136: Ultimate Training

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“Good morning everyone!!” Midnight shouts as you enter TKL.

“Good morning...” Your classmates groan in response. They definitely sound and look like Aizawa's students. The nightmares weren't too bad last night, so you aren't as tired as you had been in the past few mornings.

“Midnight! Aizawa! I have a name for my new move!” You jog over to your teachers.

“Well, let's hear it!” Midnight smiles.

“You're full of energy this morning.” Aizawa notices.

“Yep! Jiro gets credit for the name, but it's Serpent’s Bite! What do you think?” You activate your quirk, and pose with the move as you announce it.

“I love it!!” Midnight cheers and scans for Jiro among your classmates. “Jiro, great name for Y/n’s new move!”

Jiro waves and smiles. Aizawa nods his head. “Good. Now keep working on it. I don't want to see you miss a single target today. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” You smile and race to set up for your training.

Much to Aizawa and Midnight's surprise, as well as your own, you grant his wish and hit every single target before they reach you. Including when you're distracted by Bakugou's explosions or something else. By the end of your class, you're feeling pretty cocky about it.

“Woohoo!!! Aizawa! Did you see?? I didn't miss a single one!” You cheer.

Aizawa nods in response. “Good work. Tomorrow you can work on a different move. Keep practicing with this one outside of class, but tomorrow we'll get you practicing at the pool while the rest of us are here.”

“Huh? Why the pool?”

“Kirishima mentioned a move you used back on I-Island involving a lot of external water. He said you created a giant wave from it and took out dozens of robots at once.”

“Oh! That move, yeah. It's a bit difficult to use, but effective. It just tires me out pretty quick, so it's more of a last resort or final move.”

“Tomorrow I want you to start practicing lifting the pool water like you would with weights. Build up how much you can hold at a time, and you'll have a second ultimate move in time for the exam.”

You nod to Aizawa. “Sounds good, sir! I'll make sure to keep training my Serpent's Bite, too!”

After speaking with Aizawa, you shower and meet a few of the guys at the weight gym after getting a bite to eat. It goes well, and they laugh as you try lifting weights with your Serpent's Bite, too. When you finish in the gym and step outside with the rest of the boys, it's cloudy and humid.

“Man, looks like it's going to rain.” Kirishima sighs.

“Guess we'd better hurry.” Ojiro says.

“Oh!! This reminds me of a move I wanted to try!” You exclaim. “It's not so good indoors, but on a humid day like this it's perfect!”

“What's the move?” Midoriya asks you.

“Well, since I don't know if I'll ever be able to get back to generating as much water as I used to, I've been trying to come up with some new ideas. I remembered Ochako’s meteor attack in the Sports Festival and came up with my own spin on it. I just haven't tested it out yet.”

“Let's see it!” Kirishima says as the group of you walk towards the dorms.

“We're almost back, you can do it in the yard out front.” Midoriya says.

“That sounds good to me!” You walk faster ahead of the guys.

“How do you still have so much energy?” Ojiro chuckles. “You insisted on working out with your quirk, too, on top of the regular training and weightlifting. Now you're adding more...?”

“Y/n’s crazy cool like that! It makes you want to train harder doesn't it?” Kirishima asks and Midoriya nods in agreement.

The four of you reach the dorms, and you set your things down on the steps where the boys sit. “I guess it's a good thing we wore our gym uniforms instead of the school ones, huh?” Kirishima says.

You nod, and walk a few meters away. “Alright, so this move still needs a name, too, but it relies on the water in the atmosphere. If I can do it right...” You shake your hands and close your eyes. Breathing slowly, you focus on sensing the water in the air around you. The sensation of the water surrounding you fills you, and you're able to form several blobs of water in the air. “It'll look like this!” You finish, and freeze each blob into sharp icicles that surround you.

The boys watch and clap like they're watching a professional demonstration. “Looks sick, Y/n!!”

Ojiro agrees with Kirishima. “Pretty cool. I'm not used to seeing you pull water out of the air like that. Your quirk really does have a lot of different ways to use it.”

Midoriya tears his notebook out of his bag and frantically flips through it, grabbing a pen with his other hand. “Y/n! How does your water control work exactly? You can pull the water from the air and also turn it into steam, but can you turn it back into a gaseous form without heating it? The temperature isn't very hot today, but it's incredibly humid, so it makes sense that you can take it from the air, but what does that entail? Does your water sensing stay on all the time? What does it feel like when you sense the water in the air? Is it similar to being underwater?”

You laugh at Midoriya’s barrage of questions along with Kirishima and Ojiro. “I'll answer all of your questions while we eat.” Turning the icicles into steam, you walk back over to the boys. “I'm starving and need to eat something before I get grumpy!”

The boys laugh, remembering how you got during camp when you overworked yourself on an empty stomach and agree. The four of you enter the dorm and find something to eat.

The day passes by quickly, and you spend the remainder of the week cycling through practicing different attacks, sometimes at the pool, sometimes in TKL. On top of that, you continue to join the boys at the weightlifting gym, and by the morning of your exam, you've gained back all of the muscle you lost.

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