138: Ketsubutsu Academy

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“So... Your school is here, too, then.” Aizawa says to Ms. Joke.

“Ah, teasing you is always so good for a laugh, Eraser. And yep!! Come on over, everyone! Come meet my friend's class at UA!!”

Following her gaze, you spot a handful of students. “There aren't as many as us, huh...?” Sero nods at your observation.

A boy with fluffy black hair catches your eye. “Woah, it's really them!!” He smiles.

A blonde girl next to him pats his shoulder. “Wow!! All of those guys from TV look even cooler in person!”

Another black haired boy with long hair speaks up next. “Taking this test as first years? Pretty fast paced... Well, with everything that's happened... No wonder they're so capable.”

“This is class 2-2 of Ketsubutsu Academy!” Ms. Joke introduces them. “Say hello to my students.” Ms. Joke introduces her class, and then she and Aizawa walk a few meters away to chat.

“My name's Shindo! UA’s had it rough this year, right? The hits just keep coming!” The fluffy haired boy grabs Midoriya's hands, who manages to stammer out a response. Almost immediately, Shindo has moved on to shake Kaminari and Jiro’s hands. “But you guys still have your hearts set on becoming heroes. That's awesome!!”

He's kind of... Cute... You think to yourself. Wait, am I seriously thinking about that right now?!

“I believe the heroes of tomorrow need to have that kind of fortitude!!” He smiles brightly.

Okay, he's got a really cute smile...!

“What a straightforward, eloquent, cool dude...” Kaminari seems as captivated as you are by Shindo. Jiro nods next to him.

“Best of all, you're Bakugou, right? You were at the heart of the whole Kamino mess! You've got the strongest will of all! I'm glad we get to face guys of your caliber today. We're going to give it our best!! Oh!” Before Bakugou can respond, Shindo gets distracted as his eyes catch yours on him. In an instant he's in front you, with your hands clasped in his. “Now, here's a real treat! A great quirk, strong determination, and a beautiful face all in one!”

“Huh?!” Your face flushes bright red as Shindo compliments you.

“I loved watching all of your fights in the Sports Festival! You did fantastic! And the sportsmanship!! With such a cute face backing up your strength and kindness, you're for sure going to be a fan favourite when you go pro!”

Not used to getting hit on so blatantly, especially in front of all of your classmates and his class, you struggle to respond. Thankfully, Bakugou saves you. “Cut the crap. Flap your lips all you want, but that nasty look in your eyes says otherwise.” Bakugou yanks Shindo's hands away from yours, and he pulls you behind him.

“Bakugou! He's just being polite!” Kirishima says. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy Bakugou pulled Shindo off of you. “Sorry about him.”

“Not a problem at all! More proof of that iron will!” Shindo laughs, and you miss the glint of mischief in his eyes once more. “I should be the one apologizing. I didn't realize she was taken.”

The red on your face spreads even further, and your classmates stifle their laughter as Bakugou's goes pink as well. “The hell?! She's not my girlfriend!!”

“So she's single then?” Shindo raises an eyebrow. “Are you?” He peers at you hidden behind Bakugou.

“She's not interested in guys like you.” Bakugou frowns at Shindo. “Buzz off.”

“I'm waiting to hear that from her.”

“We should all focus on the exam, right?” Kirishima steps up. “It'll be starting soon.”

Shindo smiles at the two boys in front of you. “You're right! Let's all do our best!!”

His blonde classmate is over to the sides asking Todoroki for an autograph, and Aizawa and Joke wander back to the group. “Hey! The info session is about to start! Quit chatting and go get changed!” Aizawa scolds your class, unaware of the fight that almost broke out. “You're wasting time!”

“Right!” Everyone in your class responds, and Bakugou and Kirishima remain on either side of you as your class walks into the building. They only leave your sides when everyone reaches the changing rooms.

The girls tease you in the changing room, and once you've gotten into your costumes, Aizawa points your class into the direction of the information hall. “Like I said, it's not a matter of if you can get your licenses. You will. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!!”

A loud rumble of voices comes from the auditorium, and you gasp when you see the dense number of students inside. Everyone is shoulder to shoulder bumping against each other inside. “There are so many students here!”

Midoriya nods at you. “It's a bit unnerving...!”

An exhausted looking man with pale hair walks on to the stage and taps the mic, silencing the crowd. “Right... The Provisional Licensing Exam... That's what you're here for. Yeah... I'm Mera, with the Heroes Public Safety Commission. My favourite type of sleep is non-REM sleep. Nice to meet you all.” You raise an eyebrow at Uraraka who stifles a laugh. “Work is so busy that I barely get any sleep... We're terribly short staffed...! With that important information out of the way, let me explain the exam.”

“Is he okay? It sounds like a cry for help...” You whisper to Uraraka who nods.

“Getting right to it... All 1540 examinees will be competing directly against each other in one massive free-for-all exercise.” As Mera announces it, murmurs begin to swirl from the crowd. “Today's society is saturated with heroes. Ever since Stain's capture, plenty of civilians out there have raised concerns over the roles heroes should play within society.”

You share a glance with Midoriya, remembering the ideals of the Hero Killer. ‘The title of hero should not be given to those seeking rewards and compensation, but should be one earned through tireless self-sacrifice.’

“That said... As far as individuals go, motivations aside... Telling those who risk their lives in order to save others to ask for nothing in return would be rather harsh, especially in modern society. So, whether it's done out of dedication to the cause or for compensation, we have no shortage of heroes out there working to save people and put away villains. Nowadays, the amount of time taken to resolve any given incident is incredibly short. Those of you who earn your Provisional Licenses today will be confronting such situations that unfold at a breakneck pace. Those who can't keep up... Are doomed to fail.”

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