148: Popular

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"It's over...!" You sigh in relief. "Thank goodness..." Shindo nods as the two of you turn to look at Gang Orca and the others.

"We'll have to get you checked out and find somewhere you can recover." Shindo adjusts his grip on your waist.

"The results will be announced once all of the scores are tallied. Those with injuries, please proceed to the medical area. Everyone else, get showered and changed, then stand by for instructions." Mera announces.

Shindo looks in the direction of the medical area, and is about to start walking when you stop him. "Wait, Gang Orca got really dried up over there."

"So?" He asks.

"I can help him get hydrated. Do you mind?"

Shindo seems surprised, but gives you a tender smile. "Why not? Hey, Gang Orca!" He yells. Gang Orca turns his head over, and Shindo waves him towards you.

"What is it? Do you need help getting to the medical area?" Gang Orca asks as he approaches. He spots your helmet on the ground, and brings it with him.

"Nah, this sweetheart just wants to give you a hand." Shindo says. You manage to wave at Gang Orca.

"Hi, sir... It's nice to meet you. I figured you got pretty dried out, and I thought you might like some water." You gather water from the air in front of Gang Orca, and Shindo takes your helmet from him.

"Why thank you." He happily accepts the water, and you drench him. "I was sad that you didn't accept my internship invitation, you know."

"Ah!" You remember seeing Gang Orca's name on your list after the sports festival. "I'm sorry sir!"

"Don't worry about it. If you pass today, you should apply to work at my agency. I'd be happy to have a student as talented as you working with me." Gang Orca tells you. "And you, good job shaking off my attack." He says to Shindo who thanks him.

"I'd love to... But I don't know if I'm even going to be able to choose where I end up..." You laugh awkwardly. "Both Endeavor and Hawks want me to work with them..."

"I see... It's hard to compete against the new top two. Well, keep me in mind. Even after you graduate, if you keep up the good work I'd be happy to take you on as a sidekick."

"Thank you, sir!" You smile at Gang Orca. He nods, and you and Shindo make your way towards the medical area.

"It's not just guys who you're popular with, huh? Even the heroes are all fighting over you..." Shindo chuckles. "I'm not surprised."

You blush as you try to keep your footing. "It's really no big deal... Endeavor only cares about me because I'm friends with Shoto, and Hawks..." You bite your tongue, trying not to spill the fact that he rescued you from your kidnapping. "I met him at the hospital after the attack on our camp. Plus, my classmate with the shadow quirk already interned under him."

"Endeavor usually only accepts fire based heroes, though, and Hawks isn't exactly known for taking interns. Isn't your friend the first?" Shindo says.

"I guess so..."

"Seriously though!! That guy is close enough to you that you call him by his first name, and his dad wants you to work under him, but he nearly hit you twice!!" Shindo seethes. "I ought to knock some sense into that thick head of his!!!"

"It's fine, really!! I'm sure he assumed I could guard against the ice, and the fire wasn't entirely his fault...!"

"Tch, why are you defending him? Forget about your hands being burned, your entire body was almost barbecued."

You nod, and lean your head against Shindo as you continue to walk. "I really appreciate all of your help..."

"Don't worry about it. That's what we're supposed to do." Shindo says. He looks down and gives you a smirk. "Besides, when it comes to a girl like you, it's only natural I'd want to protect and impress you."

Your face flushes, and you don't know how to respond. "T-Thank you..."

Shindo chuckles at your red face. "You're too damn cute when you blush."

Blushing even more, you continue holding on to him as you walk. You both reach the medical area, and he brings you to sit down. "Aren't you going to get checked out?" You ask as he hands you your helmet.

"Nah, I'm feeling better already. That smile and adorable blushing of yours cured me." Shindo winks at you. Steam puffs from your cheeks, and he laughs. "God, that's the cutest." He pats your cheek with his hand and gives you a grin. "Looks like a nurse is coming over. I gotta go find my classmates now; I'll leave you in their hands. See you later, Y/n." Shindo gives you another wink and waves as he walks away.

The nurse chuckles as he sees your reaction to Shindo. "How's it going?"

Once your injuries have been treated, you spot Todoroki not too far away. The two of you head back towards the changing areas together.

"Y/n... I'm sorry about my attacks that almost hit you. I was acting foolishly."

"You really were, Shoto. You're lucky Midoriya pulled Shindo and I out of there, or we would have been toast." You see the regret on his face and feel a bit bad, so you pat his back. "It's not like it was on purpose. Gale Force also played a part, but seriously? Fighting during an exam?"

Todoroki sighs and apologizes again. "I let my anger get ahead of me. I just hope I was able to rectify things at the end there..."

You nod, knowing what Todoroki's talking about. "Let's hope so." You reach your class' designated changing rooms and part ways. "I'll see you out there."

None of the girls are in the changing room when you enter, and you quickly rinse off in the shower then get changed into your school uniform. A few bruises are already forming on your body, and you wince as you graze them. As you toss your costume into your case, you remember your arm cover. While your short sleeve covers most of your handprint scar, it still pokes out a little at the bottom, and you don't want to draw any attention to it. Slipping it on, you shut your case and hurry to meet your classmates.

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