Chapter 106: A Familiar Enemy

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"By the way, Y/n... What'd you do with your water bottle? Weren't you saying you needed to catch up on water during dinner? I thought you were pretty much out of it after today's training."

"Crap!" Realizing Midoriya is right, you look around. "You're right, I wasn't keeping up with drinking enough today. I must have forgotten my water bottle back at the building."

"We still have some time before we need to go if you want to go grab it." Midoriya says. "We're the last team after all."

"You're right. I'll try to be quick." You smile. "Auntie, I forgot my water bottle, so I'm going to run back and get it!" You tell your aunt.

She nods. "Alright, just be quick. You don't want to miss your turn and make Midoriya go in alone."

"I'll be quick, don't worry!" You wave to your aunt and Midoriya and start jogging back down the path towards the building. I wonder if Kota's still up on the hill...

As you wander down the path you check the time on your phone. I'm about half way there now... It's only been about ten minutes since Shoji and Tokoyami went, so I should have at least another ten before Midoriya and I have our turn... I'm guessing Uraraka and Tsuyu are heading in next...

The wind blows across your face, carrying a scent that causes you to freeze in your tracks. The smell had become even more familiar to you during your time at Firetamer's agency. Fire...! Turning towards your right where the wind is blowing from, you see thick plumes of black smoke rising from the trees behind the hill.

"Shit!" Forgetting your water, you run off of the path into the trees. I have to check if Kota's still up there! Once I know he's safe, I'll head over to put out the fires!

You race through the forest, hoping Kota really is up on top of the hill and not somewhere else in the forest. C'mon, hurry up!

A branch snags your sleeve, and it cuts your arm, but you keep moving and fumble to open your phone as you run. Of course when you're in a rush it's being slow to load your messaging app.

"Kota? Kota!" You shout as you reach the base of the hill. Crap, he probably can't hear me... I'm still too far away...

The smell of smoke and fire is stronger here, but thankfully the fires haven't reached the hill yet. Above you, you hear a scream.


Your phone drops from your hand as you shout his name. Using your ice, you lift yourself up high into the air, not caring how much you use, just wanting to reach your little brother as soon as possible after hearing his yell. When you break above the top of the hill your blood runs cold.

A large man wearing a black cloak is leaping towards Kota, his aggrandized arm swinging directly at him.

"Stay the hell away from my little brother!!!!!" You scream and blast yourself at the two, grabbing Kota in your arms and tumbling across the ground while clutching him tight against you. The man's fist connects with the ground where your little brother had just stood, leaving a giant crater in its place. If you had arrived even a split second later... You don't want to think about it.

"Y/n!!" Kota looks up at you as you pull him to his feet with you. Tears are streaming down his face, enraging you further. "Y/n, it's him! He's the one...!"

You follow Kota's terrified gaze and look up at the villain. As you see his face, you feel yourself getting thrown back in time to two years prior. Back when you had simply gone to buy eggs for dinner and instead walked in on your parents being snapped to bloody pieces like twigs underfoot. The large man in front of you looks the same as he did then, except that his bloody left eye is now replaced by a giant scar and glass eye.

Frost begins to creep across your skin, and you pull Kota behind you. "You...!"

"Oh hey now... That brat sure wasn't on the list, but you are, kid." The man steps forward, the ground shaking under his feet.

Ice begins to spread to the ground under your feet, and Kota grips on to your arm hard enough to leave marks. "Y/n... He... He's the one who killed them...!"

"Hm...?" The man looks at you closer and notices the ice covering the ground. "Now that's interesting...! This must be fate! It's been a while, kid! I see you haven't changed one bit." He sneers. "Didn't know you had a little brother!"

"You're not getting close to him!! Just what the hell are you doing here, you murderer?!"

"Everyone!! We're under attack by two villains, and there might be more out there! Everyone who can should get back to camp at once!! If you encounter an enemy, don't engage! Just retreat!" Your aunt's voice echoes in your head, and based on Kota's reaction, he hears her message, too.

"Crap, there are more of you freaks?" You clench your teeth.

"Oh? You're a quick thinker, aren't you? Now that I think about it though... They did mention one of the heroes having a telepathy quirk. The others must have engaged them already. As for what I'm doing here..." He begins to cackle. "I'm here to have some fun and squash some kids!!"

"I won't let you!!"

"Y/n!! Kota!! I don't know where you two are, but please be safe!! I need you to both head to the camp! Y/n, don't do anything rash like you did in Hosu! Kota, please be safe! I'm sorry I don't know where you're always running to!"

"Auntie doesn't have to worry... I've got you Kota, and I'm not letting anything happen to you. No one's laying a hand on you." You do your best to give Kota a smile, but he sees through it. "I'm going to have to ignore her order to not engage though..."

"You're just as scared as me!"

"It doesn't matter. You're my number one priority. I won't let him kill anyone else. We're both walking away from this, got it?"

Kota nods, and the villain laughs. "How endearing! You really are their daughter, huh? Your parents were just as confident, and look at where that got them! They couldn't even handle a few punches from me before they splattered!"

"Don't you dare talk about our parents like that!! They were great heroes, and you murdered them!!!"

"Doesn't sound very great to me. Aren't heroes supposed to win in the end?" He sneers. "Besides, it doesn't matter now. They're long dead and aren't ever coming back."

Kota lets out a sob behind you, and you look down at him where he's holding your arm. You spot the shield band Engitech had given you, and remember what he said about it being DNA activated. He said it's still a prototype, and we share 50% DNA...

"Kota. Take this band and put it on your wrist." You take it off, and shove it in his hand.

"Huh? But why?"

"Just do it. Swing your wrist out."

Kota does as you say, and the shield activates the same as it does for you. "Perfect. No matter what, don't take that off."

"What's this? You think a tiny little shield like that will stop me?" Muscular laughs.

"That's not the shield you have to worry about..." Ice begins to shoot from you, and you blast him with a wall of ice. "I am!!!!"


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