Chapter 101: Rise and Shine, It's Boot Camp Time!

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The next morning, you're awoken bright and early by your alarm. Groaning, you turn it off and stare at the time. 5:00 AM. What a time to be up and alive, am I right? At least it's not earlier...

With a sigh, you leave the warm embrace of your blankets, and shiver as your feet hit the cold floor. Not wanting to miss breakfast, you quickly get dressed into your training uniform and brush your teeth and hair.

Half an hour goes by, and you trudge outside with your classmates after eating.

"Morning, kids." Aizawa greets you. He looks like his usual exhausted self. Somehow, he looks both more tired and less tired than your yawning class. "Today, the real training camp begins. Ideally, you will all emerge stronger. Strong enough to acquire your Provisional Licenses."

Your ears perk up when you hear that, and you excitedly nudge Kirishima's arm.

"More specifically, there's a growing hostile force out there. Through this, you'll be more prepared to face it... So stay sharp and work hard. To start... Here, Bakugou." Aizawa tosses a ball at the blond. "Try throwing this."

You look over at Bakugou standing on the other side of Kirishima and recognize the ball. "That's from our first day of classes, isn't it?"

"From the strength trials..." Bakugou says.

"Last time, right after school started, your record was 705.2 meters. How much have you grown since then?"

Bakugou steps forward away from the group and stretches his arms.

"Ohh!! Testing to see if we've improved?" Mina asks, and Aizawa nods.

"We've been through a lot these past few months! I bet he can make it a whole kilometer now!" Sero says.

"Throw that sucker, Bakugou!" Kirishima shouts.

"Yeah! Blow it away!" You cheer.

Bakugou grins as he winds up. "Here we freaking go...! Go to Hell!!!!" He yells as he throws the ball, explosions propelling it far into the air.

Birds squawk and fly away from your class in fear of the sudden aggressive noises, and the vibrations from his explosions rattle throughout your ears. How Bakugou hasn't gone deaf yet is a mystery to you.

Beep, beep.

The receiver for the ball beeps, and Aizawa turns the display, so your class can see the results. "709.6 meters."

"What?! That's not even five meters farther!" You say.

"Huh? Yeah, that's hardly a difference..." Sero says.

Bakugou looks pissed off at all of the disappointed chatter and his weak improvement.

"Yes, you have been through a lot these past few months. Undoubtedly, you've all grown. But it's only your techniques and your minds that have improved. Well, and your bodies a bit as well. But, as you've just seen, your quirks haven't kept up with the pace. Starting today, you'll improve on your quirks." A sinister grin spreads across your teacher's face. "This is going to be so harsh that you'll wish you were dead, so do your best to stay alive."

"How are we supposed to train our quirks?" Mina asks. "Just going crazy?"

"Overusing your muscles ends up tearing the fibers, but then they recover and grow thicker and stronger. Your quirks act the same way. They improve and get stronger through continued use, and they get weaker through underutilization. Therefore, there's only one logical solution: push past your limits."

"How do we each do that though?" Kaminari asks. "You can't help all of us at once."

"That's why we have these four." Aizawa gestures behind your group as your aunt and the other Pussycats walk up.

"That's right! We're four parts of a whole!"

"Rock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"We've come to lend a paw and help!"

"We've come from somewhere..."

"Stingingly cute and cat like!"

"Wild, Wild, Pussycats!!!"

You find yourself reciting their chant with them again, and Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari chuckle at you.

"Say, Y/n, we going to see you join the Pussycats one day?" Kaminari asks.

"You'd look good in the costume." Sero grins.

You laugh at the boys and shake your head. "I want to go pro on my own, not by relying on my family."

Ragdoll clears her throat, and you stop talking, remembering your conversation from last night and not wanting to risk annoying her. "My quirk is Search! I know everything about anyone I lay my eyes on, up to 100 people at a time! That includes location and weaknesses, too!"

"You all experienced my Earthflow yesterday on your way here!" Pixiebob grins. Everyone in your class groans.

"How could we forget..." Kirishima sighs.

"With it, I can create the perfect training environment for each and every one of you!"

Your aunt chuckles at the groans coming from your class. "I can use my Telepath to give advice to each of you, all at once."

Tiger steps up. "And I'm here to punch and kick you into shape."

You laugh at Tiger's serious expression and the way your classmates jump at his words.

"Operative types with maximum output levels need to raise their limits. That's those of you like Y/n, Kaminari, Aoyama, and Bakugou. Heteromorphic and composite types like Asui and Shoji need to further train those appendages and extra parts, just as you would normal muscles. Normally you'd be doing this at the same rate your body grows, but there's no time for that with the current state of things. We need to prepare for the worst, so get to it." Aizawa dismisses everyone, and you turn to the boys.

"I guess we've all got to do something different, huh?" Kaminari says.

"Man, I hope my elbows don't start bleeding..."

"I'm going to be so dehydrated...!" You sigh. "I still haven't recovered from yesterday."

"Y/n, I've got a special plan for you." Your aunt walks over.

"You do?" You ask curiously.

"Yes, it's based on how your parents used to train their quirks. It's not very fun, but it'll keep you from getting too dehydrated."

You sigh and shrug. "Oh well, it doesn't sound like any of us are going to be enjoying today."

"I've set up a few barrels of drinking water over there for you. Your job is to continuously drink and generate water. Now, since you can do a lot more with your quirk, I want you to focus on generating different states. If you can learn to control multiple temperatures of water at a time, it'll become second nature."

"This is going to be fun..."

"Any time you take a drink, you have to bring the water to your mouth with your quirk. I want you to keep generating water as you do, though. Think you can handle it?"

"Of course!" You turn towards where she points you, and spot the various barrels. Pixiebob walks over and pats your back.

"Any water you generate can go in here." She creates a large hole in the ground near the barrels. "Ice, too, but that's less important. We don't want you flooding the place."


With a sigh, you roll up your sleeves and stare down at the hole in front of you, before looking back at the barrels of water.

"I guess I'd better get to work..."

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