Chapter 91: Rooftop Fun

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"Y/n! Y/n!"

Midoriya's voice pulls you awake, and he stops shaking you as your eyes flutter open.

"Thank goodness...! There's no time for a long explanation, but I have to go up to the roof. That man shot the professor and is trying to escape. Can you walk?"

You nod and wipe away the blood that's on your face. "I'll be fine. Where's Melissa?"

"She went to the control room to take control of the security system again. She's fine." Midoriya helps you up, and the two of you hurry down the hall. A trail of scarlet blood guides you, and you struggle to keep your nerves under control.

"This elevator must go to the roof." Midoriya says. The blood stops right in front of it.

"Let's hurry then!" The two of you hop in the elevator and begin rising to the roof of the tower. A bit more blood trickles down from your nose, and you twitch your nose, trying to figure out if it's broken or not. Thankfully, it didn't seem to break, and you wipe the blood on the back of your hand.

As the doors open, you see the man who had snuck up on you throw the professor into the waiting helicopter.

"Stop!! Give the professor back!" Midoriya yells.

"I see. Clearly I didn't hit you both hard enough. Did you come to seize this man who has committed wrongdoings?" He turns away from the helicopter and takes a few steps in your direction.

"No!" Midoriya's body glows with power. "We've come to save him!"

"To save a criminal?" The man crouches and touches the metal roof below him. A pillar of metal shoots forward, and you lift your shield just in time to block it.

Midoriya quickly leaps into the air, and runs down it towards the villain. The barrage of metal pillars don't faze him as he bounces between them. Using your ice, you freeze the bottoms of your heels into a skate, and freeze the ground to follow behind Midoriya.

"What are you saying?" The villain mocks.

"Shut up!! That's what heroes do! They save people who are in trouble!!" Midoriya shouts.

"How?" The villain pauses his attacks to point a gun at the professor's head. Midoriya pauses mid-air, and you slam to a halt on your ice.

"Don't worry about me, you two... Get away!" Melissa's father shouts. Midoriya drops to the ground and clenches his jaw and fists in anger. It's obvious that he grew up close to Bakugou sometimes. He may not get angry often, but when he does, Bakugou's rage is reflected in his own mannerisms.

"Jeez, it's so inconvenient being a hero. I hardly did a thing, and both of you already can't move." The villain laughs. He touches the ground once more, and a pillar slams into Midoriya.

"Midoriya!!!!" You scream as the boy is thrown back and rolls across the ground. He barely has time to move before more slam down at him.

As you activate your quirk you hear a click, and whip back towards the helicopter. "Don't even think about it." The villain snarls. His gun is even closer to the professor's head now.

Trapped, you look between the professor and your friend, getting pummeled by metal. "Shit...!"

"What do you think, girl? Who's more important? Your friend, or this criminal? Would you really sacrifice your friend to save the professor's life?" He taunts you.

Damn it...! You can feel your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you struggle to decide what to do. Of course I'd rather save Midoriya!! What kind of question is that? But I can't just let Melissa's father die, either!

"Midoriya!!" You gasp as Midoriya is slammed between three pillars, so forcefully that they are damaged upon impact. Before you can do anything, one hurtles towards you and connects. You scream as it throws you back, and you roll across the ground, stopping not far in front of the elevator. Blood seeps from where your exposed skin is torn, and the scrapes from tripping earlier tear apart.

"Either way, being a hero isn't a smart way to live." The villain smirks as Midoriya falls limp to the ground. He slaps the outside of the helicopter and jumps in. "Get us out of here!"


You and Midoriya both struggle to get up as the helicopter rises into the air. Midoriya's body lights up with power once more, and you watch him run and leap into the air after it.

"Midoriya!!" You yell, and the boy grabs hold of the helicopter. The force of his impact causes it to shake and become unsteady.

The elevator doors ping open, and Melissa rushes out as you stand up. "Y/n...! Deku!!" She screams as she sees him hanging from it.

"Melissa! Be careful!" You shout and struggle to your feet. "Leave this to me!"

You turn back towards the helicopter as Midoriya reaches out for the professor. You can't hear a thing, but you know he's telling the professor to grab his hand. As if in slow motion, you see the villain point his gun at Midoriya.

Firing a large icicle upwards, you pray it will hit. The ice manages to hit the helicopter instead of the villain, but it still knocks the villain just enough for the bullet to hit the ground instead of Midoriya.

Unfortunately, Midoriya fails to keep his grasp, and falls from the helicopter to the roof below. Melissa screams, and you rush forward, already preparing an ice slide to catch him.

Thankfully your ice breaks most of his impact, and you run up to him with Melissa. "Midoriya!! Are you alright?!" You grab his arm and pull the bits of rubble and ice away from him.

"Damn it all!!!! Give the professor back!!!" Midoriya sits up and yells at the receeding helicopter. You grab on to him to prevent him from doing anything drastic again. "Damn it!!!!"


A loud booming voice cuts you off. "This is the time to smile, Young Midoriya!" The three of you immediately turn towards the familiar voice, and you smile as your teacher flies through the air.

"All Might!!" Midoriya shouts.

Your teacher stops several stories above the helicopter, and the force of his appearance creates winds that pushes it back towards the roof.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

You help Midoriya to his feet, and look up in awe at the number one hero.

"I'll have you give back my dear friend, you villain!" All Might punches through the helicopter with ease, and it explodes into a flaming ball of metal.

As All Might lands next to you, cradling the professor in his arms, the fiery wreckage crashes down on to the roof, exploding once more and lighting the area as if it's day.

"Papa!!" Melissa rushes towards her father, and collapses into hugging him.


"It's fine now."

Midoriya clutches his hurt shoulder as the two of you stand over them watching. "I'm so glad..."

"All Might..." The professor looks immensely guilty. "I'm–"

Before he can finish, a familiar pillar of metal slams into the number one hero and sends the two men flying from right in front of you.

"All Might!!" You and Midoriya both scream.


From the wreckage of the helicopter, metal warps into strong wires and yanks the professor away from where the pair landed. You look on in horror as the villain stands amongst it, the metal floating and warping around him into something straight out of a sci-fi film.

"That Sam... He said that All Might's quirk was declining, and that he no longer has the power he once held." With flames still roaring behind him and metal twisting everywhere, the villain looks even more sinister than you thought possible.

"He's using the professor's device!" Midoriya says.

Fear fills you from the bottom of your being as you stare up at the villain, and you can't help but wonder if things could have gone differently.

"What's wrong, heroes? Are you scared?"

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