Chapter 56: (Paw) Patrol

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"The uniform looks good on you!" Sierra says as you zip up your modified coat. The two of you had already made your way to one of the combat training rooms, and she was having you try the uniform on.

You thank her and stretch to see how the uniform fits. "It's a lot lighter than last night."

"Engitech told me he was able to take out a bit of the layering so long as you keep that other fire resistant suit on underneath. Besides, you're not going to be going into any crazy fires as an untrained student. So, you feel like you can move around better already?"

You nod and she smiles.

"Good, because we're going to be sparring in it." She throws her uniform on, and picks up a few wrist and ankle weights.

"What are those for?" You ask.

"Well I want to give you a chance at hitting me!" Sierra laughs. "My quirk isn't one you can really turn off, like All Might, I have a strength quirk. Obviously not as strong or flashy as his, but it helps me pack quite a punch."

"I have a few friends like that at school, one breaks his bones when he uses it, though. The other needs to eat a lot of sugar, but there are two that have hardening quirks."

"Yeah that Midoriya kid is something else! I'd like to figure out why he can't control it, he reminded me of a kid who still hasn't learned how to handle their quirk yet. Those two with the hardening... You're talking about the two that knocked each other out, right?"

"Yeah, it's funny how similar they can be. They both actually ended up at the same agency without planning." You laugh.

"I'd love to spar them after they've trained more! I wonder how many hits it'd take to break through... Enough talking though! Let's get this started!"

The two of you begin to circle each other, and you throw a punch at Sierra. Within the blink of an eye, her fist connects with your stomach, knocking you to your knees.

"Owwww!" You groan as you struggle to keep the vomit from coming up.

"Oops, looks like I didn't hold back enough... Sorry about that!" She holds out her hand, and you wearily take it to help you stand up.

Still holding your stomach with one hand, you take a shaky breath in.

"Let's try that again, this time I'll be solely defensive! Try to hit me; I won't move more than three steps from where I'm standing."

"I may need a second..." You groan.

"You think villains will give you a breather?"

You shake your head and sigh. Giving your stomach a quick rub, you get ready to attack.

Barely even moving a single step, Sierra manages to avoid every hit you throw at her. After what seems like an eternity, she stops you.

"Alright, trainee, that's enough."

You feel your shoulders slump and you stand still. "How are you so good at this?"

"I grew up fighting, my brothers and I used to fight with the neighbourhood kids until we got caught. Not like they didn't consent to it, we were all just messing around. Once I was old enough I started going to a gym and was able to get the fighting out there."

"How am I going to get better if I can't even graze you?" You sigh.

"Well, now I've gotten a pretty good sense of your fighting style, so we'll start there. You're definitely clumsy in the uniform, so we're keeping it on. Whenever we're training together this week you'll keep it on. That way, when you're not in it, it'll feel even easier."

You pick up your water bottle from the bench and chug it as she continues.

"First, you're trying to punch me too much. You need to try to punch through me, that way you aren't losing any strength and power. Second, be more confident in what you're doing. I saw how you fought at the festival with your quirk; it was like an extension of yourself. Remember, your quirk isn't the only valuable part of you. You can deal plenty of damage with a good blow, too. There are times when it'll be useless, so you need to be confident in your body as well."

Sierra continues to explain what to do differently as well as how to properly hold yourself in a fight.

After a while of training the two of you spar once more. By the end, you're able to graze her arm.

"Great job, trainee! You're a quick learner! I'm sure by the end of the week you'll be getting me in the face!" She laughs.

"I don't know about that..."

"Oh please, what did I say? Be confident! You can't get tough if you're constantly doubting yourself! Now, go have a shower and change! You stink!"

You laugh and thank Sierra before heading up to your room. After a quick shower and changing, you head to the cafeteria for lunch.

As you're putting your dishes away, a message from Firetamer flashes across your watch. You read her message telling you to put on your costume and meet her in the foyer within the next ten minutes, and rush back to your room to get changed.

Right as the ten minutes are up, you reach the foyer. Firetamer was waiting for you, out of her typical firefighting uniform and in her lighter hero costume. It was the same design, but not as bulky or constricting.

"Close one! You have everything?" Firetamer asks as you walk up to her.

"Yes, I have the fire protective suit attached, I just didn't activate it, and I have my emblem in my pouch."

"Good! Then let's head out." Firetamer leads you to her motorcycle in the bay, and the two of you get on. Driving down the streets, a few people wave to the two of you as you pass.

"So what happens if there's a fire emergency while we're out on patrol?" You ask.

"Sierra is handling most of the daytime ones while you're here. She's my second in command so-to-speak. I trust her with my life. You and I will be focusing more on the hero aspects this week: stopping crime, helping the public, and making sure everything is peaceful. A lot of the time, just keeping up public appearances and patrolling helps keep criminals at bay. Not to mention putting civilians at ease."

The two of you take another turn before hearing a cry for help. Ahead of you, a man has been knocked to the ground by another who is fleeing.

Firetamer revs her engine and hits her siren. "Speak of the devil... Your first official catch!"

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! I appreciate every one of your reads, votes, and comments! I try to read as many comments as I can, and although I don't reply to many you guys do make me laugh quite a bit with some of them :)

I wish you all the best in the upcoming year!

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