Chapter 18: The Finale

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"Don't worry Bakugou! I'll try to keep him away from you!" You say. "Just make sure you keep that misty guy pinned-" Before you can finish your sentence, the monster rushes towards you, and with him comes a blast of cold air from his punch. You close your eyes and brace for the impact, but it doesn't come.



Confused as to what just happened, you look around. A cloud of smoke and dust surrounds you, and you find yourself sitting in the dirt next to Bakugou. As you look around, the dust clears enough for you to realize the two of you somehow moved to where Midoriya, Kirishima, and Todoroki were standing. Midoriya seems just as surprised as you, if not more as he asks, "Kacchan! Y/n! How did you two dodge that so fast?!"

"Shut up. There's no way we could dodge that." Bakugou looks as confused and dazed as you are as he stares towards the end of the blast. His usually spiky blonde hair is still pushed back from the blast. You follow his gaze to see the remnants of the initial blast that was aimed at the two of you.

The smoke clears and All Might stands at the receiving end. Shigaraki lets out a dry laugh and begins to speak. "Anything to save an ally, right? It's the same as earlier when that plain kid came at me with everything he had. But violence is only admirable and acceptable when it's used in the name of saving others, huh hero?" He opens his arms wide and you feel a chill run down your spine. "You know what, All Might? That really pisses me off! Both heroes and villains rely on violence to thrive, yet we're still split up and categorized. 'You're good.' 'You're evil.' That's how it works in this world. Symbol of Peace? Hah!! In the end, you're just another violence wielding tool like the rest of us! All you're used for is to beat us down! And violence only breeds more violence. I'll prove that to the world by ending your life!!"

"What a load of hooey. Idealistic criminals have a different sort of fire in their eyes. But you? You're just enjoying yourself, you big liar." All Might says. As he speaks, you and Bakugou stand up with the others.

"Hah... You got me. Saw right through..." Shigaraki sneers.

"It's six on three. We have twice as many as you." Todoroki points out.

"Plus Kacchan showed us the mist villain's weak spot...!!" Midoriya chimes in, and Kirishima smiles.

"These are some brutal dudes, but with all of us supporting All Might, we can beat 'em back!!"

"No! All of you, get out of here!!" All Might tells you.

"Things wouldn't have gone so well if I hadn't just stepped in." You glance at Todoroki. He had a point, but you understood All Might's concern. If anything happened to you guys, All Might would get in more trouble than the villains.

"Right you are, Todoroki!! So thank you for that!!" All Might looks back at the five of you, and gives you a thumbs up. "But fear not!! Sit back and watch a pro get serious!!"

"Nomu, Kurogiri. Deal with All Might. I'll take care of the kids." Shigaraki says, just before sprinting towards you. "Let's clear the game, and go home!"

"More like we'll take care of you!!" You shout, and prepare to counter.

Suddenly, All Might launches forward, and punches the Nomu. The blast from the force of the impact pushes you backward, and prevents Shigaraki from getting near you. The villain speaks up. "He's got shock absorption. You already saw it in action yourself."

"That's right!" All Might continues to smile through the flurry of blows, and you struggle to keep your footing. Man, am I glad I got this helmet for my costume...! Not only did it save me earlier in the flood zone, but if I didn't have it now, I wouldn't be able to see! "It's shock absorption, not negation! So he must have a limit, no?! You say he's built to counter me, hm?! Made to withstand everything I've got?! Then I'll just go beyond that!! A hero's always ready to smash through trouble!! Tell me, villain. Do you know the meaning of... Plus... Ultra!!" With one final punch, All Might sends the Nomu flying through the roof with a loud boom. The sound of shattering glass fills your ears, and a large cloud of dust and smoke envelops All Might.

"It's like the fight came straight out of a comic..." Kirishima murmurs. "He just smashed his way past the absorption... Against that power... The regeneration just wasn't able to keep up..."

So this is the top...

"Yep, I'm slowing down. In my heyday, five of those punches would've been enough. But that was over 300 hits just now." 300 blows?! "So villain, how about we hurry and finish this up?"

"You've weakened? Not that I can see... We're completely outmatched. How dare you do that to my Nomu... You cheated...!! He's not weak at all!! They... Lied to me?!!" Shigaraki begins to shriek and claw at his neck.

"Well, villain. Coming to get me? What happened to your game? I thought you wanted to clear it? If you can take me on, then bring it!!" All Might challenges the villains. Midoriya begins to stumble forward. Kirishima grabs him by his shoulder.

"Midoriya! We oughta just hang back for now. Rush in and we'll only get in the way...!"

"Kirishima's right. We're not ready for this kind of power yet. Plus, you're injured, and if we go in there, there's a chance of them taking us hostage. All Might's got this."

"C'mon, let's get out of the way so he doesn't have to worry about us. We should go to the closest zone and try to help the others." Kirishima says. You all turn to walk away, but after a few steps, you pause because Midoriya hasn't moved.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asks.

Before you can even process what's going on, the remaining two villains rush at All Might, and Midoriya blasts towards them with incredible speed. "Midoriya!!" You and Kirishima yell after the green haired boy. His legs flap as he flies at them.

"Get away from All Might!" He shouts.

Before anyone's blows connect, bullets rain down on the villains, and a voice calls out throughout the building. "Sorry everyone. We're a little late. We brought everyone we could." You turn your head towards the entrance to see a large group of pros alongside Iida.

"Ahh... They're here... It's game over, Kurog- Gah!!" Bullets rain down on Shigaraki once more and many connect. Before they can finish him off however, Kurogiri covers him in the smokey warp gate surrounding him. "I may have failed here, Symbol of Peace, but next time... Next time we meet... You're dead, All Might."

And just like that, the two villains vanish into the air without a trace.




Hey guys!! I'm on winter break and couldn't sleep so I decided, hey, why not update? I wrote this in an hour and didn't edit it, so let me know if you found any mistakes. Hopefully there aren't any.

To all of you who celebrated a holiday recently, or are celebrating soon, happy holidays!

I hope everyone's doing well, having good times, and healthy!

Thank you once more for reading and thank you for 25.9k reads!

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