Chapter 77: Time for Summer Vacation!

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"So given everything that happened, we're on the lookout for these villains." Aizawa continues. Everyone is back in class, and he is going over the events surrounding your trip to the mall. "Because of this, we've had to cancel our usual accommodations at the last minute. We won't be revealing our actual destination until we get there, and only specific staff members will be aware of our location."

"But I already told my parents." Sero says.

"That's precisely the point... The school can't control who learns what or how." Yaoyorozu says.

"Not to mention, it puts those close to us at risk if they know and someone tries to get it out of them..." You say.

"Dark, Y/n!" Kaminari says.

"My aunt is going to be pissed when I can't tell her where I'm going... After what happened yesterday I'm surprised she didn't make me go home so she could keep me within arm's reach!" You sigh. "I don't want to be the one breaking the news to her that she's going to have zero idea where I am for a week..."

"All of you need to be taking this development very seriously. Any one of you could have been in Midoriya's position."

"So long as we aren't cancelling the trip altogether, who cares?" Mina says. "Surprises are way more fun anyways!"

"Deku... Broken bones or not, you should have killed him."

"Bakugou!" You say. "Didn't you pay attention? Midoriya was in a hostage situation!"

"Not to mention one tap from his finger and Midoriya would have been done for! Besides, it's totally illegal for us to be using our quirks in public!" Hagekure says.

"Do I care? Just break those freaking bones."


Aizawa looks like he's regretting ever agreeing to become a teacher with every word out of Bakugou's mouth.

Just like that, your first semester at UA comes to the end. Hanging out with Shinsou is becoming more and more difficult, as he often says he is busy doing 'stuff.' Whatever that means. It's not like you two never see each other now, but it's definitely harder with your busy schedule and his secret activities. No matter how hard you try to pry, he refuses to tell you.

You had decided to tease him the one day when you were trying to get an answer out of him by asking if he had a secret girlfriend, and he looked so offended you almost apologized. Midoriya had mentioned spotting him walking down the hall with Aizawa, but when you asked Shinsou about it, he simply said his teacher needed the hero for something.

You asked Aizawa about it, and he told you to mind your own business. He said that you had more important worries, like how you almost failed your practical for your team's lack of cooperation, and how in reality what you did would have been a total biohazard. Ouch.

On the last day of classes, after all of your finals are over, you're chatting with the girls at the back of the class.

"I can't believe we aren't supposed to be going on any long trips over summer vacation!" You sigh. "I want to go somewhere fun with a nice beach!"

Uraraka agrees with you. "We really can't?"

"Yeah, apparently that's what the school said." Jirou tells her.

"How unfortunate, I was supposed to spend several weeks touring Venice with my parents." Yaoyorozu says.

Uraraka seems shocked by the reminder of the difference in tax brackets her family has. "What is your life???"

"Awww!! But I just bought like a bajillion new swimsuits!" Mina groans.

"Tell me about it...!" You agree. "I can't wear my cute bikinis to the gym pool, they're totally not good for training. I want to go to a beach!"

"Well, that's what happens when your class is attacked by the League of Villains I guess." Jirou says.

"I wanna do something!! I don't want to spend the whole summer bored! There's gotta be something!" Mina begins waving her arms in frustration.

"I have an idea! Why don't we hang out at the school pool over the summer?" Hagekure suggests.

"That's a good idea!" Tsuyu says. "I bet we can talk the teachers into letting us use it if we ask nicely!"

"It's still not the beach... But the pool here is a lot better than the one at the gym I go to..." You say. "There's a beach near my place but it's tiny and so crowded now that it's hot out. It'd be nice to have a spot that's just us."

"Plus it'll be free so we'll save money!" Uraraka chimes in.

Mina seems satisfied with the suggestion. "That would be wayyy better than staying cooped up in my room!"

"Leave it to me! I'll start working on a formal proposal right away!" Yaoyorozu says.

"I don't know if we need all that." You say. "I'm sure if we talk to Aizawa he'll be fine with it."

You continue talking to the girls and decide on a day to go. After settling on a day, you join Yaoyorozu in talking to Aizawa after class ends.

Like you expected, he doesn't care. He has you fill out a quick form to book part of the pool for the day, and that's it.

"Thank you, sir!" You say.

"Whatever, Vlad and I will be discussing training camp anyways that day. We'll be in the faculty office, so if anything happens we'll be there. I don't expect to be bothered though, understand?"

"Of course, sir!" Yaoyorozu and you both say.

Excited, the two of you wave goodbye to your teacher and leave the school.

"We should bring some drinks!" You say.

"Oh yes! Let me take care of that! We'll have to ask everyone what they enjoy!"

"I'll text the group chat." You smile.

"This will be so exciting! It will be nice to be carefree with everyone!"

You laugh at Yaoyorozu's enthusiasm. "You're so cute, Yaomomo!"

She blushes and laughs. "You think so? I don't get to do things like this very often."

"It's sweet seeing how excited you are to hang out with us! It makes me happy seeing how genuine you are about it." You tell her.

The two of you continue to chat and laugh as you walk, until it's time to go your separate ways.

"I'll see you at the pool, Y/n! Arrive home safely!"

You wish her the same, and wave goodbye before heading your own way.

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