160: Gotta Go Fast

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Nothing exciting happens on your way back to Hawks' agency after dinner, aside from him stopping a few crimes with his feathers, but he doesn't even bat an eye as he does. He leaves them for his sidekicks to deal with, who had met with you as you were leaving the diner. Once you're back at the agency, he dismisses you for the night to go to bed. The schoolwork you missed is tough, and you work on it for a while before putting it aside to go to sleep.

The next morning, you eat breakfast in Hawks' cafeteria in his agency, and then meet him for training. He has you bring your school books, and he reads them over as you spar. He teaches you the material with ease as he dodges your blows, both your Serpent's Bites and physical attacks, and dances circles around you.

“We gotta get you faster, Penguin. You're still too slow.” He avoids your punch effortlessly and flips the page. “Let's try something else.” As he reads the material, he sends a feather flying off across the room.

“Do you mean the ice board? I'm still not very good at it, though.” You swing your leg hard at his side, but he's behind you before it touches.

“You ever listen to music when you work out? I've got a playlist full of songs with a high BPM. We'll pause on your schoolwork for now and pick it up again later.” The feather Hawks had sent off turns on surround sound speakers, and Hawks uses another to drop your textbook on a bench to the side. It returns with his phone, and he swipes through it as you continue trying to land a hit on him. “Jeez, three missed calls...?” Hawks sighs.

“Who's that?” You ask.

He hesitates for a moment and shakes his head. “It's no one. Just a work thing.” Hawks presses a button on his phone and fast paced music begins playing through the gym. “Now, focus on the music. Makes you wanna dance, right?”

“I guess so... You think it'll help me react quicker?”

“And move less rigidly. Try to use your quirk now, too. Whatever you can do to move faster. Just don't go tearing your feet.” Hawks says. Something pops up on his screen, and he grumbles. “Sorry, getting another call again. I have to go take this. Keep practicing, and I'll be back in a few.”

“Okay.” You watch as Hawks snatches a towel from the bench and stalks out of the room, wiping his face off. Wonder who's got him in such a bad mood all of a sudden...?

“I'm with my student, what do you want?” The door shuts behind him before you can hear anything else from his conversation.

“Guess I'd better keep going...” You sigh. The music helps you loosen up a little, and you shake your arms and legs out, trying to relax completely. Closing your eyes, you try to focus on the music. A memory of Mina fighting pops into your mind, and you remember how she always appears to be dancing when she's fighting. Mixing her style and Bakugou's, you move around the training room, creating ice targets for you to hit. You keep your eyes closed and focus on where the targets are. With a deep breath, you ready your Serpent's Bite and begin attacking the targets, quickly creating new ones when you break the others. You continue like this for so many songs, you soon forget Hawks is supposed to be returning.

As you continue slamming the targets and moving around the room, you sense another form of water in the room with you and instinctively kick it. A hand catches your foot, and you open your eyes in surprise.

“Almost had me there! And here I thought I was going to sneak up on you!” He laughs. “You ready for lunch?”

Quickly creating a piece of ice below your foot on the ground, you launch yourself higher, twisting your ankle free, and trying to kick him with your other foot. “I'm not finished training yet!”

“I like the spirit!” Hawks steps back to dodge your attack, right where you want him. One of your shattered ice targets is right next to him, and you use it to try to freeze his foot. He quickly sees through it, but you use it as a distraction to turn the rest of the ice you have in the room to swirling steam, messing with his feathers and vision. Your Serpent's Bite closes in on him, and he dodges.

“Damn it!” You grunt and ready another hit.

“Not bad! But not quite enough!” Hawks says. “Faster!”

You swing another ice boosted kick at Hawks, mimicking Iida and Midoriya. When he avoids it, you use the momentum to spin around him like Bakugou, and aim your fist at one of the weak points he showed you. As you swing your fist towards him, he raises his arm to deflect your blow, and you smile. The water from your Serpent's Bite snakes down your arm, and reforms at your wrist. The ice hardens, and it quickly slams into his side, right below his ribs.

“Yess!!!!” You cheer. “I finally landed one!!”

Hawks is impressed, and claps his hands. “Good job!” He gives you a fist bump and straightens up. “Now, how about some lunch?”

You chuckle and nod. “Are you sure you didn't just let me land that hit so I'd say yes?”

“No way! That was a great hit! I wasn't expecting it to come from your wrist like that.” He grins.

“Everything go okay with your call?” You ask, grabbing a towel for yourself. “You were gone for a while.”

An annoyed look crosses Hawks' face, but it disappears so quickly, you can't tell if you imagined it or not. “Oh yeah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.” As you turn away to take a drink of your water, his eyes linger on your burn scars.

“Where are we going for lunch today?” You ask.

“I'm thinking kebabs!”

“Oh, like the barbequed kind?” You ask.

Hawks frowns, that flash of irritation coming back momentarily once more. “Actually, new idea: let's get ramen.”

“Really? Not chicken? What's with the change up?”

“Just... Figured we had barbeque yesterday. Let's change it up.”

“Whatever you say.” You smile. “Should I change into my hero costume or regular clothes?”

“Hero costume. We'll go on patrol after.” Hawks tells you. “Meet me up on the roof, okay?”

With a nod, you grab your items and head to your room to get showered and changed.

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