ride here." Momo says.

"Oh! It was so cute! You totally fell asleep on his shoulder! You should have seen Bakugou and Kaminari's faces!" Hagekure laughs.

"I thought for sure they were going to tear his head off!" Mina recalls.

"What??" You don't have a clue what they're talking about.

"I took a photo!" Hagekure says. "I'll have to show it to you once we're out! He had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and everything!"

"Jeez, it's like you're the star of a harem or something, Y/n." Uraraka says.

"A reverse harem." Tsuyu corrects her.

"No way!"

The girls continue to tease you for the rest of your bath, and by the end of it, your embarrassment must have caused the springs to heat up by a few degrees. Still, you enjoyed the lighthearted mood.

It would be the last time you felt so relaxed for a while.

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