Chapter 114: Identity Crisis

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"Y/n, are you sure?"

"I have to be. It just doesn't make any sense. I didn't want to believe it, but that explains why everything felt so wrong when I woke up..."

"Right... You kept repeating that something wasn't right." Aizawa recalls. "But you just swore you didn't have anything to do with the villains."

"My band was still on when you found me, though. There was another on the ground. You said you found it in the trees, right, sir?"

"It was in the bushes where the fire had gone out."

"Exactly... My guess is that after Dabi knocked me out, they must have cloned me to keep you from knowing. They probably realized that it was a weapon after they cloned me, and broke it. They must have dropped it in the fire, expecting it to burn."

"So you think they took the real you and left a clone in your place? Why not do the same for Bakugou?" Detective Tsukauchi asks.

"Bakugou's not as easy to take down as I am..." You sigh. "I don't know how they grabbed him, but I can't imagine it was quick. Me on the other hand, they got alone and while I was already pretty much useless. Can I say that? Me?"

"They got Bakugou with a compression quirk. One of the villains used it to capture him and Tokoyami. Thankfully, one of your classmates was able to snag him away, so they only got Bakugou."

"We're guessing he's the one who took down Ragdoll." Your aunt sighs. "He probably got her before the others attacked and before I sent my warning..."

"Dabi said he wasn't planning on killing me, and that he wanted me for something else... Maybe he took me somewhere else, other than wherever it is that the League of Villains is... Wait, why did they try taking Tokoyami? The villain Midoriya and I beat only mentioned Bakugou."

"Dark Shadow went on a rampage. According to the students who were there, the villain who took Bakugou tried making off with Tokoyami as an extra because of it."

"Jeez... I sure missed a lot, huh...?" You stare down at your feet. "What do we do now? Will we even be able to tell if I'm the clone? I mean, the other clones disappeared, but I don't know how it worked... I don't want to disappear, too..."

"We'll figure this out, Y/n." Your aunt reassures you.

"In the meantime, we have to talk to a rep from the Hero Commission about what we've discovered." Detective Tsukauchi says. "Once we get an answer, we'll bring you to the hospital for testing."

The three say goodbye to you, and leave you alone in your cell. Exhausted from everything that had happened, you drift asleep on your cot.

Several hours later, you awake to hear metal clinking. Detective Tsukauchi is unlocking the cell door, and Aizawa is standing next to him.

"Time to get up."

"Did you guys decide? What's going to happen to me?" You ask.

"We're taking you to the hospital to get checked out and run some tests. For now, only us, Vlad, and your aunt know about what happened. As far as the other students and heroes know, you got severely injured when Dabi attempted to take you, and then were under close supervision due to worries over the League attempting to try to kidnap you again."


"One more thing, there's likely going to be media coverage when we get to the hospital, so wear this." Aizawa drops a bag on the cot next to you, and Tsukauchi unlocks your cuffs.

"What is it?"

"Well, if you are a clone, we don't know if your hair was burned off before or after they did it. They might have done it to differentiate between the two of you. If that's the case, and the real you still has longer hair, we shouldn't let anyone see."

"Right... Because if I am the clone and the real me still has my normal hair... I'd... She'd have to cut it to match afterwards before anyone saw it, so no one finds out I was really a clone the entire time... But she wouldn't know that..."

"Exactly. Given that we don't know where the real you is, if you are a clone that is, we can't control how you might act or what you may do. You may unknowingly reveal yourself."

"Well... If I were me, and I were kidnapped by that creep, Dabi... I'd probably do my best to come up with an escape plan. But I... She...? She probably wouldn't have much water to use, and I'm sure he's not dumb enough to leave me–her–close to any water I–sorry, she, could use."

"This is going to take some getting used to." Aizawa sighs. "Everyone in the class is upset about what happened, and they're all worried about you, too. Just try to act normal, and don't reveal anything to them. I'm going to try to keep them away from you at the hospital, but knowing how stubborn they are, they'll find a way..." He sighs.

You nod and look down at the bandage mittens covering your hands. The pain feels real enough...

After leaving the cell, Aizawa leads you to a private room to wash up and change in, while Detective Tsukauchi talks to the Hero Commission rep. Across the room from them, you spot what appears to be a flash of red, but Aizawa pushes you further down the hall before you can get a good look.

Once you've changed and cleaned up, you meet Aizawa back outside of the room. The Hero Commission representative is gone, and there are no signs of any red. Maybe I imagined it...?

"Time to tuck your hair back and put your hood on." Aizawa tells you.

You listen and put on the cap, tucking your hair back behind your ears as you pull the hood over it. "Should I be wearing a mask, too?"

"It doesn't matter. They'll know it's you. Just don't let them see your hair unless you want to make more problems for yourself down the road."

"Got it." You nod and sigh.

"Here, there's a water bottle for you on the table. I'm sure you're thirsty. Grab it and let's go, we'll get you something to eat once the doctors check out your stomach."

You walk over to the table to get the bottle, but as you pick it up, you stumble and hit your broken arm off of it. Yelping in pain, you drop to the ground.

"Y/n! Are you alright?" Aizawa rushes over to you, and helps you stand up.

"Yeah... I'm fine. That just really hurt for some reason..."

"Well... It is broken... Come on, let's go."

Aizawa leads you out of the building to the car waiting in front of it. Detective Tsukauchi is in the driver's seat, and he takes the three of you to the hospital.

Upon pulling up to the hospital, a crowd of news reporters swarm the car.

"Oh man... That's a lot..."

"Someone posted about you leaving the station, so there's more than expected." Aizawa sighs. "Remember what I just told you."

"Yes, sir. I'm me. There is no clone, and I was never kidnapped. They tried to take me, but I managed to fight them off and passed out once they left."

"Exactly. Keep your hood up. Let's go."

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