Chapter 20: Interesting Information in the Infirmary

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Most of the time, the halls of UA were so crowded and loud, your footsteps might as well have been silent. However, today they seemed to be the only noise you could hear. The empty halls were silent, and even the birds outside were quiet. After the villain attack earlier, it's no wonder everyone left in such a hurry. The building seemed like a different place after hours. The golden light filtering through the windows found its way into your eyes, and you held a hand up to block it.

After wandering the halls for a few minutes, you finally found the infirmary. The door was slightly ajar, and you could hear voices drifting out from inside. As you walked closer, the voices became more clear.

". . . surprised to see you're okay with him seeing you like this." Hm?

"Ah, young Midoriya knows quite a bit more than just this." That voice sounded like All Might's, but it sounded a little off.

"Why's that? Wait, you didn't..."

"He's my successor. I'm getting too weak. That's the reason I came to UA in the first place. I just happened to find Midoriya a lot quicker than I thought I would have."

Wait, successor? Midoriya is All Might's successor? What does that even mean? I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I need to give All Might the video-

"I still can't control his quirk... I wasn't born with one, and my body isn't used to it yet. Every time I try to use it I end up breaking my bones..." You hear Midoriya say.

What?! All Might gave his quirk to Midoriya?! How does that even happen?! That doesn't seem possible! In your surprise, you drop the USB stick. Panicking, you bend down, and catch it before it can make a sound. Unfortunately, you were standing so close to the door that you hit your head off of it, and knock it open with a bang.

"Ouch..." You mumble.

"Y/n!" Midoriya says in shock.

"Young Y/n?! Crap, how long have you been standing there?"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop! The detective asked me to deliver this to you to give to him, but oh he's right here... But I came to find you, and I figured you were still in the infirmary and when I got here the door wasn't fully closed and I seriously didn't mean to overhear your conversation! I promise I won't tell anyone!" You could feel your face go bright red, and you stare down at the floor in shame.

"Well this certainly isn't good..." All Might sighs.

"I appreciate you bringing the USB to us, Y/n, but this is a bit of a mess..." Detective Tsukauchi beckons you to come in and you shut the door once inside. "You understand you can tell absolutely no one what you learned today, right?"

"Yes sir! I promise I won't tell a soul!" He nods at your response.

"Well, she's not lying, so that's a good sign." He says to All Might.

"What do you mean?" You ask him.

"My quirk makes me pretty much a walking lie detector."

"Young Y/n, you must keep what you overheard today a secret. Only a small number of trusted people know the true nature of my quirk, and if it got out that it could be transferred, villains everywhere would target Midoriya. You can't tell family, friends, or even write it down in a journal."

"I understand. I'm really sorry that I overheard..."

"It's my fault... I should have been more cautious before blabbering about having his quirk..." Midoriya says.

"We should all have been more careful." All Might shakes his head. "Y/n, you must continue acting as though this conversation never happened."

You nod your head. "Can I ask one thing though?"

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