Chapter 14: Why Can't This be a Normal Field Trip?

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"Aren't there intruder alarms?!" Momo asks Thirteen.

"Yes, of course there are...!"

"Are they only here, or are they at the main building, too...?" You stand next to Todoroki as you look at the scene unfolding before you.

"Either way, if the sensors aren't working, it has to be one of their quirks doing it." Todoroki replies. "This place is far from the campus, and they picked a time when there'd be few people here."

"So maybe they're not as stupid as they seem, walking into a hero run facility..." You add.

"They must have an objective because this is a well coordinated sneak attack." Todoroki finishes.

Aizawa puts his goggles on over his eyes. "Thirteen! Begin evacuating the students, and try contacting the school! One of these villains must be jamming the sensors! There's a good chance they have an electric type quirk that's causing this interference. Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help. Y/n, that helmet of yours gives off a signal or can connect to a phone, correct? See if it's still working, and if you can contact anyone with it."

"Got it!" You give Kaminari an as encouraging smile as you can muster with the amount of fear rushing through you.

You put your helmet on and lower the visor. All of the data was still showing up for inside the building, but the Bluetooth connection with your phone at the school is severed. Even though you know there is a large puddle and several animals outside of the building, you were getting nothing. It was as if nothing existed outside of USJ. You were shocked at the number of people your helmet was picking up. Is this because of the interference... Or are there really this many villains here? Everywhere I look they're showing up. They're in each of the zones... But why?

"But sir! You can't take them all on alone!!" Midoriya yells, interrupting your thoughts. "Against that many, you can't nullify all of their quirks! Head on battle isn't...!"

Aizawa turns back towards everyone. His hair floats upward and his scarf swirls up around his neck and face. He adjusts his goggles and says, "A good hero has more than one trick up their sleeve." He turns to Thirteen. "Thirteen! Take care of my students."

Thirteen nods, and Aizawa rushes towards the villains. As he fights, everyone runs towards the doors.

"Midoriya!! C'mon! It's not safe!" You stop and yell at the green haired boy. He was so distracted by watching Aizawa fight that he forgot about the evacuation part.

"Y/n, Midoriya! We have to hurry and evacuate!" Iida yells.

"I won't allow that." You quickly turn back towards the exit to see the smoke villain floating between everyone and the doors. "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our intrusion, but today, we've come here to UA High School- this bastion of heroism... to end the life of All Might, the Symbol of Peace. We were under the impression that All Might would be here today... But it seems his schedule was revised? Well... No matter. My role remains unchanged."

Suddenly, Kirishima and Bakugou jump forward and attack the villain. "Not if we beat you first! Betcha didn't see that coming!!" Kirishima yells. The villain appears to be unscathed.

"That was close... Yes... Students though you may be, you are golden eggs ready to hatch." The villain suddenly speads smoke around you and your classmates.

"No, get back!! Both of you!" Thirteen shouts. It's too late. The smoke surrounds you, and the last thing you hear before it swallows you is the villain saying, "Begone. Suffer and writhe in torment until you breathe your last breath."

Almost as quick as the villain had appeared in front of you, you find yourself suddenly falling towards a lake. The flood zone!

"Gotta get my helmet shut!!" You yell as you fall. You manage to flick the switch on the side of your helmet, and it closes just before you make impact with the water.

As you sink down, you look around you. Of course now the water sensing function is off of the charts. I'll have to get the support department to fix that if I make it out of this alive... No! When I make it out of this alive! I'm not going to die on everyone at home and here!

Just as you go to swim up to the surface, a villain swims towards you at an alarming speed. You quickly push the water near him in the opposite direction before using more water to blast yourself upward. Just as you reach the surface, you see the purple diaper kid get thrown onto the ship. Tsuyu follows by climbing up the side.

"Ah! Tsu!" You shout. She turns her head towards you.

"Y/n... Here!" She sticks her tongue out and grabs you. She gently places you down on the ship next to Midoriya and Mineta.

She hops onto the deck right after you. "Thanks, Tsu!" You say to her.

"We seem to be in a lot of trouble here..." She remarks.

"They know our schedule...! The simplest explanation is they got it the the other day when all of the press got in... It's like you and Todoroki said, Y/n... They've been waiting for this chance... And they prepared well." Midoriya frowns.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they instigated the break in in the first place." You reply.

"But, But! There's no way they could ever kill All Might! He'll just thrash 'em when he gets here! Bam! Pow!"

"I don't think that's the case this time..." You sigh.

Tsuyu turns towards Mineta. "Mineta... They must have figured out a plan to kill him. Otherwise, why just come here to get beaten?"

"I wouldn't put it past them." You agree. "After all, that warp guy said we'd be tortured and killed before sending us here."

"Who says we can even hold out until All Might gets here? Even when he does show up... Who says he'll make it out in one piece?"

"M-M-M-M-Midoriya!!! Make them stop!!" Mineta wails. Ah, so that's why he has the diaper on his costume.

The villains begin surrounding the ship. "Guys, my sensors working better now that I'm out of the water, but I can't pick up on anything outside of the building. I'm pretty certain the numbers just went up in the other areas though, so I think everyone's inside." You say.

"What do you mean the numbers went up??!!" Mineta asks.

"Well right before we were thrown here, I picked up on big numbers of people in each of the zones. I didn't really get it, but now I think it's safe to say they came prepared with different groups of villains based on quirks, and put them in the zone that they're strongest in."

Midoriya looks over the edge of the ship at the villains. "I was thinking the same thing. These guys seem to be suited for water fights. The one thing that sticks out to me though is why they would put the two students in the class that are strongest in water in the flood zone if they're trying to kill us. They must not know what our quirks are."

"If they had known about my frog powers, they'd probably throw me in the fire zone..." Tsuyu says.

"Me too... This is a huge advantage!" You smile.

"How are you smiling?!?!?!" Mineta shrieks. "Do you have a death wish?!?!"

"Mineta, our chance of winning is really high. We just need to stay calm. Besides, a true hero can smile no matter how tough the opponent is!" You raise your fist in the air. Although he almost died and could die any moment, Midoriya couldn't help but feel flustered with how cool you were being. You notice his staring and give him a big smile.

"We've got this!"

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