Chapter 99: Cramped Closet Conversations

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"Heh, I'm not done with our conversation yet." Bakugou's face twists into that cocky grin of his once more, and you feel a chill run down your spine.

"I already told you, I was red because I was upset!" You lie to him. No other reason... Especially not how good he looks shirtless and in sweat pants...!

"Not even Pikachu is stupid enough to fall for that excuse." He takes your arm and begins pulling you down the hall.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Relax, just away from the door so those idiots don't interrupt."

Interrupt?! Interrupt what????!

"What are you talking about???!"

He doesn't answer, and you jog to keep up with him. He takes you down another hall and asks where your room is.

"Huh???!! Why do you want to go to my room?!"

"No one will interrupt us there."

"Interrupt what, though?!"

"What's the big deal, huh?"

"Just stop, and tell me what you're planning!" You dig your heels in to force him to stop, and he lets go of your arm.

"What I'm planning? Ha, I'm just planning on proving you're a liar, is all."

"I'm not lying! My face isn't even red!" You cross your arms. "And even if I was, how would you plan on doing that anyways?"

Bakugou grins and leans in towards you. "Like this."

He steps closer to you until you're backed up against the wall again, with him staring into your eyes. You try to turn your face away, but he uses his hand to point it back towards him.

Desperate to keep your cool, you try your best to regulate your temperature and avoid eye contact with him.

"What, you afraid to look at my face?" His smirk hasn't left his face for even a second.

"No, you're just way too close! My eyes can't focus on that huge head of yours!" You huff and try to pull your head away again.

He laughs. "You really are embarrassed, huh? You aren't usually the type to throw insults around."

"Maybe you're rubbing off on me."

"That so?" He leans in closer, his face inches from yours. "I'll have to teach you some better insults, then."

Overwhelmed by how close he is, you turn your head to your left. "You're too close..."

"What are you going to do about it?" He whispers it right in your ear, and any chance of a rebuttal goes on vacation from your mind. He gently pushes your hair from your face and tucks it behind your ear. His hand lingers on the side of your cheek, and you can't do anything to stop your face from going bright red. All you can think of is how close Bakugou is to you, and conflicting emotions of wanting to close the gap or run away swarm your mind. Steam ever so slightly begins swirling off of your face.

What am I thinking????? I don't want to get even closer to him...!! He's already so close... But he smells really good... Without thinking, you lean in a little towards the crook of his neck and take a deep breath. Your nose brushes against his skin as you do. Smells like a wood stove...

"W-what the hell are you doing?!" Bakugou covers his neck with his hand and jumps away from you.

"Huh?" You process what you did, and your face heats up even more, the steam more noticeable now. "What did I do?! What did you do?! What was that all about, Bakugou?!"

"You just sniffed me! You weirdo!"

"Shut up!! Someone's going to hear you!" You jump at him and clamp your hand down over his mouth.

You can hear the voices of your male classmates coming down the hall. In a moment of panic and fear of explaining what's going on to them, you shove Bakugou into a storage closet beside you. You quickly shut the door behind you as they round the corner. Keeping a hand over the blond's mouth, you try to listen for them to pass.

"Ouch!" You whisper. "Did you seriously just freaking bite me?! What the hell is wrong with you??"

Bakugou grunts. "You're the one who shoved me in a closet! I can't fucking move!"

You shush him again and realize how close you are. Bakugou is as far into the closet as he can go, but it still leaves you pressed up against him and the door.

He glares down at you, and his forehead is practically against yours. "What the hell are you-"

You clamp your hand back over his mouth as you hear the boys near the door.

"Any idea where Bakugou went? I can't find him." Kirishima says.

"The girls said they saw him with Y/n a few minutes ago." Iida tells him.

"No way! With Y/n?! And now they're both missing??" Kaminari says. "What the hell is that guy doing with her?!"

"The last thing she needs is to be alone with that loud mouth after a day like today. I hope he doesn't upset her even more." Sero sighs.

"Kacchan may be rude to everyone, but he's a lot nicer to Y/n." Midoriya says. "I'm sure if they're together he's trying to distract her in his own way."

"Distract her?! What do you mean by that Midoriya?!" Kaminari sounds like he's stopped to shake Midoriya.

You try not to giggle at the panic in his voice, and Bakugou rolls his eyes at you. He looks annoyed by what the boys are saying.

"You don't think they're..." Kirishima trails off.

"No way! Bakugou is so not Y/n's type." Sero laughs.

"Oh yeah, like you are?" Kaminari sneers at him, and you see rage burning in Bakugou's eyes.

"I dunno, she seems to be pretty close with him sometimes." Sato says.

"That's just because she gets along with everyone. It doesn't mean she's into him." Sero doubles down.

"Midoriya, you know Bakugou the best! Do you think he'd try anything with Y/n?!" Kaminari asks.

You start to get embarrassed by their conversation and wish you had earplugs. Especially considering your entire body is pressed up against Bakugou.

"I'm going to kill those bastards."

"Shh!! They'll hear you!" You whisper and attempt to cover his mouth again but he grabs your wrist.

"They're acting like I'd do something obscene to you."

You freeze as your brain processes what Bakugou said, and your face begins to heat up. Imagining Bakugou even kissing you sets your quirk into automatic mode, and steam begins pouring out of your face.

"Ow, what the fuck is wrong with your face?!" He whisper-shouts at you.

From the other side of the door, you hear the boys stop talking.

"Did you guys hear something?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah I did, where did it come from?"

"It sounded kind of like Bakugou."

"No way! Is he in one of these rooms?!"

"I don't think we should go opening-"


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