Chapter 24: Get Ready For... Another Declaration of War?!

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"Ah, I'm so nervous!" You exclaim.

"You've had like three liters of water just since getting here to the prep room! Leave some for the rest of us!" Kaminari says.

"I need it for my quirk to work at full force. If I don't have enough I'll dehydrate within minutes of using it!"

"What are you gonna do, pee on them?" Sero laughs. You hit his shoulder.

"Ha ha very funny, Sero." You roll your eyes as you say it.

"Where do you store all that water anyways?" Mina asks.

"I have no idea," You reply.

"How do you not know??"

"Where do you store all of your tape, electricity, and acid, huh?"

"Good point." The three shrug.

"Everyone! Are you all good and ready?! The first event is about to begin!!" Hearing Iida's nervous tone made you even more nervous.

"I wish I coulda worn my costume..." Mina sighs.

"They're not allowed because it's not fair to all the kids who don't get them." Ojiro tells her.

"You can request certain items ahead of time, though." You say. "I requested to wear my costume boots because they let me walk better while using my quirk."

"Aw, I should have thought about that!" Mina says.

While you were all talking, Todoroki had called Midoriya over. You didn't think much of it until you overheard him say, "All Might's got his eye on you doesn't he? I won't pry into why that is, but know this. I will beat you."

"Woah, Todoroki...!" You say. Guess it looks funny how much time they spend together when you don't know about One for All...

"Ooo a declaration of war from the top of the class!" Kaminari says.

"Hey dude, don't start a fight right before we're supposed to go out...!" Kirishima steps between the two boys.

"I don't really care. I'm not here to pretend to make friends anyways."

"Todoroki... I'm not really sure why you decided to tell me you'll beat me... It's clear that you're stronger and have more experience than me... Compared to everyone else here even, I don't stand much of a chance..."

"Hey Midoriya, don't be so negative...!" Kirishima tells him.

"But...!! Well, everyone, even the kids from the other courses are aiming for the top. And I'm... Well, let me say this. I'm not going to let myself fall behind. I'm going for it, too. With all I've got."

"Woo! Go Midoriya!" You cheer. "Everyone! Let's do our best! Remember, no matter who comes out on top, there's no hard feelings once this is thing over! We're all gonna do great today!"


"I couldn't have said it better myself, Y/n!" Iida says. "Now, it's time to take the stage and show them who we are everyone!"


The class makes their way out of the prep room and down the hall where a bright sky was waiting. The crowd's cheers could be heard as Present Mic began to introduce your class.

"Welcome to the first year stage! It's the UA sports festival once again! The one time a year when our fledgling heroes take the stage and complete in a ruthless grand tournament style battle!!" The hallway was ending just a few meters ahead. Your body was shaking, whether it was from excitement or nerves it was hard to say.

"First up, you already know who they are! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack like it was nothing only a few days into the school year with their steely willpower!! The first years of the hero course!! It's class 1-A!!!" Just as he introduces you, everyone steps out into the bright light filling the stadium. You squint as your eyes adjust to the harsh sunlight, and the crowd roars with excitement.

"Woah...! That's a lot of people!" You say as you see the thousands of spectators.

"It always looked huge on TV, but it's so much bigger in person...!" Midoriya steps beside you. He looks even more nervous than me... "What a crowd...!"

"And we're expected to put on our best performances in front of all of these spectators... I guess it's just one more thing we'll have to get used to if we want to become true heroes." Iida says.

You can't help but nervously fiddle with your hands as Present Mic introduces the rest of the classes. As he does, all of the students make their way towards the stage where Midnight waits. The crowd murmurs in excitement.

"Now, lets get on with it! A word from the student representative! The talented young lady who scored the highest in the heroics entrance exam, from class 1-A it's Y/n!" Midnight exclaims.

"W-what? Me?" You stammer as all eyes turn towards you. You quickly get over your surprise and walk up on to the stage. You take a deep breath and smile to the crowd and students around you. "Hi there everyone! I'm glad there are so many people here today to watch us first years! I may not know many of the students around me here today, but I do know one thing. All of the students here at UA, whether they're in the heroics course like me or another stream, worked really hard to get here. UA is a tough school to get into, and thanks to everyone's hard work we all got in. I believe if we give it our all, any one of us could come out on top! Have fun, and do your best everyone!"

The crowd cheers, and the students seem to brighten up a little. You hear a few scoffs come from the other courses, but you ignore them. You could see Shinsou smiling up at you, and that smile erased any doubts and negative thoughts you had.

As you stepped down from the stage, Midnight takes over the mic once more. "You heard her folks! I'm excited to see what all of you talented students bring to the table this year! Now, without any delay, let's get the first event started! These are the qualifiers! It's the stage that sends so many students home crying every year!! The fateful first event of this year is... This!!!" Midnight points to the big screen behind her. "An obstacle course race!"

Behind you on the far wall, the gates begin to open. "It's a race between every student in all eleven classes! The course is a four kilometer lap around this stadium we're all sitting in! Our school preaches freedom in everything. There's only one rule-don't go off course! As long as you follow this, anything is fair game! Racers to your positions!!"

Everyone makes their way over to the crowded gate. You and your classmates weren't that far back from the entrance.

"Get ready...!!"





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