126: 1A Reunion

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While all of your classmates are facing away from the dorm building towards Aizawa, Hawks slowly lands on the overhang above the doors where the big ‘Alliance’ sign sits. Your teacher frowns and goes to say something, but you give him a pleading look and hold a finger to your lips. He sighs as you and Hawks giggle silently at each other and sit down.

“Anyways, you’re all lucky we can’t afford any expulsions.” Aizawa tells your class. “Otherwise, Bakugou, Jiro, Hagakure, and Y/n would make up a lonely class.”

“By the way, sir... Where is Y/n?” Midoriya asks.

“Is she still at the hospital?” Kirishima shares a worried look with Sero and Kaminari.

“Maybe she’s staying at home for a bit?” Tsuyu suggests.

“You don’t think Mandalay didn’t let her move in after what happened at camp, do you...?” Mina asks.

“Nah! You’re all wrong!” Hawks cups his hands around his mouth as he shouts down.

Everyone jumps and looks for his voice, and Tokoyami is the first to spot you. “Hawks...!”

As your classmates stare up at you, you give them a big grin and wave. “Long time no see!”

“Y/n!!!” Everyone yells. “How long have you been up there for?”

“No way!! Is that seriously Hawks with you?!”

“It certainly is!” Hawks chuckles. “Tsukuyomi, how’s it going?”

Tokoyami grumbles a hello, and Aizawa interrupts before he can say anything else.

“Can you please put my student down on the ground now already?” He frowns.

“Right away, Eraserhead!” Hawks laughs and jokingly salutes before he scoops you up once more. He delivers you to the ground beside Aizawa, and gives you a small bow. “You’ve been safely delivered to Eraserhead’s watch now, so I gotta fly, little penguin.”

“Thank you, Hawks!” You smile and wave goodbye. Hawks gives you and Tokoyami a big grin and wave, and he takes off into the air once more.

Aizawa sighs, clearly not amused by Hawks’ antics. “How are you doing, Y/n?”

“I’m raring to go!” You smile. “Sorry I was late, sir. We stopped for lunch, and the staff got a little excited about having Hawks eating there...”

“That’s why I prefer laying low.” Aizawa says. “Now, all of your things have already been delivered up to your assigned rooms. We’ll go over who is where when we get inside. Let’s go.” Aizawa waits, and everyone trickles into the building. You gasp along with your classmates when you see the interior.

“Sooo spacious!!” Mina cheers.

“There’s even a courtyard!” Sero points out one of the windows.

“Swanky living...” Poor Uraraka wobbles as she stares at the extensive accommodations.

“There’s one class in each building. Girls on the right, boys on the left. The first floor is a common area.” Aizawa is the last to come in, and he shuts the doors behind him. “The dining hall, baths, and laundry rooms are all on this floor. They’re split by gender, so you wipe that look off of your face, Mineta. Don’t make me regret not letting Y/n deal with you back at camp.”

Mineta visibly shivers and a few of your classmates laugh upon remembering your actions. Bakugou gives you a cocky smirk as he recalls what happened that same night just moments after. You feel your face flush a bit red and look away from him. Everyone wanders around the main area, taking in all of the details.

“Say, Y/n, aren’t you hot in that getup?” Kaminari asks, referring to the oversized jacket and mitts you’re wearing.

“Yeah, isn’t it a bit warm out for mitts?” Hagakure asks. “It's mid August!”

“You wear gloves year round.” Sero points out.

“I was going to wait until after the tour, but now is as good of a time as any. Everyone gather round.” Aizawa sighs.

Your friends give you odd looks as Aizawa beckons you to his side. “Did something else happen?” Mina asks.

“This is strictly confidential. None of you can repeat this to anyone, not even other teachers or Class B.” Aizawa says sternly. “There will be serious repercussions if you do. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Everyone looks uneasy as they watch you stand next to Aizawa.

“Do you want me to say it, or will you?” He asks you.

“Might as well be me...” You slowly undo your jacket and slip it off. Your classmates gasp as they see the bruises and scars covering you. “The me you guys saw in the hospital... Wasn’t actually me.”

“What are you talking about, Y/n?” Iida asks.

“Yeah, we all saw you go in with Aizawa on the news. You even defended him and Bakugou!” Kirishima says. Bakugou looks surprised by his comment, and you assume he never got told about it. He was still asleep after all, and you only got to watch it because Dabi wanted to have incentive for him to behave.

Shaking your head, you roll up your sleeve and remove the wraps covering your upper arm. Everyone goes silent in horror as they see the handprint scarred into your flesh. “Bakugou and Ragdoll weren’t the only two who got abducted that night.”

“Wait, but then who was with you at the hospital, Aizawa?!” Uraraka asks.

“A clone. I fought a few of them back at the building when the villains first attacked. One of their new members, Twice, is capable of cloning others. We haven’t figured out how Y/n was cloned yet, but it seems it’s not something he struggles much with.” Aizawa explains. “Y/n was taken by the League of Villains while her clone was left behind in order to throw us off. Thankfully, they didn’t do a good job of covering their trail, and I realized right after finding her.”

“So that’s why she wasn’t taken to the hospital with the rest of us...” Midoriya says. “But was her clone even aware?”

“She realized there was a clone when I did. We weren’t certain if she was the real one or not, but she decided before any of us that she had to be the clone.”

“Wait, so where is she now?” Jiro asks.

“Are we going to have two of Y/n now?” Kaminari looks at you, a little eager.

“No. Unfortunately, she dissolved once her injuries became too much.” Aizawa says.

“Jeez... So what happened to you, Y/n?” Sero asks.

Aizawa checks to see how you’re feeling, and you give him a reassuring look. “I... Was being tortured.”

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