166: Inspiring The Next Gen

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“Thank you again for all of your help.” Maki's father thanks you.

“Of course!!” You smile. “It's funny, she kind of reminds me of when my quirk first appeared as a kid. Mine just wasn't as... Alarming. She's got more control of it, too. When mine first manifested, I was spewing water everywhere, and then for a while I just leaked water wherever I went.” You chuckle.

“Your parents must have loved that.” Hawks chuckles.

“They had to follow me around the house with a mop and towels for a few weeks.” You laugh, and Hawks and Maki's father do as well.

“It'll be interesting...” He says. “My parents thought I was quirkless for a while, until I picked up a flame from a candle.”

As you talk, Maki breaks away from her class to come running towards you again. “Daddy! Can we see Y/n again?”

“Well, she's a busy girl, Maki.” He picks her up. “She's still in school, just like you.”

“Even heroes have to go to school?”

You chuckle at her question. “Well, I'm going to a special high school for kids who want to be heroes. I'm not an adult yet, so I'm still learning. That's why I'm studying under Hawks.”

“But you did more than him!”

Hawks nearly doubles over laughing at Maki’s comment, and her father hushes her and desperately apologizes. Hawks waves his apologies away. “Don't worry about it! She's not wrong! I'm glad Hydra was with me. She was the perfect person to help you, chicklet.”

“I'm not a chicken!” Maki huffs.

Hawks laughs even more, and you explain to her as you hold your own laughter back. “He’s always nicknaming people after birds. I think it's because he's part bird.” You chuckle.

“Hmm... Well I think you're cooler than him.” Maki nods. “You should teach him!”

Hawks has tears threatening to fall from how hard he's laughing, and he tries as hard as he can to nod seriously. “You're absolutely right, Maki. Hydra, please teach me well!”

You and Maki's father struggle to contain yourselves as Maki nods, finally satisfied. “Now, I'm going to be working with Hawks for a while at his agency, so you may see me again, Maki.” You smile.

“If not, you'll see her on TV!” Hawks chirps in. “She's already made it on the news a few times!”

“A few times, huh? I've only seen her on the news thanks to the Nomu incident last night.” Maki's dad says.

“Well, she helped me bust a bar that was letting minors in the day before, and she was on the news when Hosu happened, plus when she was working under Firetamer in the spring.” Hawks explains.

“Firetamer, huh... That's right! She had someone attack her agency, too, now that I think about it. You were the one who cleaned it up then, weren't you?”

You nod. “That was nothing special, really!”

“All of the stations were talking about it. It's not often someone attacks her.” Maki's father says. “I work at the local fire station. I'm just glad Hawks caught me before my shift started. Oh, speaking of...” You turn to follow his gaze and see a car rolling up. It's one of the fire station’s cars, and a man rolls down the window to lean his head out.

“Yo, glad to see Maki’s well! Maki, you gonna come work for us when you're older now that you have your quirk?” Her father's coworker asks.

“No! I'm gonna be a hero!!” She sticks her tongue out at the man, who laughs.

“Hey, we save people, too!”

“Well, we better get going.” Hawks smiles. “It was nice to meet you little one.”

Maki gives him a look, and she turns to you. “Thank you, Y/n!! You're the coolest!”

You laugh at Hawks' dejected face, and give her a fist bump. “You be good with your quirk, okay? I know it's cool, but you have to be careful with it.”

“I will! I promise!!”

“Perfect! I hope I get to see you again, Maki. You be good for your parents and teachers.” You ruffle her hair.

“I'm always good!” She says.

With a chuckle, you smile. “I have no doubts. Keep up the good work!” With another wave to her and the others watching, you and Hawks take off into the sky once more.

“Great work there, boss!” Hawks chuckles. “Seriously, though, you did great there. You surprised me with how quickly you jumped in to hug and help her. I assumed based off of watching your exam when Endeavor's son nearly hit you with his fire that it was still bugging you.”

Remembering how you flinched away from the fire, you shake your head. “No, it's definitely still bothering me. I just couldn't ignore her, you know? Besides, her flames were different from Shoto’s and Dabi's. Theirs were meant for fighting and hurting. Honestly... They kind of felt similar... It was weird...” You trail off for a moment. “Hers... They were gentle. They weren't actually burning anything other than the oxygen. She already was able to control it enough not to hurt anyone; even her clothes were perfectly fine. Plus, my visor is reflective. She wasn't going to calm down if she was staring at her own reflection while covered in fire. Maybe Shindo has a point about changing it...”

“You did good. There's a reason the Commission noticed you, Hydra. Engitech actually got back to me already. He's going to come up with a few blueprints for goggles or a smaller visor and send them your way to choose from.” Hawks tells you.

“Thank you, Hawks.” You smile. The two of you fly for a while without any incidents. As you get closer to the more dense city areas, you notice a rather large truck trying to cross a small bridge.

“That doesn't look good.” Hawks says. “That truck looks way too heavy for that bridge.”

As if on cue, there's a loud crack, and the bridge begins to split apart. Due to the shaking, the truck tips over and smashes on to the side guards. You and Hawks are there in an instant, and you reinforce the bridge with ice from the river water. Hawks pulls the pedestrians away, and hurries the rest of the cars away. Using your ice, you help move the cars off of the bridge.

“Shit, can you hold the truck up? I don't think that wall is going to hold much longer. I'll get the driver out!” Hawks flies over to the truck, and pulls the driver out. He uses his feathers to drop the man over on the other side, and reaches to take the keys out of the ignition as you add more ice to support the truck. As he reaches in, the truck shakes, and suddenly, there's a loud creaking. Flames burst from the truck, and you see a leak coming from the tank. Before you can react, the flames reach the leak, and a boom deafens your ears.


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