Chapter 94: Let's go to Summer Camp!

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Finally, it was time for you to leave for summer camp. Your aunt had surprisingly taken the news of the change well. Instead of grumbling and getting mad at your teacher, she had simply shrugged and said, "Oh well" on your video call. She was almost suspiciously okay with it, but you were too excited for the trip, and not the type to question a blessing. One less lecture, the better. Especially after her lectures because of I-Expo.

You were one of the last few to campus as you had forgotten you had to drop your keys off with Shinsou that morning. He is stopping by your apartment to bring your mail in and water your plants while you're away. He was surprisingly awake when you got there, until you realized it was because he hadn't even gone to sleep yet.

By the time you got to the buses, both classes were already waiting to board.

"Y/n, took you long enough." Aizawa says. "I was about to send someone to check on you."

"Sorry sir! I couldn't sleep last night!"

"You seemed to have done a great job of it this morning. Don't think you can sleep in at camp. If you do, I'll stick you in the remedial classes with your teammates. The only reason I didn't is because Cementoss vouched for you."

"Yes sir..." You sigh and meet up with your classmates.

"Y/n! There you are!" Midoriya says.

"Sorry I'm late everyone!"

Jiro laughs a little at you. "You should have seen Aizawa's face! He was ready to send out a search party!"

"Nice bed head, you forget what a brush is?" Sero ruffles your hair with his hand and rests his elbow on your shoulder.

"Is it really that bad?" You comb through your hair with your fingers trying to untangle it.

"It looks good, he's just bugging you." A voice says from behind you.

"Oh! Kendo!" You smile. Her and a few of the students from class 1B aren't too far away.

"It's been a bit. We were all glad to hear everyone was fine after that stunt the League pulled at the mall. Plus, some of you were there for I-Island, huh?"

Midoriya thanks her. "I'm just glad no one got hurt when we were shopping... And All MIght got there in time at I-Expo to save the day..."

"That's because you kept a cool head that day!" Uraraka tells him. "It could have gone really bad, especially with all of those civilians..."

"Ha! I heard some of you in 1A are getting extra lessons because you failed the practical!! How hard could it have been compared to everything else, huh?!" Do I even need to say who said this? "Everyone knows Class A is totally superior to Class B, but now this??! Wowwww!!! Not to mention two of you were partnered with Y/n, and she still had to beat Cementoss on her own?!"

Before he can get any more jabs out, Kendo knocks Monoma out with a swift chop to the back of his neck. "Sorry about him..."

"Jeez, Monoma can be really scary sometimes." One of the girls from Class B says. "I'm Yanagi Reiko."

"Don't listen to him, none of us resent you, especially for the Sports Festival. Glad to be working with you guys!" Another girl introduces herself as Tokage Setsuna.

A few others nod and introduce themselves. Your classes haven't had time to mingle really since the beginning of the school year, so it's nice to get the chance to know them now.

"It's a pleasure to properly meet you all!" You say.

"Glad to see you're feeling better, Y/n." Awase walks up behind you.

"Oh, Awase! Thank you!" You give the boy a big smile.

"We were all pretty worried when we heard what happened to you and the other guys during the internships, too. Especially Monoma, he was really worried about you. He tries to be all tough and cool, but he's no good at it."

"You guys are some of the strongest in 1A, it's hard to imagine how you all got so beat up in Hosu...!" Tetsutetsu says. Iida hears and immediately starts staring at you.

Midoriya acts quickly thankfully. "We had to focus on running away, and the Hero Killer's quirk froze us in place, so we were lucky Endeavor stopped him from killing us..."

"I'm sorry you guys had to go through that..." Awase looks at the ground.

"Being a hero is going to be tough work! You guys keep getting all the real life experiences, but Class B won't fall behind! We'll toughen up, too!" Tetsutetsu says, and you smile at him.

"Don't worry, aside from our cranky Bakugou, you know none of us actually think any less of 1B. And Bakugou just looks down on everyone." You laugh. On the other side of the crowd, Bakugou gives you an annoyed look, but holds his tongue.

"That's like Monoma. He can be a bit of a nut job." Awase laughs.

Tetsutetsu raises a hand for a high five. "Let's see how much tougher you've gotten once we get to camp, huh? We haven't had a good chance to hang out in a while!"

"You two have hung out before?" Mina asks.

You nod. "Tetsu and Monoma were in the same entrance exam as me. We worked together at the end to save someone from the zero pointer! Monoma actually saved me from splattering on the cement." You laugh.

"Huh, I always chalked up the person who saved you to being someone nice. Not that jerk." Kaminari says.

"Hey, don't go starting something that was already dealt with. He's not always so foul." You try to say it with confidence, but students from both classes laugh at your lack of it.

"I don't know..." Kendo sighs.

"Anyways, I can't wait to find out where we're going!" Tetsutetsu says. "I wish they would hurry up and tell us!"

"I doubt we'll know until we get there. Even then, who knows if we'll have the exact address. Aizawa's already told us to disable our location permissions on everything." You say.

"It's for the best." Kendo says. "The last thing we want is for villains to attack us at camp."

"Right? I've had enough of that recently." You sigh. "I can't wait for a fun trip! It's going to suck when it's over and we have to come back home. I hope we get to make some good memories together!" You smile. "We're going to have so much fun!!"

"Me too!"


Sero wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Hey, by the way, Y/n, you're sitting next to me on the bus." He doesn't say it like a question, and gives you a big smile when you look up at him, still resting on your shoulder.

"Oh, okay. Sounds good." You nod.

Caught off guard by how easy that was, Sero's face goes a little pink, and Awase and Tetsutetsu can't help but wish you were in 1B instead.

Soon after, everyone loads on to their respective class buses, and leave. It isn't long before the bus lulls you to sleep next to Sero, and you are quickly oblivious to the world around you.

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